Monday, October 10, 2011

Paid to Occupy Wall Street

I had a political disagreement with  my Mother this morning. For those of you that know me, this is no shock.  My Mother is a wonderful woman who had the strength to raise us almost unassisted, yet politically, we are oil and water.
I was telling her about the information that I found showing that is funding the demonstration on WallStreet.  You know the one, the purely organic, born of frustration, regular folks who have had enough. I've got one word for that: Astroturf.
It turns out that the people, the purely organic, born of frustration folks who have just had enough, got quite a bit of dough from the first stimulus fund.  That is no shock given that John Podesta, the brain trust who used to work for the slick willie white house organized the group from the beginning.
I would like for Darryl Issa to take a look at this for me.
He seems to be the only Congressman who has the time to check up on this White House and their shenanigans. I know that he has quite a bit going on, what with Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama attempt to create a controversy and end run our Constitutional Right to bear arms.  Someone said something about never letting a crisis go to waste.  Who was that again?
But before I get off track, remind yourself that the purely organic, born of frustration folks who just happen to be bankrolled by the federal government are not an attempt to create a liberal Tea Party.  The Tea Party movement is actually a grass roots movement. They are people like me who have had enough of a federal government that forgot it works for us. That got so busy trying to secure the next paycheck that it forgot about the peoples' business.
If I had known their was money to be had by hanging out with my buds, not bathing and making inane sound bytes for the cameras, I might have looked into the Astroturf movement holding Wall Street hostage right now.Probably not, though. I don't have that much hypocrisy in me.
Besides, I don't use all the cool gadgets that these astroturfers seem to have.  Do you see the irony in the protest against corporate greed by a group of slackers who use every modern technology they can get their hands on?  The irony is deafening.
Ask your elected officials to look into the stimulus money that Podesta got for Ask them to explain why your tax dollars are funding these astroturfers.  Then ask them what they plan to do about it.  You'll thank me later.

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