A lone gunman went into a church in South Carolina this past week and after quietly sitting for awhile, he did the unthinkable and slaughtered some of the people in the church with a gun.
I don't use the names of these people, if you want that, look elsewhere. It does no good to promote their name, much like the man who slaughtered all of those people in Colorado.
Another similarity is the lack of protection. No one was carrying a gun except the bad guy. Now more than likely, he is crazy. You don't kill that many people with the cheese securely attached to your cracker. At some point, it fell off.
Now there are plenty of stories about his family and how they knew he was having problems and they should have done more. Maybe so.
But the one thing that isn't going to help is watching Obama step in front of the microphones and declare that guns are the problem. He has been so vehemently anti-gun since he first magically appeared on the political stage. The msm has done nothing to vet him, he remains as big as a question mark now as when he first appeared. But these things we know about him: Obama has used tragedy after tragedy to exploit-yes,exploit the deaths of innocent people. His priorities are simple: disarm Americans.
He incorrectly stated that our founding fathers wanted guns for hunting. One would think that a "Constitutional Expert" who had been connect with Harvard ( but never actually taught a class) would know that was incorrect.
Our founders knew that guns were the best way to make sure that people who would do us harm and try to force their will on us would not succeed if we were armed. The emperor of Japan knew it. Why do you think there was no mainland invasion planned?
Guns are not the problem. Crazy people may well be. But how do we stop that? Firstly, we need better facilities for them. When someone is acting in ways that make their family or friends certain that they mean to do harm- there has to be a way to evaluate them and if they are not sane, we have to be able to help them and protect the rest of us.
Spouting anti Gun rhetoric isn't going to help. More asinine psa from liberal celebrities spouting trite catchphrases attempting to shame us into being sheep isn't going to work. (I doubt that there security detail is unarmed, but that's a blog for another day)
Better mental help. That's the answer to this latest batch of madness-certainly not more gun control. Think about it, you'll thank me later
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