Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope that we all have a better year than the one we just put away.  I hope that people are kinder to each other, more honest and more patient.  I hope that we all find or enjoy the person whom we can love and be loved by in return.
I hope that the world is a little safer, and that we are all a bit more prosperous this year.  I wish that there was a magic pill to get us through the next two years with out any damage- I can only hope that B.O. is on a constant vacation and too busy to wreck our fine Republic any more than he already has.
Of course, he could suffer from the "Benghazi Flu" that Hillary seems to be afflicted with, couldn't he?  I find it passing curious that the woman who is so anxious to call it quits with the current administration is suddenly so frail that she must be hospitalized.  First it was a "concussion" and then it now appears that this poor, frail creature is suffering from a "blood clot." Man, talk about your bad luck, huh?  One would think that her access to the best medical care in the world would have forestalled all of that. But considering how she and the current jackass in the oval office are responsible for the deaths of at least four of our citizens, I can see how she isn't too anxious to be grilled by the Congressmen and women who want to finally get some answers from the most transparent administration ever.
I wish us all better health, more happiness, and the prosperity to enjoy ourselves.  God bless us all.

Monday, December 24, 2012

I Believe

I believe that b.o. stole the last election.  I know that the states with voter i.d. laws all elected Romney.  Eric Holder fought a long battle to keep states from having those laws, anyone want to guess why?  I also think that the G.O.P. won't do anything about it. That useless Boehner does not have the testicular fortitude for the job at hand.
I believe that raising taxes at this time is fiduciary suicide.  Even the loser in the oval office said that you don't raise taxes during a recession.  Did he believe that then, when he said it?  Would someone please remind him.
I believe that if obamacare is actually allowed to become the law of the land, we are going to have death panels so fast, your grandma's head will spin.  I think that liberals in general and b.o. specifically have no belief that life is precious.  He had said once that he wouldn't want one of his daughters "burdened" with an unwanted pregnancy.  Considering that they both look like his Yeti wife- I cannot imagine either of them having sex with anything outside of a battery operated device. Speak the truth and shame the devil, as my Grandmother would say.
I believe that if the msm was doing its job, we would know more about the September Eleventh slaughter of our Ambassador in Libya.  I believe that they purposefully withheld information then, in order to get their boy elected.  Anything they say about it now is too little, too late.
I believe that unions could very well be the end of our economy.  I love twinkies.  I love those chocolate cupcakes with the unfortunate name.  I believe that unions destroy more jobs than they have ever "protected" and don't think they serve a useful purpose.
I believe that with the two most recent tragedies involving guns that the liberals will race to exploit these deaths.  Guns don't kill people.  Crazy people with access to guns do.  If you want to blame anyone, blame the people around those two nut jobs for not alerting the authorities.
I believe that the G.O.P. had better start listening to the conservative side of the party before we break off and take over the entire thing.  I don't want deals with the current administration.  I want fiscal sanity and an end to the deficit spending.  I cannot write checks when I have no money to back them up.  I believe the federal government should be the same way.
I believe in term limits.  I would love to know how Harry Reid was able to dump his stocks in solar energy right before we found out that Solyndra was a great big giant reach around.  If it's illegal for Martha Stewart to participate in insider trading- it ought to be illegal for all of us.
I believe that the elected officials should participate in obamacare, the same as the rest of us.  I believe that people in nursing homes should have access to the same great care  that the prisoners receive in prison.  And for the same price.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Loose Definition of "Celebrity"

I don't watch reality television. Truth be told, I don't really watch television.  Four years ago, I realized that the only thing I did watch was Dexter and Monk, and so I quit my television habit, cold turkey.  I don't miss it very often, with exceptions like wanting to watch the debates.  One of the biggest reasons that  don't miss television is reality programming.
I hate the television writers for going on strike and making the networks see that they could still fill the programming with reality television.  I don't care who is on Survivor. I can spot a Kardashian by their excessive makeup and scanty clothing.  I don't care who is married to whom for twenty minutes, nor do I care that they prostituted themselves to pay for it.  If I want reality programming, I watch the news.  It seems pretty real, more so than following some person who is only famous for being famous.
I don't care about their plastic surgeries, although Kenny Rogers and Bruce Jenner have drifted into that asexual-what the heck were they thinking, do their ears meet in the back?- look.  Creepy.
I wish that someone would muzzle celebrity children as well.  I pray that Micheal Jackson's "children" have had their five minutes of fame and that they drift into wealthy obscurity very soon.  I think that Micheal Jackson abused children, I really do.  There were too many accusations that were paid off and hushed up for there not to be something to the stories.  As the saying goes "where there is smoke there is fire."  So now, I don't think that he will be grooming these purchased children.  But the idea of letting a fourteen year old girl have access to the media simply amazes me.  She is still a child, albeit a wealthy one.  Where are their Mothers?  It's crazy!
Another celebrity child that I grew tired of quickly is the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. I don't care if she is engaged, married or missing.  Engaged at eighteen to he step relative puts me in mind of some of my people from Kentucky, but I guess it's only inbreeding when you are Southern.  To quote one of my favorite movies ever, " Poor people are crazy. I'm eccentric."  Hooking up with your step anything is crazy. Doesn't matter how large your trust fund is, that is crazy.
But if the media would stop making these people instant celebrities, maybe they would go away.  Maybe the publicity departments that are hired by these narcissistic losers would have to tighten their belts and  I would consider owning a television in my home again.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Senseless Horror

Even without a television I am aware of the horrific slaughter of those precious children and others yesterday.  Why aren't teachers armed in the classrooms?  Why haven't they stepped up the security it these places that we trust with our most precious assets?  And why on God's green earth have the liberals decided to start babbling about the need for more gun control when these poor parents are choosing coffins for their babies?
To me, gun control is hitting what you are aiming at.  There are two shot guns and a hand gun in my home. Try to hurt me or mine and I will kill you dead if it is humanly possible.  I will not wound you so that you can sue me later.  I will kill you if it is at all possible, and then I will sue your family for not stopping you.  Watch me.
That being said, why are liberal now exploiting this terrible terrible day to blather on about their sacred cow of gun control?  Do you honestly believe that making guns unavailable to honest people will stop criminals from having guns?
Chicago (God help you if you live there) has some of the strictest guns laws in the country.  People are shot their every day.  I'm thinking that it isn't a great deterrent, what do you think? 
Pray for those children and others who were lost.  Hold your own babies a little tighter today.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Holidays are supposed to be a wonderful time of year, aren't they?  I used to love them when I was younger, probably because my Mother is the best cook I have ever met.  When I fix the dishes that she used to fix for Thanksgiving and Christmas, my able groans, trying to hold it all.
There was a turkey, of course, ( while I love ham, it is for Easter, thank you just the same) and corn bread dressing. We are southern, it is the best dressing in the world.  And then there would be some sort of vegetable, usually broccoli or cauliflower.  There was also macaroni salad, baked beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked sweet potatoes, and the best yeast roll you have ever put in your mouth.  When you recovered from that round, there was banana pudding, fruit salad, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, apple pie, sweet potato pie, and lemon meringue pie.  It was a feast.
It also took a whole week to fix everything, and we ate left overs for almost a month.  When I think of family gatherings, I always consider the food that we ate.  It was delicious, which didn't hurt, but it was the back drop for everyone that had come over.
Years later, after enduring several b a d  meals at the exe's Aunt's- I offered to cook and even his crazy father jumped at the idea.  I don't enjoy cooking all the time, but when I do, I like to go all in the way my Mother does. I didn't even mention the deviled eggs or the plates of olives and cheese that were out.  It just makes me homesick thinking about it.
So anyway, now that I am the grown up and my Mother lives about a million miles away from me, hopefully I will give my own children the same memories.
Even relatives that are more than annoying are tolerable when  the holidays are here.  If you don't have family close, consider getting together with all of the people you know that also have no where to go for the day.  There is always more happiness in a group, I think.
One of the saddest things to me is the dairy queen in this stupid little town is always hopping on Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I guess there are lots of people who have no where to go.  So if you can open your home to friends, think about having a meal with them on the Holiday.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Walmart Might Consider KY Jelly for Their Associates

