Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, David Alexandre!!!

Today my baby turns four years old, and I am trying to figure out where the time went. I swear he was born, just the other day. But Four he is, and he is such a big boy I can't begin to tell you. I broke my promise to myself and went in to you-know-where looking for a particular toy. When did they stop selling things that are made in America? I would be happy to find something that was made on this continent. No such luck. I ended up buying something from a local craftsman, maybe that isn't all bad either. But as I walked around the shelves, looking for something, anything that had been made in this Country, I did not have one single person stop and ask me if they could help me find something. Typical. I did notice that a lot of long time faces were no longer working there. I am certain that it had nothing at all to do with the memo that was floated a few years back describing all the money that Walmart could save by doing away with long time associates. No, that couldn't be it at all. I wish that there was a fair alternative to the big huge block stores. Maybe some of the smaller stores could band together and form some sort of alliance. I am pretty sure that if enough people were interested , the small stores could have a leg up on the strangle hold that the chain markets seem to have. Maybe then free and fair would apply to everyone. If it does come to pass, you can thank me later.

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