Thursday, June 9, 2011

7 Whole Permits Issued

I am listening with unbridled joy as the folks with Gulf-Mobil are announcing the largest oil discovery in a very long time.  I hope that B.O. puts his socialistic tendencies aside and is forced to do the right thing for our country for once.  Ask me how many permits B.O. has issued. If you read the title of this blog, you got it right.
Think about that for a second.  A process that once took 30 days-that is getting a permit issued to drill our own oil-now takes over 160 days. B.O. is  helping other countries drill our oil more than he is helping us!  He needs to go, not in 6 years, but in less than two.
Now if you enjoy the idea of six dollar gas, yawn, roll your eyes and keep scanning the internet.  However, if the idea of paying from your orifices makes you cringe, remember this when you start considering where you are going to spend your vote in November 2012.
Think about that number--7-- and remember anyone but B.O.  You'll thank me later

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