Monday, October 31, 2011

Express Platinum is a Giant Scam

I have a friend who thought he was going to have an aneurysm because of a scam involving Express Platinum Card.  He received an unsolicited call from this group offering him a credit card from their company. (I have told him to get himself on the no call list, but he doesn't listen.)
He told the guy to send him the information in the mail, he doesn't do this kind of business on the phone.  Fast forward eight days and he sees that he has ninety nine dollars missing from his account.  A little research and voila! he finds that Express Platinum has high jacked his money!  The bank that he uses tells him that it will take ten days to research and return the money if it was fraudulent.  The next time I spoke to him, he was in high dudgeon over the idea of losing access to his money for one third of the month.
So we went online and finally found this place.   You will find two phone numbers, if you keep digging.  I used the 877.536.0076 number. You will get a  system that tries to direct you to an answering machine. If you skip over all of the "customer service" crappola and press one to sign up, you will get a real live person.  After several attempts, I got the "manager" who is also the voice for all of the message prompts. Coincidence? You decide.
Finally, after asking to speak to a manager, I had a conversation with this guy who claims he is in charge.  He needs to "review" the taped conversation to determine if my friend did in fact sign up for the card.  When I told him that I also was taping the conversation, he hung up on me.  When I called back, he told me I was being rude and he would "help" if I would let him speak uninterrupted. Hooey. He hung up again.  After six more calls to the toll free numbers that are provided, I was able to speak to this same manager again.  He sounds like a guy who is working out of his Mom's basement, and their is no physical address for this place.
Can you say scam?  Call your bank if you get caught up in this mess, have them begin the process of recovering your money.  Then call your local prosecutors, and the better business bureau. You can get your money back if your are unfortunate enough to have any dealings with this scurrilous company. It just takes a little work and patience.  Better yet, avoid them like the plague, you'll thank me later.

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