Monday, December 17, 2012

A Loose Definition of "Celebrity"

I don't watch reality television. Truth be told, I don't really watch television.  Four years ago, I realized that the only thing I did watch was Dexter and Monk, and so I quit my television habit, cold turkey.  I don't miss it very often, with exceptions like wanting to watch the debates.  One of the biggest reasons that  don't miss television is reality programming.
I hate the television writers for going on strike and making the networks see that they could still fill the programming with reality television.  I don't care who is on Survivor. I can spot a Kardashian by their excessive makeup and scanty clothing.  I don't care who is married to whom for twenty minutes, nor do I care that they prostituted themselves to pay for it.  If I want reality programming, I watch the news.  It seems pretty real, more so than following some person who is only famous for being famous.
I don't care about their plastic surgeries, although Kenny Rogers and Bruce Jenner have drifted into that asexual-what the heck were they thinking, do their ears meet in the back?- look.  Creepy.
I wish that someone would muzzle celebrity children as well.  I pray that Micheal Jackson's "children" have had their five minutes of fame and that they drift into wealthy obscurity very soon.  I think that Micheal Jackson abused children, I really do.  There were too many accusations that were paid off and hushed up for there not to be something to the stories.  As the saying goes "where there is smoke there is fire."  So now, I don't think that he will be grooming these purchased children.  But the idea of letting a fourteen year old girl have access to the media simply amazes me.  She is still a child, albeit a wealthy one.  Where are their Mothers?  It's crazy!
Another celebrity child that I grew tired of quickly is the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. I don't care if she is engaged, married or missing.  Engaged at eighteen to he step relative puts me in mind of some of my people from Kentucky, but I guess it's only inbreeding when you are Southern.  To quote one of my favorite movies ever, " Poor people are crazy. I'm eccentric."  Hooking up with your step anything is crazy. Doesn't matter how large your trust fund is, that is crazy.
But if the media would stop making these people instant celebrities, maybe they would go away.  Maybe the publicity departments that are hired by these narcissistic losers would have to tighten their belts and  I would consider owning a television in my home again.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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