I really hate going to Walmart.  I have a lot of reasons that I don't like the place, not the least of which is their unending quest to keep moving crap around.  I like to be able to get in, get out.  There is a list of reasons why this is almost never possible.
1. No matter when I go there, there is always some sort of reunion breaking in front of me.  Who are these idiots who have to stand there blocking the aisle while they catch up with each other?  Go stand out of the way if you need to talk for more than ten seconds. Please.
2. Small children that aren't controlled by the adults who brought them there.  You may think that your little princess is adorable now that she can walk, but I almost run her over because silly me, I'm not checking the floor for your little bundle of newly walking joy.
3. Body odor.  For the love of heaven, soap doesn't cost that much.  There are third shift people in this local Walmart who make your eyes water.  God forbid if you are stuck shopping near them.  Good bye appetite.
4. Gossiping friends.  Okay, this one is my fault, but it still slows me down.
5.That herd of people who have to yap away with the people greeter. Just take your cart, ask your question and keep moving!  Those big glass things are letting more people in behind you, you know.
In my last trip through, I spoke to one of my former co workers.  She was telling me that they will not receive a quarterly bonus this go around.  Shock of shocks, how can that be?  Walmart is one of the few stores who are holding their own, aren't they?  So if the retail Rock of Gibraltar can't make its sales quotas, what does that say for the other retail establishments?
Why isn't the msm telling me any of this?  I can't believe, (she said sarcastically) that they have some kind of agenda.
Walmart used to be a great place to work.  With a few changes, it could be again.  They need to do away with the nepotism (one support manager I know went from support to co-manager in 12 months) they need to do away with the dead weight, and they need a much more responsive management team.
When I left their happy family, I was making about $17 an hour, so it's not that they aren't paying well.  It took me almost 10 years to get there.  I started at $6.50 an hour, but it was still more than the union grocery store was willing to start me at.
Walmart is not the family company that Sam Walton founded.  Think about any purchases that you have to make there.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Daylight Savings Time and Other Dumb Ideas

I am lucky enough that my commute to work takes five minutes on foot.  I say that now, of course, because there is no snow on the ground to contend with yet.  When the snow ( a miserable four letter word, if ever there was one) comes, it will probably add another five minutes to my commute, as I have a dog that is delicate, just ask her.  She might weigh 165 pounds, but her delicate feet were not made to step in water or snow. But as I walk to work, I see children standing in the dark, waiting for the school bus.
Some of these children remind me of the old SNL costume, 'invisible pedestrian' as they stand there in dark clothes with their dark jackets.  I keep dreading the day when one of them will be hit by a car, the street they gather on doesn't have a lot of drive ways, so the street is parked up and the traffic is down to one lane in places.  I hate it, but it's going to happen one day.
I have written before that the hour "saved" in the whole stupidity of changing clocks is mythical.  If you want an "extra" hour to exercise, or do yard work, or whatever your plan is- set your alarm an hour earlier.  How easy is that?
In the state that I live in, the idea of changing clocks was very contentious.  It was voted on four times and defeated.  Seems to me that no one wanted it, right?  But the powers that be were determined to drag them kicking and screaming into time changes, and presto!  There has been no great increase in commerce that was promised.  There has been no increase in anything.  I guess whoever ramrodded it through was full of feces. Typical politician.
Another dumb idea that has been aggravating me is something I call the Caucasian tax in obamacare.  You probably weren't aware of this one unless you use a tanning bed.  I don't like them, they make me feel as if I am crawling into a glass and chrome coffin.  But I use one a few times a year because if I don't, the people around me cringe away.  Not because I am as pale as milk ( that would be the Sister, Shawna) but because I am so unbelievably irritable while I am not getting all of the vitamin D that I need.  So three or four times in the fall I will climb into a tanning bed and when I come out, I no longer want to rip of someone's head and crap down their neck. (Not counting the ex or his boyfriend, of course.)
But the morons who had to pass it to tell me what was in it, added this ten percent tax on tanning.  Who tans? Do you see a lot of black people lining up?  How about Mexicans, or even Asians?  No.  What you have are a lot of white people who either don't want to be the color of milk, or they use it like I do, for the vitamin D.  Seems a little discriminatory, doesn't it?
Finally, I guess the dumbest idea to me these days is a helmet law.  I know, I know, they save lives.  So do seat belts.  But if a person is old enough to make the decision to ride on a motorcycle, aren't they old enough to decide if they want a helmet on their head or not?  Goose stepping into a nanny state is an aggravating thing.  Scary, also.  Think about how much freedom you have, and how much you are willing to give away.  You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Looks Like Walmart Will Be Hiring

I've read with a fair amount of amusement, the movement to have people who work for the largest retailer in the world, simply walk off their jobs on black Friday in protest of the policy that people have to work on Thanksgiving.  I worked for Walmart for ten years, let me tell you, I never had the Holiday off.
When I took the job there, I understood that I was working in a retail occupation.  I also understood that they day after Thanksgiving is the largest retail day for the store.  It's called "black Friday" because for many retailers, that is when they go into "black" that is-they actually make a profit for the year.
The things that all of the people buy don't magically appear by fairies and elves.  Real live associates are needed to put that stuff out there so that people can buy it.  When is it that they are supposed to do that?  If you know that you are going to really be busy on a certain day- wouldn't you plan on being ready for it?
Because Obama and his moronic policies have created 20% unemployment, any job is a good job right now.  While you may not like having to rearrange your Holiday, would you rather be living on the street because you cannot pay for your housing?  I am certain that all of these newly outraged people who plan to call in sick would rather have a roof over their heads and food in their refrigerator.  Sometimes there are hard choices that you have to make.  And if the worst thing that these employees have facing them is that they have to rearrange their Thanksgiving meal I have three words for them: suck it up.
If you have a job right now that is paying you full time wages, do you realize that you are better off than in three people?  If you have enough money to pay your way through life, thanks to B.O. you are better off than almost half of the people.  If you need something to be thankful for- I'd start right there.
There are service men and women who are being shot at on Thanksgiving.  They will hopefully eat a simple meal from a metal tray.  It may be turkey, maybe not.  There will be no family around them to laugh or enjoy the day with, and there will be no relaxing nap afterwards.  They aren't going to call in sick, they can't.  Nor will they stage a walk out-and Thank God- our freedom and safety depends on them.
If you are looking for something to be thankful for, I'd start right there.  The world doesn't owe you the hours that you want to work, and since B.O. was able to steal another one, just be thankful that you have a job.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Obamanomics in Action

Here's a true story from the day after the morons put that socialist back in the oval office:

I have said on more than one occasion that I would love a day off.  I was hopeful that mittforbrains had chosen well, and like me, other conservatives would pull the lever for him, if not for Romney necessarily.  Well, that didn't happen and now we are stuck with four more years of the worst hot mess since Carter.  At least Carter meant well, I have to believe.  So B.O. is re installed  his yeti wife can continue to get all the free crap her sasquatch like hands can hold and I cannot afford to hire a part time person because of obamacare.
I had hoped that I could, had even narrowed down my search to one person and told him that I would be starting him after the election-provided of course-that b.o was kicked to the curb.
Well, bright and early this morning, I had to call my non employee and tell him that because of mass stupidity I was not in a position to hire him.  He needs the job.  He really does.  I believe him with my whole heart, and I truly wish that I could afford to hire him.  Not just for those blessed hours I would have off from work, but I truly believe in paying it forward.  But I can't take the bread out of my mouth for his.
He was almost in tears and I was in tears.  He needs to make the money to keep his small family afloat.  I get that, I really do.  But I can't help him and it is not just Obama's fault- it is the fault of every moronic, welfare believer in the nanny state that voted for him then or now.
And the crap doesn't stop there.  Did you realize that obamacare has a tax in it that specifically penalizes white people?  It puts a ten percent tax on tanning bed salons.  Who tans?  Do you see a lot of hispanics or blacks in there?  No, you see caucasians and only caucasians. How is that not racist?  
Thanks to b.o. there are so many regulations that are involved in hiring someone to work for you.  I can't afford the penalties (they are not taxes no matter what an idiot Supreme Court thinks) so I am stuck here for about seventy three hours a week.  
How's that for change you can believe in?  What's more- I am just one small business.  Do you really think that I am alone in my ideas?  I am not.  I have spoken to dozens of people like me, and we all agree that we'll just gut it out.  Is it any wonder that real unemployment is double digits and rising?  There is more feces coming.  Get ready for it.  Buy gold. Buy ammunition. Stockpile food.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 12, 2012

For the Walking Brain Dead that Voted for B.O.

