Monday, June 8, 2015

I Wish I Was as Dead Broke as Hillary Is

Anyone who would consider voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton is a freaking moron. There, I said it.
What are her qualifications, you ask?  Well, she looks the other way when her husband is tapping the help-so let's say she is limber and flexible. Given all of the reported dalliances that Bill has had- she should be more limber than a twelve year old Chinese gymnast.  She made some pretty disparaging remarks about the many, many, many women that her husband has had sexual affairs with.  So she's also pretty misogynistic.  She coined the phrase 'bimbo eruption' didn't she? She tolerates slick Willie's dalliances so long as they don't get in the way of her ambitions.  I guess the best face to put on that would be that she has unique stress coping skills. Yeah, that's the ticket.
For anyone who has been in a coma since 1992- Hillary wants to be President.  She was pretty sure that she had a lock on it in 2008 until some inexperienced illegal alien stole her thunder.  The visible frustration as what she considered rightfully hers was taken by someone even worse than she was-priceless.
It's pretty ironic that Hillary Clinton is the original birther, isn't it?  It was her campaign that floated the question about B.O.'s birth certificate.  How those losers on MSNBC must hate the truth.  They sneer at so called 'birthers' never acknowledging that she is their queen.
Hillary was no where to be found when the attacks on Benghazi were happening.  Oh wait, yes she was.  She was carefully crafting the first set of lies that it was a spontaneous attack based on an unseen youtube video.  She managed to kill the career of the next Secretary of State before she even had her name on the door.  Susan Rice is simply an "advisor" now.  When that lie went balls up, she floated a couple of others, finally settling on her hissy fit that gave the sound byte that will haunt her to the end of her days-                                             Can't you just see the endless loop of that in every  anti Clinton political ad from now until the end of her career?
She can disassemble better than her husband, and that is saying something.  The idea that she and Bill were broke defies logic.  Even her perpetual cheerleaders had to take a knee as they regrouped from that one.  She and the hubs cannot seem to grasp the way that the internet works now.  No longer can she or Slick say whatever convenient lie pops in to their unprepossessing heads.  The internet bypasses the media that sycophant-ly swallows her every word as truth.  And then you can toss in the bane of their existence- Fox News.
Of course, she's not alone. There isn't a liberal in the Republic that doesn't hate Fox News.  It shines that wonderful light on whatever nonsense libtards are spewing as gospel this week.  You can always spot the especially rabid ones by their use of the label "faux news" as if the Gospel according to the alphabet networks should never be impugned.
While they are flinging their contempt-much like a monkey flings poo-they save quite a bit for talk radio.  The idea that Rush Limbaugh is not only out there, but the number one program on talk radio burns them like a sailor's genitals after a three day pass on a Singapore shore leave.  More people listen to him in one hour than in all of the time that AirAmerica was actually broadcasting.
Talk about a losing proposition! The idea that liberals needed more outlets was laughable.  Almost as laughable as the ratings for those with programs on the network, see: Franklin, Al.
So maybe I'll buy a lottery ticket today.  If I win, I can afford slick willie's speaking fees for one of the speeches he gives. The most recent I could find was 2011 when he made $ 13,434,000!  That better be some speech! But then the strangest thing-most of the places that he gave a speech also 'donated' to the Clinton Foundation.  And of those donations the donors were approved for some pretty sweet deals from then Secretary Clinton's office as Secretary of State.  You can take the crooked politician out of Arkansas, but you can't take the crooked politics out of a Clinton.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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