I went to Walmart tonight. I had to get some stuff, all the good stores were closed, you know how it is. My total came up to $10.96. I wanted fifty cents for the machine in the lobby, so when it came time to make the check out, I told the cashier, "Make it for fifty cents over, please." She stared at me like a monkey doing a math problem. I stared back, not believing that a grown woman couldn't add those two figures. Finally, because there was a guy in line behind me, I said"That will make it $11.46, okay?" She laughed and said the amount threw her. I smiled like I believed her. If I hadn't given her the total, I'd still be there waiting, I have no doubt. When did people get so stupid? Does only Walmart hire them, or are they everywhere, and I mercifully don't run in to them as much as I could? Either way, it sets my teeth on edge. My other complaint, and I know it seems silly to expect customer service and all, but would it be possible for a person who works there to actually stop and help you find what you are looking for? It's just crazy enough to work, isn't it? That was my other run in. I was looking for a particular cable in electronics, and the vapid associate waved her box cutter and pointed east. That was helpful. I'll wait until Staples opens tomorrow and get it then. I'll bet the employee over there might even walk me to what I am looking for, want to bet?
Who knows, they might even ask if there is anything else they can help me with? Crazy, huh? Now, I can appreciate that the folks at Walmart are timed for everything that they do, so customer service is going to take a dump, but it seems to me that if they can still find time to discuss when they are going on a break, they can find the time to help me find the saddle soap.
But while I am here talking about things that I don't understand, can someone please tell me what the criteria is for a Nobel Peace prize? I mentioned this once before, and I am still trying to sort it out. The guy in the White House hasn't been in office for a year. If you take all of his Senate experience and combine it with this past year's debacle, my 13 year old son has more school experience than this guy has world politics' experience. (Unless, of course, you want to count his ACORN election fraud mentoring as experience) Yet the idiots in Stockholm saw fit to give this guy an award for his outstanding achievements. In their eyes, this puts him on the same field as Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela. One spent her life bringing hope and life to an impoverished group of people. The other spent the majority of his life in prison for trying to bring fairness and justice to a group of people. So this dufus teaches a group of people how to register someone to vote 23 times, and that is as worthy as the first two? It cheapens the award for them, to be sure. Why not give it to Castro? He has fixed elections,also. Fair is fair. Of course, in Castro's defense, he was actually born in the country he is running, so that might eliminate him. He might try going country to country apologizing for any conceived slight over the last eighty years, that seems to have worked for this guy. Of course, that doesn't stop B. O. from having to live up to his pre-election deals. I see that he is meeting with more and more special interest groups that he promised to help if they would help him steal the election. I would hate to think that any of them voted for him 19 times and didn't get what they were promised. So hang on, I am sure that we have another assault on our basic freedoms in the works. Socialism, here it comes. And also, if you do have to go into that retail box of wonder, take a calculator for the cashier, you'll thank me later.
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