There's some change that you can believe in.  The recession that should have been over is only going to be longer and more painful than we could ever believe.  In fact, when you use the numbers that they used to calculate our economy during the 1930's we are smack in the middle of  a depression. In 1931, our unemployment numbers were 15.3%. In 1932 it was 22.9%. In 1933, it was 20.6 % and 1934 gave us 16% unemployment.  Removing the mumbo jumbo of only counting people who are receiving unemployment and counting all unemployed- we have 2009- 21%. 2010 we  are looking at 22%.  In 2011, it stayed steady at 22% unemployment.  For 2012, it is 23% unemployment.
We have let ourselves be overrun by people who are more concerned with the next free handout, the next gimmee, that we have signed over our sovereignty.
We are no longer the world's best hope- we are that homeless guy waiting for the next spare change to hit his cup.  We are no longer world leaders.  We are only the leaders of debt and  jobs lost.  We cannot get to the space station that we built unless we hitch a ride with a country that hates us.
We cannot even pay our own bills, and yet we are giving away billions in foreign aid.  A lot of that aid goes to countries that don't like us.  Pakistan is a fine example.  They were hiding Osama Bid Laden and we had to sneak into our "friends" country to get him.  Of course, Barry was quick to take the credit for it.  Quick to want the appreciation, even though he denied permission for the raid until he found out it was about to be leaked.
That's your guy and you can have him.  He has socialized twenty percent of our economy with no real way to pay for it.  But the idiots, useful or otherwise, heard free and they signed on in droves.  I pity them.  I will anyway after I get finished figuring out how to clean up this latest mess.
I had planned to hire a guy until the election results came in.  While I am still waiting to see how much of it was stolen, I am not hopeful.
If the main stream media can't even tell me how many people are dead because of fast and furious, I don't expect that they will tell me how many  voting booths were faulty or how many areas where B.O. received 105% of the vote.
Nope, they are in the tank for their guy, plain and simple.  So I am not hiring. My store will limp along and I will continue to work 16 hour days.  I will not expand, I will only hunker down and try to ride out the storm. As soon as mittforbrains gave up and quit ( surprised? no) I put the sell order into my broker.  He was getting a lot of those on Wednesday.  I converted the majority of my holdings into gold and silver, much like many people were doing.  I have a full freezer.  I have three guns in my house (one on every floor) and enough ammunition to stop the moron who thinks it is a good idea to steal from me or break into my home.  I would suggest that you do the same.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Go Vote the Socialist Out of Office

Tomorrow is one of the most important elections of our life times.  Not only do we have to go about fixing the mess that has been wreaked on us for the last four years, we have to make sure that it never happens again.
I am not a fan of Mitt Romney.  Anyone who takes even a casual glance through these posts can see that I think he is John McCain revisted. I don'tt think he is conservative enough, and I don't like him.  I love Paul Ryan, however. He has a bold set of ideas, and he has a plan-something that the msm has been more than happy to ignore about B.O. lo these last four years.
If we allow the guy in there now to have four more years to tear up our economy, our identity, our standing in the world, we may not be able to fix it when he is finished.  Do you like that there is a kill switch on the internet?  Do you like that he won't even salute our flag?  He has no problem saluting other flags, just not ours.  I don't like the idea of having to pay him for the rest of his stupid life, but he smokes, and hopefully, that is a problem that will take care of itself.
God forbid, if he got hit by lightening on one of his endless games of golf, Joe Biden is in charge. Does that not scare the crap out of you??  It keeps me from getting a good night's sleep many times.  Go out and vote!  You owe it to yourself, to your children and to our Republic.  We simply must make our voices heard, that all that there is to it.
Go vote. You'll thank me later.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Look for the Union Label (and know that they are overpaid)

I'm not a big fan of the union.  I have said it before, I am sure I will take as much crap from the union toadies this time, as I did the last time.  Both my Father and my Step Dad were members of a union. When either of these fantastic men died, the only benefit that I saw from the union was a beautiful display of flowers.
My Father had to retire in his fifties due to his heart condition.  He hated not being able to work, he often said his disability check felt like welfare to him.  He hated that he had to rely on the government, and often told me about when he worked and was a member of his union.
He did something that was considered important-he talked about the lavish conferences that they had in great locations.  He liked that he got to go to them and enjoy himself while his union picked up the tab.  Sounds like Obama in a nutshell, doesn't it?
But then, my Father's heart took a crap and he had the first in a series of heart attacks that forced his retirement.  None of his union pals called to see how he was doing when he had to stop working.  None of them stopped by, none of them wrote a note or sent a card.  He thought that those guys were his friends, but of the dozens and dozens that he knew- two stayed in touch.  Now when he died, they sent a beautiful arrangement.  I think he would have preferred a cup of coffee at McDonald's with his alleged friends from the union days.
Now my step Dad was an awesome guy.  He loved my Mom- which already made him a great guy to me- but he always went above and beyond when he was doing something.  He also worked in a union shop.  That union kept voting in mandatory overtime and literally worked him to death. He hated doctors because of watching his first wife die slowly while being treated by doctors.
Jerry was getting to the stage in life when he was slowing down.  His children were grown and gone, his house paid for, retirement was stretching out in front of him.  He'd begun travelling with my Mom, they had decided to try Tennessee when they retired.  Unfortunately, he also worked with many younger men who hadn't paid for their things yet and they kept voting in mandatory overtime.  Go union.  My step Dad worked himself to death-never getting to enjoy the life that he had built for so long.
I recently  had an experience with a union.  Members of this particular group bounced checks, left my store wide open and unlocked, and failed to keep their word at every turn.  I wouldn't do business with one again if I had to.  Especially if that bunch is the standard bearer.
I read that unions are pouring millions into B.O.'s coffers.  Where do they get that money? From the saps that have to pay into it of course.  North Carolina in just the latest state to allow people the choice of not being forced to fork over their money to a union that doesn't support their political beliefs.  I can't wait until all the states are right to work-I believe it is coming.
The days of 16 hour work days and no day off is long past.  Unions can no more continue to take credit for that than whether reporters can take credit for the rain.  They were both going to happen regardless.  Reconsider whether your money is better spent on yourself, or on the facility, vehicles, and perks of the union toadies.   Think about it, you can thank me later.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Media Continues Ridiculous Pimping for B.O.

I read everything, I have said that many times.  I am also an avowed news junkie.  I have been following the election since the "shellacking" that was delivered unto the democrats not quite two years ago.  That was change I could believe in. And now I read the daily polls with more and more disgust.
While I am not sold on Romney (I do love some Paul Ryan, however) I have watched the polls get tighter and tighter.  I don't understand how they are able to poll B.O. so high in them until some important facts were pointed out to me.
 Read the sampling that they list at the end of the poll.  Lately, the numbers read something like D+7, or even D+12.  In English for those of us who don't live and breathe statistics, that means that these people being polled are weighted more toward Democrats, by seven or twelve percent.  In no location of our Republic outside of Chicago or San Francisco will you find that many democrats.  It would be the same as if I went to a fat farm and asked who there would like a piece of candy.
I could spend a lot of this post writing about why the media and their pollsters would want to go to such ridiculous lengths to make it look like their "one" is doing so well.  Perhaps, it's because they really do think that the whole world is as socialist as they are.  Perhaps, they can't see past their own agenda and hope that the more people see B.O. ahead in the polls (however untrue it may be) they will fulfill the wish.  Perhaps (and this is the one I tend to believe) the msm thinks we are all so stupid that we believe them when they talk, so they just tell us what they want to be true.  I'll let you decide for yourselves.
Unskewed Polls shows a much more believable outlook for the 2012 election.  I would often read the Gallup, Reuters, and ap poll and wonder if they were simply polling the press pool.  Unskewed Polls shows that Romney has a quite a lead going.  It made me sigh with relief, I'll tell you.
I have asked on separate occasions why the media is determined to carry water for B.O.  While I was reading, I also saw a poll claiming that trust in the media is down to its lowest point in ages at forty percent.  Who are these sheep that still believe the msm? I don't think that even slick willie's designated liar James Carville can buy it.  Of course, he is part of why no one likes the media anymore, isn't it?
Don't trust what the msm tells you without independent verification.  No doubt they will soon be reporting that Mitt Romney likes to butcher kittens to make his shoes, soon.  My grandmama used to say believe half of what you see and none of what you  hear.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Why Does the msm Carry Water for B.O.?

