Monday, April 27, 2015

Walmart Closes Stores Because of Aliens From OuterSpace!!!

I'm not one for following the network news.  I don't believe the spin that they put on the very news that I read unadulterated earlier in the day.  If I want a spin, I'll go to the carnival.  That being said- I am reading horror story after horror story about the heartless corporation known as Walmart closing five stores with almost no notice to its employees.
I have read that Walmart closed five stores because of plumbing issues.  I have also read that they were closed to facilitate B.O.'s invasion exercise.  I have read that they will be detention facilities.  I don't believe a word of it.
If I had a dog in the fight-my guess would be that five stores had recently voted to unionize.  If they were stupid enough to do that, they voted themselves out of a job.  The economy sucks or hadn't anyone told them lately?  If they foolishly believed the media, then more is the pity.  How does that unemployment feel now?  Of course they got a smidgen of severance pay. But they would probably rather have jobs, huh?
What did they think those unions were going to give them, anyway? $12 an hour to start?? Good luck with that.  I am not now or will I ever be a huge fan of Walmart, but less so am I a fan of unions.  Kind of a toss right?  But five stores have closed their doors and I don't really believe it's a plumbing issue.  But you know, if those associates tore something up hoping to get some kind of leverage, they look even dumber now, don't they?
Walmart is not a job for the faint hearted. Retail in general means you will be dealing with people that have never been taught  basic manners, and management that doesn't care.  The only way to survive working for a faceless corporation is to leave the job when you clock out.  You cannot make it personal, you have to leave it at the door.
But if  Walmart has closed five stores because of unionization- then good for them.  That's what they did when the meat cutters unionized.  They stopped doing that in the stores and let those people go.  They sent all of their meat through giant facilities that cut the meat there and then shipped it to the stores.  Why wouldn't they?
People shop at Walmart for one reason: low prices.  When Walmart stops providing the lowest prices they will go the way of K-mart.  Unions will promise ridiculous wage increases ( and they better be to cover those forced union dues) and then when Walmart gets the demand, they say no.  So when the unions threaten strikes ( the only arrow in their quiver) then the world's largest retailer closes the doors.  Pretty simple, huh?
I thank God everyday that I don't have to work there anymore.  The less I have to deal with either of those entities-the better.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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