Saturday, March 21, 2009
Schedules are Written in Stone;Unless.....
I had a great conversation with someone today. She has worked for a particular Walmart for many years and she has Mondays off. Always has. Walmart takes great joy, for some reason in scheduling her for work on Mondays. Labor Day. Memorial Day, all of them. And every time she has to go in and pitch a fit. Where is the sense in that? If schedules are generated in Bentonville, what is the problem? Is it a Monday? Golly, that means, ***** can't work! Don't schedule her. That seems pretty complicated, doesn't it? Now, What do they intend to do with all of the goldbricks who want a banker's schedule? Will they fix that, so that you can get some customer service on the weekends? Riiiiiiight. Just as soon as monkey's fly from my butt, they will. Why would Walmart tell a part time employee that she wasn't eligible for benefits that she clearly is? I think they call that misrepresentation, but I could be wrong. I recently had a Police Officer tell me that the statute of limitations on odometer tampering defined that crime as not a felony, so he wouldn't be looking in to the information that I gave him. Another blow to Justice in the great state of Indiana, wouldn't you say? So if you are a Law Enforcement Officer in Indiana, and you have any interest in odometers that were rolled in Auburn, Indiana as late as 2005, do please let me know. You'll thank me later.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy Birthday, David Alexandre!!!
Today my baby turns four years old, and I am trying to figure out where the time went. I swear he was born, just the other day. But Four he is, and he is such a big boy I can't begin to tell you. I broke my promise to myself and went in to you-know-where looking for a particular toy. When did they stop selling things that are made in America? I would be happy to find something that was made on this continent. No such luck. I ended up buying something from a local craftsman, maybe that isn't all bad either. But as I walked around the shelves, looking for something, anything that had been made in this Country, I did not have one single person stop and ask me if they could help me find something. Typical. I did notice that a lot of long time faces were no longer working there. I am certain that it had nothing at all to do with the memo that was floated a few years back describing all the money that Walmart could save by doing away with long time associates. No, that couldn't be it at all. I wish that there was a fair alternative to the big huge block stores. Maybe some of the smaller stores could band together and form some sort of alliance. I am pretty sure that if enough people were interested , the small stores could have a leg up on the strangle hold that the chain markets seem to have. Maybe then free and fair would apply to everyone. If it does come to pass, you can thank me later.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tell Me Again Why That Is Okay....
I keep watching all the government bailouts with more and more disgust. I want one. There, I said it. I want the government to come and bail me out of all of my debt, and I want to be able to make up the conditions for this "loan" also. How many times are we going to bailout Chrysler? Lee Iacocca made a fortune from taking credit for a loan. When does a company get too big to fail? Does it's proportion of Union members have anything to do with it being too "big"? It might certainly have something to do with why it is failing, but that is a conversation for another time. I have already spent a few hours dealing with the rants of semi literate pro union folks. But to get to the point of this blog, I think BO has an idea that if he shoves enough socialism down out throats fast enough, we won't even taste it. I guess we are suppose to just wake up one morning and thank him for making all those pesky decisions for us. You know, the ones about where to live, what to drive, how to vote......... I thought that he would be a bad President, I had no idea that he had his sights set on Supreme Dictator For Life. I can see why he was so anxious to set down with Castro and many other dictators. I think he is looking for tips. I haven't had to shop in a Walmart in over a week, and I am pretty excited about that. It is amazing what you can find when you branch out and support the local merchants in your area. I highly recommend it, try it for yourself. You just may get an amazing recipe for sourdough bread, like I did. Try it, you'll thank me later.