I do not think that I could care less what Mitt Romney paid in taxes.  I am certain that he earned it.  Every penny of it in one legal way or another.  I am also certain that he has gobs more money than I do.  Speak the truth and shame the devil, as my Dad would have said. ( The irony of that is not lost on those that knew him)
But why is the main stream media simply obsessed with it? Not passing fancy, wouldn't it be nice to know, but digging through his Mother's trash obsessed.  These people are amazed that their credibility is
in the toilet, and blames it on those FNC watching mouth breathers.  I watch Fox News when I have to get information from the television.  I believe that in their quest to be balanced-they give too much time to liberal idiots-Alan Colmes, anyone?
But saying that, I don't care what Romney paid in taxes.  I am certain that B.O. has had his minions( msm) comb every resource legal and illegal to find any dirt that they can.  If something had been found, you can believe that I would hear about it, even in my separated from the television state.
Why is it that they can trace the family roots of the guy in charge back to the days of slavery, and yet they cannot lay hands on one transcript from his college?  Have you heard an interview with one person that knew B.O. back in the day?  One chick that used to date him? Nope. It's as if he suddenly appeared in a crowd and the msm doesn't think that is note worthy at all.
They even came up with a term for me: birther.  I wear the label with pride.  The same morons that told me they knew more than I did when it came to the guy with his finger on nuclear weapons will not do one hour's worth of investigating on where this guy went to school, how he paid for it, or any of the information that Sheriff Joe Arpaio has turned up questioning the validity of the made for tv birth certificate and selective service card that B.O finally presented for the public. It seems like a pretty valid question, to me any how.
Ask yourself why that is.  Granted, if B.O. were to be exposed as ineligible, that puts crazy Joe in charge.  Maybe that's why the media won't do their jobs.  Of course, that would be more believable if they weren't caught on mic sceming to catch Romney is a verbal trap.
Just tell me the things that happened today, media people.  Don't tell me if it is good or bad, or if I need to know it.  Just tell me the facts and I'll sort out their importance to myself.
Ask the same of your news sources.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Obama and Holder are Still Providing Guns to Murderers

Don't you just love irony? I know I do also.  Sometimes it's just a little ironic, like when illegal aliens are complaining because they can't find work.  Other times, like this example, forces the face palm with a little sigh.
It would seem that Texas and Florida also had illegal gun running activity brought to them by the most incompetent sop to sit in the Oval Office in my life time.  The msm won't cover it, of course.  What's a few dozen more dead, anyway.  I mean, it's not as if the guy were a Republican or anything.  He's just a good guy trying to do the best he can.  That seems to be the narrative I keep hearing, anyway.  Moreover, if he did make a mistake and cause the death of hundreds of Mexicans, it's not his fault.  We all know who is ultimately responsible.  Yep: W.
For those who don't know me, that was exhibit A of my course on sarcasm.  I think that the media is so personally invested in the success of the current administration that they can't see any separation between themselves and him.  Is it any wonder that only 40% of people that were polled still trust the media?  I can't believe that there are that many dupes still willing to believe.  I have to wonder if they still put teeth under their pillows as well.
But back to the gun running debacle that Obama foisted on us.  Does anyone think that it wasn't intended to start a huge wave of gun violence on our borders?  And what was his first response going to be?  I have a dollar that says it would have been the call for more gun control laws.  He told Sarah Brady that he had things in the works that he couldn't talk about.  He used executive privilege to cover it all up. The media kept their constant drumbeat over Romney's taxes and failed to do their job.
Is there anyone out there who truly believes that if this were the Bush administration (either of them) or especially if this were the Reagan administration we wouldn't be hearing nightly tallies on the death count?  There would be big eyed orphans on the news every single night.  But I guess it doesn't matter who is being murdered with guns from an illegal gun running scheme so long as people are getting free cell phones.  Crazy, isn't it?
I have a hard time understanding why so many of those media holdovers still get their panties in a twist over Watergate, and yet when it comes to B.O.'s flagrant disregard for the Constitution, you barely get a mention.  It was ironic when Holder was called before Congress to lie (I mean testify) that the msm had to give a crash course on what was going on.  Did they really think that they could ignore it until it went away?  And they wonder why they are more irrelevant every single day.
B.O. stinks.  I can't understand how anyone could call any of what he has done a success.  Unless of course he was trying to downgrade our credit, create massive inflation and lose two wars that had already been won for him.  If that was his plan (and I'm starting to think it was) than he has been successful beyond his wildest dreams. Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Joe Biden is Dumber than a Turnip

Do you know how to spell potato?  Have you ever misspelled it by adding an extra e to the end of it?  Dan Quayle did that and has been crucified by the msm ever since. A Sarah Palin statement was used in an unfunny bit on SNL and has been misquoted ever since. That useless Katie Couric did her best to catch Governor Palin in an unflattering moment.  I would like to see anyone quickly list the papers that they read while being interviewed in front of millions of people.  Mrs. Palin was correct in her assessment of Russia, by the way.  I know that living in Florida gave me a more than passing curiosity on what was going on in Cuba.  I would expect the same would be true having Russia that close as well.  The patently unfunny Tina Fey rephrased it to " I can see Russia from my house" and every liberal moron repeated it as if it were the truth.  Of course, you never hear any comical sketches about all 57 states.  That's different.
Ahh, the smell of double standards.  Joe Biden wakes up in the morning and says something stupid.  I would bet my life on it.  He has encourage paraplegic people to stand up and cheer-the msm gave him a pass.  He mentioned someone's dead father as though he were still alive.  The sound from the guardians of our press? Crickets.
Paul Ryan is a fiscal rock star, and he turns the msm greener than cheese.  He is thoughtful, deliberate, and intelligent.  Contrast that to crazy Joe, and the difference is night and day.  So how is it that Mr. Ryan gets to be singled out for every alleged gaff, miss-statement and conceived slight?  If I didn't know better, I would think that the unofficial re election squad (also known as the media) have an agenda.
Joe Biden is dumber than a turnip and he barely gets a mention.  The msm seems to laugh it off like that crazy grandpa who wears his inderpants on the outside of his pants from time to time.  You know what isn't funny?  Joe Biden is one heartbeat away from the Oval Office!!  If B.O. has the heart attack from smoking, stress, and being in over his head that we all know is coming- Crazy Joe steps up to bat!  How is that for a campfire story to scare yourself with?
Biden has made stupid comment after stupid comment for his entire political career.  I would be hard pressed to find one dumber than him in the next ten minutes.  While I may be tepid about Romney- I am all in for Paul Ryan!  Smart, well spoken, funny (on purpose) he has it all.  Think about who you want in charge for the next four years.  Do you want to let the current jackwagon finish destroying our Republic- or do you want to help usher in what could very well be one of our greatest Presidents ever? (No, I don't mean Mitt)  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Does This Person Look Disabled to You?

