Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Red Cross

How much does the head of the Red Cross make a year? I'll bet you anything that it figures out to more than minimum wage. How is it possible that a charity is able to pay their Department head so much? Does that mean that for every dollar I put in one of their collection buckets, twenty cents or so is going to that guy? That's a pretty sweet deal if that is the case. I have no problem donating to charity. I try to teach my children the benefits of giving to someone who is less fortunate than we are. I also try to lead by example when it comes to donating my time. I would like for my children to see that there is a duty to help those that are less fortunate than we are. But.....the lesson is hard to teach when hypocrisy is screaming from every corner. Why is it that I donate my blood for free, but hospitals charge me over $300 dollars for a pint of blood? If the Red Cross gets it for free, then why do they charge you for it? Also, why do they need the plush offices, the corporate jets, and all the other things that I have been reading about? How much overhead does that add? This year, if you are fortunate enough to be able to give to someone else this year, think about doing it locally. Donate Christmas to someone in your church who may not be able to provide it for their children this year, give time and food to a food bank in your area. Look around, there are dozens of ways to help someone less fortunate that won't involve a company jet. You'll thank me later.

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