Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Demonize the Word, Maybe THAT will Make it Untrue

I muddled my way through an interview of B.O.'s. He is not too fast on the answers when it isn't scripted, is he? As he tried not to make too big a mess of things (good luck with that) I listened to the talking points that he tried to reiterate. The only clear thing that I took away from his "off the cuff" remarks is that he doesn't like FOX because they have an agenda. When I picked my jaw up from my feet, I laughed at the hypocrisy of his statement. So is our first foreign born President in over one hundred years trying to insinuate that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC do not have an agenda? Seriously? Don't pee on my feet and tell me it's raining, okay? Wasn't it those other stellar media outlets that broke the fake service records of President Bush with un-abandoned glee? And how long did they wait until they were forced to retract the story? There you go. I am reminded of a line from Die Hard 2 when John Amos's character tells John McClain that he is an A**hole, he's just John McClain's kind of A**hole. I get the feeling that any time now, B.O. will be stamping his feet in irritation because the folks over at FOX just won't seem to realize and acknowledge that this guy knows much more than any of us ever will, and we should just rely on him to make all of our decisions for us. Socialism, anyone? I also enjoy listening to the liberal rebuttal. No one made more of a spectacle about George W. Bush's slim margin of victory than every liberal media outlet in America. Yet, when the State of Florida allowed the media access to the ballots through their Sunshine Laws, and the vote was in fact not hijacked by the left, you never heard a peep about it, did you? Nope, not one. I guess the truth didn't fit in with their plans, did it? I keep looking at the definition of Socialism. I don't like the direction that this guy is taking us, and I look forward to the next National Election with unchecked glee. Register to vote. Do it now, before you forget. You'll thank me later.

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