I read with no surprise that the number of people filing for Social Security disability was greater than the number of  people filing for unemployment last month.  I guess when you have been unemployed for 99 weeks and still have no job after almost two years, you have to do something, right?
I see people in my store every day that are on disability. How do I know? They tell me.  They aren't using anything to help them walk.  They don't limp.  They are either able to walk up or drive up to my store with no problem.  One guy-who has been disabled for over two years now- rides his motorcycle to my store.  I usually see them around the first of the month when they are flush.  Near the end of the month I see some of them when they need to sell me something to get to the first of the month.
My Dad was on disability for the last years of his life because of his heart, and there was a time when my seizures weren't controlled and I used disability for about five years.  As soon as I could, I went back to work and contributed to the system.  I believe that disability is fine for someone who truly needs it, but the way it is set up now, it is completely unsustainable.  Too many people look at this as free money and no work required.  Does anyone wonder why we are going broke?
One customer in particular has had three children and guess what?  She is trying to find something wrong with all three of them so that they can get a check also.  What a bunch of little money makers! Why is it that a six year old child needs a check?  Is there some job that they aren't able to do any longer?  When I was six years old, my chores included dusting, making my bed, clearing the table, and rinsing the dishes that were washed.  In what way did I contribute to the family that would require a check?
The thing that makes me the angriest is that while she was in jail for writing bad checks, she still received disability.  Yep-we mailed her a check even though she was cooling her heals in the grey bar motel.  Where is the common sense for that?
What is her disability you ask?  When she was a stripper, the stress of going to work every day caused her to have acute stress.  Maybe she should have learned a trade, or gotten an education.  I would think the stress of my children going hungry and homeless would get those pasties on, if nothing else.
Why would she need a check for her children's disabilities, any way?  Were they bringing in a check that the family depended on? Or is it just another biscuit to dip in our shrinking gravy train?  I bet it's the latter.
Another example that truly grates on me is right around the corner from me.  There is a guy on the corner who has a perpetual yard sale.  This town has something called 'spring clean up' when people set out the things that they want to haul to the dump, for whatever reason.  Quite often, there is nothing wrong with the item, the owner just no longer wants or needs it.  This "disabled" guy drives around for hours a day and loads his truck with the appliances, furniture, yard toys, lawn mowers and other things that people throw away.  So he can drive, lift more than fifty pounds repeatedly, make change, and sit and stand for long periods of time. How is he disabled again?  He looks perfectly able to stand by a door and say "Hi, welcome to Walmart.  Do you need a cart?"
Or what about the woman who won a million dollars in the lottery and continued to draw food stamps?  When she was confronted-she got angry!  She complained that after taxes, she didn't have more than five hundred thousand left!  How in the world was she supposed to furnish the two houses she had purchased if she had to buy her own food, too?  I was glad to see that she was arrested for fraud and has to repay much of the money that she received.But still-
Is there any question why we are broke?  Imagine it this way-if our Republic were a person-that person found out that his or her hours had been cut at work and  won't be making as much money.  Instead of tightening their belt, they just ordered the deluxe cable package for a brand new 78" wide screen television they just bought, and they're hoping that it's hooked up before he or she gets back from an around the world deluxe cruise.
Do you think any of those people are trying to get better so that they can contribute instead of drain the system?  Me neither.
I have no problem helping a person get back on their feet.  While I don't believe all of the receipts that I see online listing lobster, steak and other luxury items bought with food stamps- I do remember that when I worked at Walmart- those carts loaded down with fantastic cuts of beef and ground sirloin (and three cases of soda) were usually food stamp orders. I remember thinking-do me a favor and buy some ground turkey like I do- but of course I couldn't say it out loud.
I have no problem helping someone.  I have paid it forward on more than one occasion, we all have hopefully. It shouldn't be a lifestyle.  Think about it, you can thank me later.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Which Moron Thought this was a Good Idea?

Obama hates American exceptional-ism.  Watch him when he is out there "representing" us.  He cannot bow, scrape, or apologize enough for the way we do things better than others.  He cannot put his dumb hand over his heart when they display our flag.  He could barely stand to put a flag pin on his clothing.  He stands there, hands over crotch displaying his ignorance for all the world to see.(Strangely enough, he has no problem putting his dumb hand over his heart for other countries' flags. What's up with that??
While he was being groomed for the gig, you would have thought that one progressive would have given him a quick run down on U.S. Flag protocol.  He is such an anti- American tool.  It disrespects every man, woman, and child that ever sacrificed for that flag, the very flag that his yeti like wife couldn't understand the fuss over.
So B.O. has done everything in his power to kill the coal industry.  We have more coal than anyone else in the world.  We can burn coal at half the cost of anything else.  When B.O. and his ignorant minions decided to make coal less accessible, he decided that we would all pay twice as much for electricity.
He had some ignorant, misinformed, tree hugging vision of wind and solar power making up the difference. I guess he didn't realize that the private sector would be more than happy to step in if there was any practical way to make wind and solar profitable.  He takes more of an "all the above" approach in public now.  Of course, I haven't read about him urinating a half billion dollars to any of the coal industries-and yet-wasn't there a couple of high priced loans to now bankrupt solar companies?  Does Solyndra ring a bell?
Mine the coal, morons.  Mine the coal, use the coal here.  Not in China, here!  Bring the cost of energy down, and then we can begin to repair the damage that you have done in the last four years.  Build about ten more refineries by getting that useless E.P.A. (thanks Jimmy Carter) out of the way.  We have billions of barrels of oil right here.  Refinery jobs are excellent jobs that pay well for the risks that are taken.  Get out of our way and let us thrive, Obama.
The economy is in the toilet.  The cost of food, fuel, and housing is skyrocketing.  Those people who are lucky enough to have a good job are not certain how secure that job is.  Obama and his idiots are under reporting the unemployment numbers.  The government tells us that there is no inflation when you remove the costs of food and fuel.  Please tell me how you are suppose to manage a life without those two little things.  It would be like telling the family of a comatose patient that other than a heartbeat and brainwaves, the patient is just fine and dandy.
Think before you vote.  As one of my favorite bumper stickers read: "If you voted for Obama to prove you're not a racist, vote against him to prove you're not an idiot."  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Illegal Aliens Can't Vote in Our Elections, Mr. Holder

I have been very proud of the state that I grew up in-Florida-for purging their voter rolls of those who are not eligible to vote.  The illegal aliens, the felons, the visitors who are not eligible to vote will have to try and help steal an election some where else.
If they are able to answer the call to jury duty with the knowledge that they are ineligible because they are not citizens-what does Eric Holder see as voter suppression? They know that they aren't able to vote-why doesn't the "highest law enforcement in the land" know this?  Better yet, why isn't he enforcing this law?
So why is Eric Holder suing the state to make them stop?  Surely he understands that removing these names from the lists will ensure the integrity of the voting process.  He has to understand that requiring someone to show a picture I D is only verifying the process, right?
Of course he does, and that's what scares the crap out of them. Do you ever get the feeling that they want a bunch of ineligible voters on the rolls so that they can scam another election?  It kind of makes you wonder. It's a little harder to steal another election when people are watching, isn't it? In this state, there is an ongoing investigation into the forgery of names that even got B.O. on the ballot in the first place.  So if he wasn't eligible to be on this ballot, how many others was he not eligible for?
Texas is being sued to stop the practice of requiring a valid identification to vote.  How does that suppress the vote?  I mean from people who should be able to vote?  It doesn't, and the fact that the current administration wants as many illegal votes cast should tell you volumes about them.
The notion that the elderly would be discriminated against is laughable.  Eligible senior citizens always have their identification with them.  Don't believe me?  Forget to give one a senior discount and watch how quick that i.d. pops out!
Try buying alcohol without ID. For that matter, try to cash a check at Walmart without ID.  Try to get utilities turned on, or even drive a vehicle.  Are all of those activities racist as well?
Wouldn't people sworn to uphold the Constitution want to make sure that it was being upheld?  I guess not if it means their boss won't be elected.  It kind of makes you wonder why they wouldn't prosecute those black panthers for voter intimidation, doesn't it?  If two guys in hoods and robes had stood in front of a voting place with clubs-how quickly do you think Mr. Holder would have been on that?  Oh yeah, that's different.
Very soon, Mr. Obama will be our ex-president-God willing- and he and his wife can go back to what they are good at, that is mooching off the government teat.
I'm not crazy about Mitt Romney-more often than not, I call him mittforbrains.  But the Devil I don't know is better than the one we have in office now.  Register and vote.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 3, 2012

What do Bill Clinton and Herpes Have in Common?

