Monday, November 9, 2009

B. O. Stinks

I saw a picture of B.O. on his latest photo-op. It made me angry because he chose to use the death of a Serviceman to try to look like he wasn't useless. His saluting the casket made me so angry. He has no business saluting the casket, one of his many handlers should have trained him on the proper etiquette. In this country, you do not salute anything unless you are active or former military. Maybe where B.O. is from, you do, but here, if you have no military background it is the accepted practice to put your hand over your heart out of respect. What a jackass he is. Not only does he use the death of some Patriotic American who gave his life in service to his country, but he tries to make himself look better in the process. It makes me sick. Also, where is this great wonderful plan that he had for Afghanistan? I know when he was running for the position that ACORN gave him, he had lots of talk about many wonderful ideas to bring a quick and safe end to all of our conflicts. So where are these plans now? I'm still waiting, are you? The 2010 election is about a year away, so please make sure that you are registered to vote. Then, make sure you vote. The only hope this country has to keep from the slippery slope of socialism is to put the brakes on all of the left of center plans that are springing up everywhere. Call your Congressmen and women. Call your Senators and tell them that you do not like the direction that we are taking. Remind them that they work for us, not the other way around. Finally, don't be so apathetic to what is going on around us. Get your head out of the clouds, the sports opiates, and pay attention!! If we don't start watching them soon, who knows what they'll try to get away with next. Why are we concerned with insuring people that shouldn't even be here? Why don't we just give every U.S. citizen the same health care that our Members of the Congress and Senate currently enjoy for free. Seems simple to me, how about you? Approval ratings are at their all time lowest, and the media seems to be goose-stepping along with those elected officials. People, please, get your heads out of the sand, and pay attention to what they are trying to do in Washington D.C. You'll thank me later. ######to the person who commented that BO could salute the flag because he is the "commander" in chief. He in fact has no military background, I imagine his country of origin did not require it. He should ,out of respect, put his hand over his heart if he is able to pull that gesture off without giggling. He has no business making photo ops out of soldiers who are dead because he didn't have the plan that he said he did when he and ACORN were stealing the election for him.#########

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