Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm Going to Have to Quit Watching the News

Watching the news today, I learned that the majority of the mortgage crisis has been caused by people buying more house than they can afford. All their fault, you might say, and I would have to agree. But what about the other people, the people who have a crooked mortgage holder? What about the people who genuinely want to keep their home, but because of dishonest practices, they are having an uphill fight of it? Those are the people I would like to see represented. But apparently, the major media outlets are too busy looking for skeletons in Joe the Plumber's closet. No offense to Joe, I'm sure that if I sat down with him we would have a delightful conversation. He seems genuine to me, it was Obama's mistake for trying to look off the cuff when he is clearly not suited to it. You throw a free concert in Europe and have him speak his prepared comments beforehand and he almost looks competent. However, if you throw him into a crowd that hasn't been vetted and you will find him making a huge political mistake. He accidentally told the truth. I don't understand why I am supposed to work so hard to get somewhere in my life and make good decisions, and make hard choices, even sacrifices, so that someone else can have a share of my hard work. It was socialism in ninth grade civics, and it's still socialism today. As Ferris Buehller once said, "I don't care for any ism." I have no problem helping someone, but I have a huge problem with making me give part of my earnings to "help the people who are coming up behind me." Which, believe it or not, does circle us back to the happiest place in retail. Tony, another favorite of mine sent me a long frustrated email because he was told for the third time last night to hurry up and finish his area so that he could go and help someone else with their area. Normally, Tony has no problem pitching in when it's needed, but he watched the person he was supposed to help. As soon as she heard she was getting help, she slowed down! That in turn made Tony slow down, because in his logic, why should he bust his butt for the same money, and have to do two jobs that evening? I can't argue with him, what he said made perfect sense to me. So I suppose if you like the idea of working twice as hard to make sure everyone has a piece of your hard work, you know who to vote for. If not, then give it another thought and don't let the media do your thinking for you. You'll thank me later.

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