Man o man, will he ever go away and stay away?  I have to wonder.  Most Presidents (the good ones, anyway) accept that their time in the public eye is over and they retire gracefully.  Slick Willie seems to be that party guest who just won't stay gone.  I know he craved attention- everything he did was calculated to draw the maximum amount of attention possible.  But I enjoyed 2000 ever so much more knowing that at the very least, he wouldn't be wagging his finger at me every day.  I guess I was wrong.
We all know someone like Bill.  It's either the drama queen/king co worker or that neighbor who knows everything-just ask him.  This is the person who got lucky once- and is now determined that you never, ever, forget it.
The msm has always enjoyed a slow dance in the moonlight with him.  There aren't many Presidents who could commit perjury, obstruction and possibly who knows what else and still have the msm in his back pocket.  He exposed himself to at least one woman and what did the media do?
Why-they made her the object of a smear campaign, of course!  That bulbous headed Carville made so many disparaging remarks about her-and trailer parks- and the Women's movements made not a whisper.  His pastor-Reverend Baby Daddy- was always there in the background offering him advice and photo ops.
His weight loss was covered with bated breath, as was his every sound byte.  He never fails to give his opinion on any given topic, it never stops!
Thank God for the internet-without it, I would never hear about the amazing job that President Bush and his wife Laura do for the troops who have been injured.  The countless hours visiting our brave soldiers in V A hospitals with no publicity, makes me proud to have voted for him. You never hear about it on the news, they aren't prostituting themselves for the attention.  No, they are saying thank you to the brave men and women who have made such huge sacrifices for all of us.
Clinton doesn't seem to get that he is not relevant any more. Thankfully, he cannot ever be president again, and the idea of his wife being in charge of anything other than looking the other way makes me reach for the maalox.
I think she is the Secretary of State much like that homely daughter of theirs works for NBC.  It looks good on paper.  Of course, when she ran for President, her sole qualification was looking the other way while he stepped out on her.  At yet, many idiots were perfectly willing to vote for her last time around.  I believe that a deal was struck to get her to step back, and I think the deal was probably brokered through the DNC.  They were so anxious to have B.O. on the ticket they were perfectly willing to chuck her under the bus to make it happen.  But, she couldn't have been any worse than what we have now.  She just couldn't.  Cross your fingers and hope that Slick willie will just go away, and soon.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Live and Learn

Anyone who has read this blog knows that I am a small business owner.  I like to think that I went into it with my eyes wide open.  I thought that I was prepared for any of the hurdles that could come my way, or at the very least, I could figure them out.  I had researched my area and the market, I had found a location that would work for me, I thought.  I have found wholesalers who are reasonable, honest, and that stand behind their products.  I looked into what it would take to make a profit, and how much I would have to mark things up in order to be able to pay for the things I sold.  I have a great business plan(she said modestly) and I was prepared for the long haul.  Live and learn.  I am moving the location of my store at the end of this month, to a smaller spot about 100 yards away.  I am more excited about that move then I am when I actually opened my store.  One reason is because I know what I am getting in to, and more importantly, I know what I am getting away from.
 I made the stupid mistake of taking someone at their word.  I know, I know, you would think that I would have learned by now.  The owners of my current building did not have a lease for me when I opened.  I asked them about it time and again, only to be told that they would get it to me, no rush.  I told them about the leak in the ceiling.  They said that they would get it fixed really soon.  And then part of the ceiling fell on me, and I ended up with a couple of concussions.
Man o man, did the lease get ready in a snap!  Oddly enough, it specifically made them irresponsible for any accidents that occurred on the property. Huh.  It also listed them as not responsible for any break ins, and problems with the building, or any maintenance to the property. Huh. It's almost as if they looked at everything they had done wrong and tried to indemnify themselves from it.
Another problem that I have had is taking checks from the people that I rent from.  You would think that it would be safe, yes?  Silly rabbit.  I sold a GPS system to one of the people that I rent from.  A week later, I got a letter from my bank, telling me that I had a service charge for a bad check.  I paid for the fees from my bank, and then I paid the fees that my bank paid for the bad check.  I only got half of the bank fees from the check bouncer back.  I am still waiting on the rest of them.  I also sold this woman four other items.  She returned them all.   The GPS that she returned because she didn't like it had one trip in the memory that she forgot to wipe out .  The backup camera probably made the trip on the GPS a little easier.  The television was cancelled after I had already committed to paying for it.  I should name my restocking fee after this person, shouldn't I?
 So I decided that instead of dealing with these "men" I would move my building to a better location.  That is what I am doing this week.  I will be open for business on a limited basis this week as I move my store, and fully open next week.  I will still carry a small amount of consignment, just not any large appliances any more.  Come on over to 406 W 9th Street in Auburn.  I will make a great deal on whatever it is you are looking for, if I don't have it, I'll find it for you.  As I like to tell people, you never know what you'll find.  Stop by, you'll thank me later. 

Monday, August 20, 2012


Man, I don't like this guy.  I don't like the way he holds himself.  I don't like the patronizing way that he speaks.  I don't like it when he lifts that head of his, and then tilts it down to lecture me.  I don't like it when he rolls his sleeves up to show me he is just a regular, workin' joe (B.O. has perfected this look. I always smile when I picture the lucky assistant who gets that gig).
While I am bombarded daily with people who tell me that a vote not cast for Romney is a vote for B.O., I would disagree.  I think an empty spot on the ballot is a message to the G.O.P. that we will not be taken for granted.  Romney outspent his opponents by any where from 4 to 1 to 12 to 1.  He negative bombed them into oblivion.  Why do you think that there were so many front runners?  It seemed that every month there was a new front runner, someone that the public tried out to see who would be acceptable, who would hold the conservative banner the highest.  We were looking for someone who would be able to fix the God awful mess that B.O. and his Democratic led Congress and Senate created in the first two years of his one and done.
In 2010, the message was heard loud and clear, people washed off the kool aid mustachio and started fixing the problem.  B.O. described it as a "shellacking" and the msm lost their minds.  First, they didn't see the tidal wave coming.  They dismissed the tea party gatherings as a bunch of whiteys who were gathering up to wear their hoods and protest.  There were even attempts at planting some racists in the tea party gatherings.  Pictures were quickly taken of some idiot and his more idiotic message.  What wasn't shown were the Tea Party folks with their own signs that pointed out the idiots.  The people sent there to infiltrate were usually chased away by people who shamed them into leaving with their hate filled diatribes.
The Tea Party people that I speak to are not enthusiastic about Willard Mitt Romney.  When the best you can manage is "he's better than what we have now" you know that the argument isn't very strong.  If anything, the argument is pathetic with a capitol P. 
I want a brokered convention.  That is a convention where nothing is guaranteed, and people negotiate.  It's my last ditch hope that Romney- who has been running for six years and still can't pull 50% of the votes of just Republicans- will be thwarted and we will have a chance of fixing the mess, not managing the decline.  I want our Republic to shine again. I want to be the beacon, the thing that gives hope.  I want to be a world leader, in all things.  I want a President who inspires me, who lifts us up as a Nation.  Mitt ain't it.  Think about it, you'll thank me later
Okay, okay- I'll admit it. I am a sucker for hope. I see that Willard has removed his cranial rectum obstruction and chosen very well for his vice president.  Paul Ryan is a fiscal rock star! He loves his country, he loves his family, and he wants to see us shine. How can you not love that?  In a case of deja vu all over again, I see myself wishing, once again, that the ticket were reversed. McCain/Palin any one?  So ignore the hysterical bleating you are about to see unleashed from the left.  Ignore the commercials that show Grannies going over cliffs. Ignore the hysterical (but not on purpose, I bet)ravings from Ms. Wasserman-Schwartz.  You'll thank me later. Really.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Lake Charles Manufacturing Ships by Stage Coach