Friday, March 13, 2009
A Strange Email
I got the most bizarre link yesterday in my email. I won't pass it on, but I will describe it to you. There are people in the world who look normal, but believe me when I tell you, they aren't. The link hooked into a series of B.O.'s promises, and the ones that he has broken already. How many days in office, and he's shown the true nature of the guy that the useful idiots moved to Pennsylvania Avenue. I am sure that when the media stops their slow dance in the moonlight with him, they will begin to report the facts. Any day now. Yep, any day now. I can't wait to start reading the sarcastic, dripping with disdain pieces that Time Magazine and The New York Times published at every chance they got. I am also sure that in their hurry to try to create news, they will rush forward with a fabricated piece of yellow journalism that almost destroys a man's reputation. Oh wait, they did that one, didn't they? I wonder how Dan Rather is enjoying his "retirement", don't you? Thank God for the bloggers who have nothing to do but look at fonts and point out that the one in question didn't exist at the time. Do you remember the network response?? "Well," they huffed, with their bottom lip pooking out, "It's factually accurate, even if the memo turns out to be false." That's like saying, " I'm factually not an adulterer, I didn't have sex with her, she had sex with me." Oh wait, that's been done, too. I just wish that the media would be content to report the news, instead of creating it. Wouldn't that ne great? So anyway, my little rant is over. Ipromise to get back to you-know- who next time, and you can thank me later.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Come on Spring
Do you like winter? If you do, you can have mine. I listen to idiots and other relatives who harp about the joys of "the change of seasons" and they can keep them. I don't like cold weather and I never will. Of course, that means God and his infinite sense of humor has set me to live in one miserably cold State every year. I don't know why people live, honestly. I have built snow forts with my boys and I think that they are over rated. I have gone sledding and I don't get that either. Do people realize how cold and wet that mess is?? And please, don't get me started on the people who snow mobile. Now, I am cold, wet, and the wind chill is ratcheted up because I am going really really fast. How fun is that? When I start to get the seed catalogs, a little glimmer starts to build. I can almost concentrate and remember the warm weather. Almost. First, I have to get past all the sloppy weather, and the slush and nasty mess that comes with melting. Oh goody, mud. In the perfect world, I will never see cold weather again. I will live somewhere with my family that gets warm, gentle breezes all year and soft, caressing rains every once in a while. If I need a white Christmas (highly over rated, by the way) I'll watch the DVD. If I get my wish, I'll let you know. I pass on directions to my new place, and you can thank me later.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Change Stinks
What is it that changes people? I ask myself that all the time. I also ask what the heck is going on, because I seem to be in a perpetual fog. I have had so many changes in my life in the last 18 months that I cannot even begin to blog about them here. I am not the happy go lucky person I was 2 years ago, that is for sure. And the worst thing is, I don't see it getting any better. Did you know that the housing crisis is mostly confined to about five states? Yep, from what I have researched, California, Arizona, Florida, Illinois and one other state are the crux of the foreclosure crisis, but when I turn on my television, I think the Apocalypse must be on the way, to hear them tell me. I am not an optimistic person, never was. But when I listen to the 24 hour news blather, I just want to put my head under a pillow and drown out the noise. I wish that I had answers. If I did, trust me, I would happily send them on to you. My first suggestion is to turn off the news and go outside for awhile. Maybe read a good book and unplug the phone. If you have any toxic people around, try to get away from them, if you can. My faith in God is what sustains me, I hope that He works for you, too. I don't know what makes a person change, though. Maybe it is the true nature of the person coming out, and you were wrong about them all along. Maybe, they are going through a crisis and it has changed them for the worse. If I had the answers to that one, I would be one thankful person, trust me. But I'll just keep praying, and if you get the chance, you should give it a chance. You'll thank me later
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Why Do Men Cheat???
I will sign over all of my worldly possessions to the person who can make me understand why men cheat. Honestly. I do not understand this one at all, I don't think that I ever will. I don't think I even know a man who is faithful, not one. If the man isn't cheating in the biblical sense, then he is cheating in some other way, and they is just the slippery slope that gets it started. Isn't it? I know a "man" who rationalizes his infidelity. If his wife was not so crabby and mean, he told me, he would never go out with another woman. He would happily bring home all of his Love and affection and they would live happily and faithfully ever after. I asked him what she does. "She's a legal secretary." he told me, "and we have two children." " How old are your children?" I asked him. "5 and 3" he answered. I told him that he was the closest imitation to a Man that I had ever seen. When he didn't understand me, I made it clearer for him. "Your wife works every day, then comes home and takes care of two small children,and runs your house, but you have the nerve to complain that she is crabby??? He does nothing in their house to help, but feels that he should get a medal if he reheats dinner when she is running late. What a prize he is, no? An emotional affair is just the beginning, before you know it, someone is stepping into the express lane for hell. I have no sympathy for cheaters. I think that divorce should be almost impossible to get, unless someone is in danger. I write to my elected officials, but this seems to be a Kleenex society that we live in, and anyone can throw anything away when they are finished with it. Write to your elected officials if you don't like it either. If we change the world, you can thank me later.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Leap of Faith
