Monday, June 1, 2015

Just another Gun Running Scandal of Obama's

Does anyone remember the poor schmuck who went to jail ostensibly for a parole violation-Nakoula Basseley Nakoula?  He is the guy that made 'Innocence of Muslims' and posted it to youtube.  From there, about 7 people saw the video and then he was arrested on an unrelated charge of violating his parole.
Well lo and behold- it wasn't his video that set off all of those savages!  Four people were killed in the most horrific way possible and all that Hillary Clinton and B.O. could think of to blame was this obscure video.  It worked. The msm in its hurry to delegate the story to the fish wrapper-remember, their boy was up for an election in a few weeks and the last thing they needed was for someone to actually question his competence.  Especially when it came to national security,which is never a Democratic strong suit.
So now the evidence is out and guess what? B.O. and Hillary were running guns again!! What are the odds that the msm will ignore this news? I would say better than even money.  But thankfully, Fox News will pick up where the internet leaves off and maybe someone will have to answer a few questions.  It won't be presidential hopeful and anointed "one" for the Democratic National Party-Hillary Clinton.  She has made an almost art form out of not answering questions from any sort of media.  Especially not Fox!  How she must hate that they are around now!  It was so much easier for her and Bill when the toady press believed and excused every lie that ever came from their mouths.
I am not very encouraged by the 114th Congress yet.  They have been in office for months, and still haven't done what they were sent there to do.  Repeal Obamacare. Strengthen the border. Stop amnesty.  In that order.  
If Republicans want me to believe there is a difference between them and the libtards, they have to show it to me, because right now, I'm not seeing it.
More people are dead because of Obama and Clinton.  One man was drug to death after being sodomized and having an electric prod shoved into his genitals.  That isn't enough to get Boehner and company off their butts?  What did they think they were given such large majorities for, if not to get some answers for this?  If we wanted Obama and Clinton to get away with murder, we could have left Reid and Pelosi in charge.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.
p.s. Happy Birthday to my favorite oldest son!! I hope you have a wonderful day! I love you Joshua!!

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