A friend of mine recently purchased an excellent storage system for her spices.  She puts them in glass test tubes and stores those in a test tube holder.  She uses quite a few spices and now her cupboard isn't cluttered, and she can easily lay her hands on what she needs.  She talked me into doing the same thing, just by how easily she can find what she needs.  I find that I like cooking now, I use quite a few spices and the idea of making it easier to find what I need quickly sounds wonderful.  In other words- I was sold.
Unfortunately, I purchased the test tubes from Lake Charles Manufacturing.  I looked at the kits that were sold and decided like she did, that it would be better to simply buy the tubes and holder and simply put my own spices in them with my own labels.  They were a good, fair price.  My behind stings a little from the shipping-they charge 40% for the shipping.  I think they "sell" them so cheaply and then ream you on the shipping.  Here is where my backside gets truly red: Lake Charles Manufacturing does not ship on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday! In other words, if you want to get your order from them, make dang sure that you order it on one of the few days that they are open and shipping!  How stupid to claim to be open seven days a week, but not doing anything that would constitute work. It would be as if Walmart claimed to be open seven days a week, but only let you buy things four of those days.  Stupid, isn't it?
And there is a lot to be said for customer service also.  I love buying Jarden Consumer Products- Mr. Coffee, etc.because I know that they stand behind their products and take care of any complaints in a very quick manner.  They want your business and it shows.
 That is not the case with Lake Charles Manufacturing.  My contact with them has been terse, at best.  They think that waiting four days to ship something is perfectly fair.  Let's just say that we disagree on this.  Four days!  And then, as I am tracking the snail pace that my purchase is (finally!) making- I see that the package is averaging 60 miles per day.  To borrow a description from Ron White- my package is moving at half the speed of smell!
I can't tell you how the tubes for my spices are-I probably won't know for another week at this rate.  Ironically, the test tube holder, which came from twice as far away ( and for much less shipping) has been here for two days!  Good thing that I didn't get it from Lake Charles Manufacturing, huh?  If you need anything in the way of test tubes, or if you want to organize your spices to make cooking easier, don't buy from Lake Charles Manufacturing you'll thank me later!
I can't let this print without updating my conversation with Haley's supervisor.  I called the company this morning and complained to the person who answered for customer service.  After explaining that it would have been faster to ship by Greyhound Bus, Haley gave me a song and dance that would have done Fred Astaire proud.  I explained that taking four days to simply process my order was unacceptable.  The customer service person told me that if I had ordered more, or paid to upgrade my service, that they would be here by now.  I asked to speak with a supervisor.  The first contact with her I thought resulted in her hanging up,but it was a dropped call, apparently.  After calling back, I was given a refund on the ridiculously over priced shipping.  I still wouldn't use Lake Charles Manufacturing, though.  I expect someone to treat my order as though it were important to them.  These people aren't doing that.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Massacre by a Crazy Guy with No Tea Party Connections

I am heart broken at the death and carnage from the individual who killed all of those people in Aurora.  I see others who are refusing to use his name, so that he is denied the vicarious thrill of being named and therefore infamous.  I like the idea so much that I couldn't even tell you what that loser's name is.  I hope he goes down quickly as a pathetic footnote in history.
I am curious as to why his family has already hired a lawyer.  Why do they need a lawyer?  I tried to watch her press conference, I really did.  I wanted to know more information about this awful person who clearly needed to be stopped.  I couldn't make it all the way through the conference because she does this thing with her mouth, it looks like she is licking her teeth, I'm not sure.  I imagine it is some sort of nervous tick, I just can't get past it.
I wish I was surprised that ABC rushed right out with the false accusation that this loser was a member of the Tea Party.  The odds of two people having the same name must be as high as what? One in two?  I am certain that they were engorged at the thought-if you know what I mean.  Turns out the blood would have been more useful in their brains, as they failed to do the most basic of checks, and of course, it was a different guy with the same name.  Ever met more than one person with the same name?  So have I.  I guess the concept was lost on the cracker jack team of journalistic integrity that is ABC.  Ask me why I don't trust the msm, go ahead.
So now we have two-count 'em-two individuals with no cheese on their cracker and both times the msm broke their legs to blame the people who want less government. While I am pretty sure the first guy was bat crap crazy- I think the second guy is just as sane as most people.
 Good thing that they don't have an agenda, isn't it?  How many times do they have to be wrong to get the idea that part of reporting the news is getting it right, the first time?  How many times do they get to absolutely blow it and still be taken seriously?  I can't imagine how misinformed I would be if I only counted on the three networks for my information.
I suppose that we should be thankful for the internet- it is just about the last place where you can get unvarnished information. Thanks again, Algore.
I am not the first to point this out, but it does bare repeating.  There was a 71 year old gentleman who stopped an attempted arm robbery and hostage situation by shooting those two cowardly weasels.  He had a concealed carry permit and he used it.
If only someone in Colorado had had the same foresightedness.  Perhaps we would be reading about a hero instead of the senseless murderous acts perpetrated by this piece of work. I read about one of the victims, he died trying to stop that horrid man.  He kept his girlfriend alive.  What an amazing man.
 I read an idea suggested by someone- I don't remember who- that suggested fixing the problem in a way that the government would love, especially with their taxing overdrive. First tax every able individual one hundred thousand dollars per year for gun control.  Immediately waive fifty thousand dollars per year to every person who owns a legally purchased fire arm.  Second, waive another twenty five thousand dollars when each person completes a gun safety course.  Third, waive another twenty five thousand dollars when each person files an affidavit stating that they carry their gun with them at least one day a week.
The liberals who abhor my ability to protect myself and my family can go ahead and pay the tax, they seem to love taxes, don't they?  Every way I look at it, this is a win-win.
So there are two things to consider- make sure that you verify what the msm tells you. And consider asking your elected officials about the new concealed carry tax.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Michelle Obama Looks Like a Yeti, But I Won't Make Fun of Her

Do you remember when the media told us that family was off limits when it came to politicians?  Of course, that was when Chelsea Clinton was the kid in the White House, and entirely different. I have many things that I could say about her appearance, personality, amazing career opportunities due to her family connections, but I won't. Nope, not me.
But, when George W. Bush's daughters made some stupid choices, the msm had a field day with it.  I remember when Ronald Reagan's children were getting a fair amount of coverage for their opinions, also.Not that I agreed with them.  How is it possible for someone with President Reagan for a father to be so dumb politically? How one of the greatest presidents in modern history could have two bone headed children like that boggles my mind.  But back to the current resident of the Oval Office.
I have seen pictures of the family in the White House right now and I have one word: yikes.  While I understand that a person's appearance should not be the definition of who that person is- I will say that it's a dang good thing those Soetoro/Obamas have money.  A dowry may come in handy.
Why is there this double standard for conservatives in the media?  I promise you, if Laura Bush had looked like a fabled mountain creature, every vicious liberal comedian would still be making fun of her.  If  a conservative had children that were clearly going to be needing soft lighting-the more outspoken comics would be having a field day. Bill Maher-proof that anyone can make it in the United States if there ever was-can make fun of Sarah Palin and her children, but the cowardly fellow clearly has a double standard, doesn't he? Why wasn't ARC or one of the many other groups who lobby for the developmentally challenged screaming their heads off?  Granted, if he has two thousand viewers who aren't directly related to him or the staff, I would be surprised. I guess he was raised to make fun of the challenged because it makes him feel better about his own inadequacies.
Maybe if he were funny instead of just obnoxious it would help.  Of course, making fun of a single mother is always taking the high road, isn't it?  Clearly, Mr. Maher has never made a mistake, now has he?  Oh wait- he managed to get himself canned from ABC for siding with the terrorists, didn't he?  Can you imagine how much it irritated ABC to do something that made them look the slightest bit patriotic?  I bet the Maalox was flowing like wine that week.
My mother likes to repeat a section from a biography about Nancy Reagan.  Now the person who wrote that had about her had to walk it back and pay damages.  Her biography/hit pieces are not really based on facts, more like truthiness.  But. that aside, can you imagine the moral outrage if something like that were said about Hillary Clinton?  We're talking about a woman who ran for president with the sole qualification of having looked the other way while the president at the time(her husband) was having sex with every big toothed woman that would hold still-or at least be held.  With qualifications like that, every woman who tolerates a cheater is qualified.
I have a sarcastic side.  Anyone who has had more than three conversations with me is not surprised by this news.  A friend from work once told me that I didn't seem to have that switch in my head that stopped me from saying whatever I was thinking.  That may well be.  But look at the double standard in the media.  Ask yourself what they are trying to control by censoring opinion.  Ask yourself who they are trying to control with their censoring.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I Can't Believe I Agree With the Klan on This