I have recently taken a leap of faith and I am scared to death. Anyone else who has experienced that panicky feeling of free fall knows what I am talking about, don't they? Many of the things that I thought that I could count on are gone, not the least of which is my job with Walmart. After ten years, almost, you sort of think that you have a grip on things, but then, that was before the infamous memo was released that showed how much Walmart could save if they let go of most of their long time associates. Of course the whole thing was poo-pooed, and what is this that I see? Why, it sure looks like Walmart has gotten rid of most of their long time associates. In the current recession that we are are experiencing, any port in the storm is better than none, and you-know-who is making the most of it. Mr. Sam would be soooo proud, wouldn't he? I was speaking with Jerry today, and he is scared to death. His wife works for the mom and pop store killer, and he is scared to death. Her insurance is the only insurance that they have, and he will not qualify for any if she loses theirs. There is the COBRA programs, but since they are raising their grandchildren, COBRA is way out of their price range. His wife has been hearing rumblings, and she isn't sure from one day to the next what is going on with her job. She just knows that changes are coming, and none of them look good. Of course, when you turn on the news, it doesn't help. Everything is gloom and doom, and no good news, ever. It makes you want to pull the covers over your head and stay there, doesn't it? I don't watch the news much any more. It just makes me feel bad, and what is the point of that? If anything important was going on, I know my Mother would tell me, anyway. She is like a news service, only she makes better bread. So if I hear anything good, I'll be sure and pass it on and you can thank me later.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Here's a Surprise.... (note the heavy sarcasm)
I don't understand many things that happen, I'll be the first to admit it. But I got an email from an Annie yesterday, and I can add one more thing to the list. Annie slid in an oil spill in her local Walmart. As near as Annie can figure, the bottle of corn oil must have been leaking because when she turned the corner, down she went, boom. Annie cracked two ribs on the cart and banged herself up pretty good. Guess what Walmart has done for her? If you have said jack squat then you got it in one. They haven't even returned her calls. The one person that she did speak with in the claims department got very snippy with her and told her that when she got a phone call from them, then she would know when she was going to hear something. That's the text book definition of customer service, isn't it? It makes me wonder what kind of training program that they have there, how about you? So Annie has had to resort to the thing she hates-she has contacted a lawyer. I've had a fair amount of experience with Walmart and litigation, I wish her luck. But since I still have the asthma from the illegal workers that Walmart had cleaning their floor, I'm not holding my breath. I don't look for her to get any satisfaction in the near future, maybe if it's a slow news day and it makes the rounds of the 24 hour news channels. It could happen. Anyway, wish her luck, and if I hear anything I'll pass it on and you can thank me later.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
My Amazing Sons
If you hate looking at some one's brag book- you might want to skip the blog today. I'll understand and hope that you come back tomorrow. I have three sons who are amazing. They are 21, 12, and 3. Yes, 3. No, I didn't space them out like that on purpose, it just happened to work out that way. My three boys are the light of my life. My oldest is going to college and working part time. My middle son is a wonderful student and an all around good boy. He is having some problems, but after meeting someone else , who is truly experiencing a family crisis, I see that my son is just 12. No one enjoyed it, did they? It's a hard age when you aren't a child, but you aren't a young adult, and everything is so difficult. My youngest son is one tough monkey. He doesn't realize that he is small for his age and thinks nothing of tearing into his brother, even if he does weigh more than one hundred pounds more than he does. It's just how he is. I can see myself having to go to many many school conferences in the future. I was very upset when my youngest wasn't a girl. I had been told that he was a girl in the ultrasound, and in the second one, they retracted that. I cried for the whole day. Hormones, anyone? I have told that story to stupid men, and they look aghast that anyone would cry because of the sex of their child. The only thing I can say is, hormones are wicked things, and I wouldn't want to cross them on a dark alley. But anyway, my sons are the light of my life, and I just wanted to tell all three of them how much I love them with all my heart. If this inspires you to hug your boys, you can thank me later.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
You Aren't Really Talking to Anyone, Are You?
