Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where Are You When We Need You, Ronald Reagan?

Ronald Reagan was great. In my own humble opinion, he was the greatest President we have ever had, besides Abraham Lincoln. And since Lincoln was before my time, my vote goes to Mr. Reagan. He had such a strong sense of patriotism, it's hard to believe that he was from California. How that state had the good sense to elect him governor amazes me. This is a country that is proud of Mayors who refuse to let Military recruiters do their job. Nice. But back to Mr. Reagan. He had a wicked sense of humor, and he was so personable that even the notoriously left leaning media had a hard time saying anything about him. I'll forgive him those chimpanzee movies to the idea that everyone has to eat, and just explain why I think he was so cool. Regardless of what anyone may think of her-he loved his wife, Nancy Reagan. I have a relative who loves to quote from a rumor mongering tabloid style "journalist". It's funny how no one else ever remembers things like that isn't it? But back to Mr. Reagan. He had a vision for the United States of America and nothing was going to sway that. He wanted us to be the top of the line again, and with his leadership, it happened. The pathetic leadership of the former administration's inept handling of the Iran hostage situation is all that needs to be said about that guy. Ronald Reagan came in shootin' so to speak, and put this country back on the right path. I will go to my grave believing that he bluffed the former Soviet Union in to bankruptcy. And he never got a Nobel Prize, did he? If stopping the threat of nuclear war isn't worthy, than I guess, it is better off with some foreign born pretender to the throne, isn't it? Especially one that has done so much with the office already. I guess getting the Olympics to Chicago as repayment for favors must be a bigger deal than I thought. But back to one of my heroes. I have a friend who complains that the deficit skyrocketed while Reagan was in office. My reply to that is that at least we got our money's worth. What price would you put on removing the threat of annihilation? And I believe he was the first president to start the conversation about the deficit. He is also the only president that I have heard discussed in terms of doing away with the term limits on holding that particular office. If the media hadn't scraped together every piece of mumbo jumbo on the Contras (can you say much ado about nothing?) I believe that Ronald Reagan would have served twelve years in the White House. Oh well. Keep an eye on the count down on this blog. That's set for the next election in this country-providing of course that ACORN doesn't steal another one-when hopefully, we can begin to take our Country back. Register to vote if you haven't yet. You'll thank me later.

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