The Klu Klux Klan has applied to adopt a section of road in Georgia.  They have been denied.  While I am no fan of the ignorance perpetrated by this racist group-I have to wonder why they were denied.  If the state of Georgia has any controversial organizations what so ever- they have some 'splaining to do.  Don't think that I support the KKK in any way.  I think that they are a deplorable batch of bigots too cowardly to show their faces.  They take pleasure in the fear that they try to create.  They are probably very small-if you know what I mean.  I have known people who were only powerful when they were in a larger group, I think the cowardice they must face every day when they look in the mirror, must cause them many thousands of deaths.
That being said, who is Georgia to tell them no?  I don't like a lot of groups. I think the Susan G. Komen folks are cowards who blinked in the face of Planned Parenthoods' unrelenting assault on murdering babies.  I removed every pink ribbon that I had, and I sent them a letter with their last appeal for money telling them that I didn't want my money helping Planned Parenthood free up funds for their abortions.  I'll bet that they have a few hunks of adopted highway.
I might not like what they stand for, but free speech is free speech.  It doesn't protect you from things you don't want to hear.  That's not what it means.  And while I may disagree 100% with everything that the Klan says-I can't tell them that they can't say it.  I just ignore it and try to marginalize them.
Those attention whores at Westboro Baptist Church who protest at military funerals have been beautifully marginalized.  Every time a group of bikers sweeps them out of the area of concern- I cheer.  If the KKK does in fact adopt a section of the highway-and you can bet the ACLU that they will-why don't the people of that area save their most disgusting trash for their section?
I can't imagine that the KKK will have much enthusiasm for picking up bags of dog poop that have been cooking in the hot Georgia sun.  Not that I am advocating that-of course not.
You can't pick and choose you freedoms-you have to take them all.  Be glad that we all live in a Republic that allows us all to say what we think(for now) regardless if it is politically correct.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Not as Bad as B.O.

I think Harry Reid is an idiot.  The fact that Nevada keeps sending him to Washington, D.C. doesn't speak well of them at all.  I think it has more to do with the machinations of politics, but that is me.  I recall when he was up for re election the last time and was facing a Tea Party challenger.   Well, she wasn't a member of the Tea Party so much as a woman who wasn't very electable.
Senator Reid, in true democratic tradition bused in tons of folks to take care of the election. Go union.  From the msm, we heard not a peep.  Of course, they were still reeling from the old fashioned butt whoopin' that had been handed to them, courtesy of the Tea Party.
The other day, Mr. Reid opined that because Mitt Romney would not release any more than a year of his tax returns, he would not be qualified to be a dog catcher.  While I have made my opinion of Mr. Romney pretty clear in his usual title of mitt for brains, for Mr. Reid to denigrate someone for not releasing records in the face of B.O. doesn't not pass the laugh test.
How about B.O. release his college transcripts?  Oh, that's right, he is still actively suing to keep them hidden.  And where is the media on this one?  If you said MIA, you win the prize!  How about if he explain his selective service card irregularities?  Or the work that Sheriff Joe Arpaio's cold case team has turned up on his forged birth certificate?
So for that lifeless dolt to stand up at the floor of the Senate and whisper through any accusation of Mitt not being qualified for a job based on not releasing records-that dog won't hunt.  Let's see why Mrs. Obama voluntarily gave up her license to practice law.  I would love to know more about that, wouldn't you?  Lest we have her inflicted on us as the next Secretary of State- she has all the qualifications of Hillary, she has slept with a President, after all- we need to know more about her.
I would like for the most transparent administration,ever, to stop suing to prevent the exposure of his past.  When that happens, Mr. Reid can whisper through another accusation.  I am sure they have a list of distractions to foist on us until November.  In the mean time, think about B.O.'s qualifications.  Would you hire someone that tried so hard to hide their background?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, July 9, 2012


It seems that many people have little or no standards these days.  I wonder why that is?  Have we all fallen as a race of people, willing to accept whatever we have to in order to succeed in the things that we like?  I hope that's not the case.  I hope that we haven't all taken a step back on the ladder of decency.  I read about people setting victims on fire, then laughing as they scream.  It saddens me for the victim-who was white and one of the reason you never read about him-but it saddens me for our whole world.
Is this the place that we want to leave to our children?  This hate filled, orgiastic, swarm of moral relativism?  So much for 'if it feels good do it', because this is where that dark road had left us. I read a great book about shame dying, and I took it to heart.  While I don't think that people should be ostracized for their choices, I also don't think that some of them should be celebrated either.
I wasn't married when I gave birth to my second son.  I could have been, his useless father and I could have married at any time, we just put it off until Jamey was almost four.  I regret that now, I should have never married him in the first place.  Oh well.  Who has the magic glasses that spot the lying adulterous cheaters?  I could have used those.  But back to standards.
We accept many things today that we never would have as a society even twenty years ago.  I don't understand how anyone can defend delivering a child partially, and then inserting a needle into his or her brain and murdering that baby.  But we as a people allow that to happen every day.  We allow murder, rape, and disrespect almost constantly on television.
There was a time that I watched a lot of sitcoms, and from that, I thought that it was okay to be rude to my family, rude to the world.  Watch any episodic television from the seventies or eighties and what did you see?  Smart mouthed children, hapless adults, rudeness not only encouraged, but glorified.  If one of my children said any of the things that I hear on television to me, I would probably punish them.
Homosexuality is another standard that we seem to be looking the other way with.  I don't care who you have sex with- so long as it is consensual and legal.  But believe me when I tell you, I don't want to know anything else about it, either.  Keep it to yourself and don't make me have to explain to my children about things that they don't need to know about while they are still children.  Make a will if you want  to leave your stuff to your partner.  If you are determined to dress up for a ceremony- rent a hall, buy your outfits, send out invitations and have fun.  But don't make our society as a whole worse off by lowering our standards. Some things just aren't right.
Please don't try that whole segregation argument, or suffrage, because to quote a movie "that dog won't hunt."  NO where in the Bible does it say to treat a person differently because of their skin color.  It specifically tells us to honor and love women.  It also spells out the consequences of homosexuality, and none of them are good.  This isn't an "evolving" issue.  It was wrong yesterday.  It is wrong today.  It will be wrong tomorrow.
Even if you don't believe in God, there are things that are wrong simply because they are.  No amount of exposure to it will change that. We had better start holding people accountable to standards, or we are all going to be out of luck soon.
Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Not Children- Savages!

I've been watching the little savages on the school bus who verbally attacked the elderly bus monitor, Karen Klein.  That must be one proud pack of parents, yes? How do you have something so mean and nasty in your home and not know it?  Where did these little poster children for birth control learn that this behavior was acceptable? If I knew that my child was involved in that, I would have my child walking to school for the rest of his days. With a sore butt.
Why aren't the parents raising children that will contribute to society instead of attacking a woman who is only trying to do her job?  If you listen to the children, they are taunting this woman over the suicide of one of her children. Disgusting.  Since I can't know the names of these minors, then I would be very interested in knowing the names of the parents.  They should be made to be responsible for this.  Disgusting. If there is anyone else who should be punished for this, it is the people who are feeding and housing that pack of losers.
The school bus should not be a place where children can act out their every disgusting thought.  It should be a way to transport children safely back and forth from school and school activities.  And since I cannot know the names of the children, I should be able to know the names of their parents.
I would also like to know more about the home situation of these little savages.  The msm is more than happy to tell what every faux celebrity is having for breakfast and with whom, why not give me the info on who is doing such a miserable job of raising these little brutes?
There is a fund for this lady that is doing quite well.  I am glad for her. Hopefully, she will be able to retire and leave these little monsters behind her.  I have to wonder how well she'll be able to forget that there are cretins like these in the world.  The worst part is that the whole thing came about when one of these sub-humans posted the footage as if this were something to be proud of. What a monumental jerk that little (* parents who were never married) must be, and his parents(my money is still on being raised by wolves) can't be any better. Get involved with your children's activities, hopefully you can stop them from ever being this cruel, vile and disgusting to another person.  You'll thank me later.