I had to make a trip into Walmart this past Thursday. I had weighed my options, and it was go in or starve. Starving was making a pretty good case until it got outvoted by my stomach. I know, I could have gone into another store, but they were close and sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. I had called ahead to explain that I had new checks that were not preprinted, but that I had tons of ID and and a credit card to secure the check. I know for a fact that Walmart does this, I have seen it done. I was told to come on in, they would take care of me. I got there, and waited for the conversation between the CSM and her friend to stop. It didn't look like there was a break in the clouds-so to speak- so I interrupted with an "excuse me." I got the blank look reserved for those with low intelligence and people who don't like to be interrupted with their job. I explained that I had called ahead and been told it would be okay. This model of customer service exchanged a look with her friend and told me it wasn't possible, without bothering to even stop and look at me. I asked to speak with a memeber of management. She asked me why! Iexplained that I wasn't satisfied, and wanted someone who was in charge of her to talk to me. After dragging her feet and trying to put me off, she finally went over to the phone and pretended to call someone. Why would you use a phone when you could ask a member of management to call you at any extension with that walkie-talkie thing that you carry around. After pretending to talk to someone-she just walked away! After waiting for 10 minutes, I went home and called the store. I got an assistant manager who apologized, explained the policy, and hung up. I called right back. You can guess what she did again. Then I called 1.800.WALMART and was told that if I wanted to return to that Walmart, they had a giftcard for my trouble. The CSM in question was glaring at me the way that only a person who has just been chewed on can glare, and I picked up my gift card and left. I'll have to forget how crappy the service is before I use it. It may take a while. So, if I have given you any ideas on dealing with your crappy Walmart experience, you can thank me later.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Ponzi Scheme They Won't Prosecute
Are you familiar with a Ponzi scheme? After the recent reporting on the news channels, you would think that everyone is, but for those who are blissfully news free, I will explain. A PONZI scheme is the plan that has tons of people who buy into one idea or another with a financial investment. The problem is that there is no product or investment or anything. The only thing that you have is more people who are throwing their money into the scheme, hoping to get rich also. The problem arises when the investors start smelling the truth, and begin to pull back. That means that there are no new suckers to keep financing this thing and it dies a horrible death.
When I first learned the details if Social Security back in freshman civics, I thought (and asked) But what happens if people stop having 8 or 9 children and the population decreases? I was poo-pooed, and I never did get an answer. Fast forward a lot of years, and what is this that I see? Why- it looks like the average family has less than 2 children, and the state of Social Security is dismal. Of course, it doesn't help that the useless fop, Jimmy Carter, tapped into Social Security every time his butt itched,and they never made any attempt to repay it. Here is a solution, take it for what you want: I say that we throw all of the Social Security in together. BO can whine about CEO's getting a golden parachute, but what is it that he and all of his cronies in Washington are getting? Do you think they have to worry about the state of their retirement fund? Riiiight. Do you think that they have to make hard choices between insurance and other necessities? Maybe if we were all in the same boat, they might give a rip. It could happen, and if it does, you can thank me later.
When I first learned the details if Social Security back in freshman civics, I thought (and asked) But what happens if people stop having 8 or 9 children and the population decreases? I was poo-pooed, and I never did get an answer. Fast forward a lot of years, and what is this that I see? Why- it looks like the average family has less than 2 children, and the state of Social Security is dismal. Of course, it doesn't help that the useless fop, Jimmy Carter, tapped into Social Security every time his butt itched,and they never made any attempt to repay it. Here is a solution, take it for what you want: I say that we throw all of the Social Security in together. BO can whine about CEO's getting a golden parachute, but what is it that he and all of his cronies in Washington are getting? Do you think they have to worry about the state of their retirement fund? Riiiight. Do you think that they have to make hard choices between insurance and other necessities? Maybe if we were all in the same boat, they might give a rip. It could happen, and if it does, you can thank me later.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Buyer's Remorse
Do you believe everything that you see? If you do, I have a bridge that I will sell you cheap. Super cheap. The reason that I ask is because I keep looking at the inflated numbers for the fearless leader (or is that feckless??) and I don't believe a word of it. Nope, not one word. First I watched MSNBC for as long as my gag reflex would allow, and the only thing that I didn't see was that representative of wit-Keith Oberman- slow dancing with the current administration. Then I saw that ACORN and some of the other accessories to the crime got a HUGE amount of my money in this over bloated budget that BO and his cronies have come up with. In the radio business they call it payola. What is it called in Washington? Business as usual for the DNC? I wouldn't be surprised if they even had ATMs set up to make the graft a little easier. It would seem that BO was a good student while in Chicago. It's important to set goals, isn't it? The other thing that triggers my reflux is the breathless reporting on the dog that BO and his family have finally chosen as window dressing to make them look more normal, and not like the Socialist abominations that they may well be. Is Betty Curry still alive? I have to wonder, because I read that Socks the cat (or the Clinton window dressing) was in very bad shape. If he hangs on a few more years, he can have some company when the BO's dump their pet. And where is the outrage? Why isn't some idiot from PETA dressed up like their cause of the week and flinging blood on someone? Are they too cowed to even hold up a sign? Or are they as genuine as the current administration? It makes me wonder, and if I get any answers, I'll pass them on. From there you can thank me later.
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