Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Ponzi Scheme They Won't Prosecute

Are you familiar with a Ponzi scheme? After the recent reporting on the news channels, you would think that everyone is, but for those who are blissfully news free, I will explain. A PONZI scheme is the plan that has tons of people who buy into one idea or another with a financial investment. The problem is that there is no product or investment or anything. The only thing that you have is more people who are throwing their money into the scheme, hoping to get rich also. The problem arises when the investors start smelling the truth, and begin to pull back. That means that there are no new suckers to keep financing this thing and it dies a horrible death.
When I first learned the details if Social Security back in freshman civics, I thought (and asked) But what happens if people stop having 8 or 9 children and the population decreases? I was poo-pooed, and I never did get an answer. Fast forward a lot of years, and what is this that I see? Why- it looks like the average family has less than 2 children, and the state of Social Security is dismal. Of course, it doesn't help that the useless fop, Jimmy Carter, tapped into Social Security every time his butt itched,and they never made any attempt to repay it. Here is a solution, take it for what you want: I say that we throw all of the Social Security in together. BO can whine about CEO's getting a golden parachute, but what is it that he and all of his cronies in Washington are getting? Do you think they have to worry about the state of their retirement fund? Riiiight. Do you think that they have to make hard choices between insurance and other necessities? Maybe if we were all in the same boat, they might give a rip. It could happen, and if it does, you can thank me later.

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