Monday, December 28, 2009

Chateau de Malvoisine

Have you ever had a bad neighbor? If you have then you can appreciate today's blog more than if you have never experienced the delights of the crazy person that you have to endure every day. Lucky you. I have had some neighbors that were absolutely wonderful. When we moved into our house, our neighbor, Miss Berneice, walked all the way over with her cane and a fresh pan of zucchini bread to welcome us to the neighborhood. She was a wonderful lady and I miss her all the time. Another neighbor that comes to mind is on the other end of the spectrum. I won't be too specific, I'll just call her crazy Donna, the downstairs neighbor. CDTDN was a genuine piece of work. I never saw her without a cigarette, which isn't to condemn smokers, it's just an accurate description of this woman. She reeked of cigarette smoke. If she came into my home, I would have to air it out afterwards, because she left a stink trail where ever she went that smelled like an old ashtray. I was only in her home twice, and both times, I had to change my clothes and use my inhaler when I got home. Don't people who smoke have any idea how bad they stink? They must not. But CDTDN is gone now, and good riddance. She complained that I walked too loudly, and that my sons did too. I had tried teaching them to hover as they walked across the floor, but they never had any luck with it. It finally came to a head and CDTDN moved away. After a time a new neighbor moved in who is every bit as nice as the one before is foul. What has that got to do with the Happiest Spot in Retail? I got an email from an associate at Walmart that complained about the current management they have on third shift. I told him the story of CDTDN to explain that if you just wait it out, you'll get something better. Sometimes you can't wait, like when I heard about Harold, the store manager that was having sex with the associates,but other times it's complaints like I just heard. My advice to him, that I'll share with you was to just ride it out. No one lasts at Walmart for that long, they just don't. Walmart either sucks the life out of them, or they play the game well and Walmart sends them up the food chain. So just hang in there, in six months or less, your management nightmare will be gone, and you can thank me later.

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