Monday, April 13, 2015

The Ted Cruz Roast

Ted Cruz is making things very difficult for the msm.  He is clearly conservative enough to please those that drive the Republican Party's enthusiasm levels.  He is well spoken, and to date he has been able to avoid all of the foot in mouth problems that some conservative candidates have stumbled through.
Ted Cruz makes it very difficult for the msm.  If his eligibility is questioned (and it has been by some irony challenged) then it raises the humongous double standard that Obama's ineligibility and fraud were proven conclusively  and the media simply chose to ignore it.
If forensic specialists had been involved in President Bush's military service questions, Dan Rather might still have a job, huh?
I agree with many of the things that Senator Cruz says.  I disagree with some, but he is head and shoulders better than the hot mess we are stuck with for now.
I love that there are those who claim Senator Cruz doesn't have enough experience yet.  These are the same unprepossessing folks who thought that Barrak Hussein Sotaro Obama was just hunky dory and the second coming.
Remember the swooning? The reported 'cool factor' that Obama had?  I still shudder at the idea that he would be the 'smartest guy in the room.'  How small is that room anyway?
I still like Paul Ryan, he was the best part of Mitt Romney's unending run for the White House.  He has great ideas and an impeccable reputation.  I trust him when he tells me something.  I wouldn't trust B.O. to make change for a dollar.
How about if we quit using all of these liberal double standards?  How about if we just hear the truth-all of the truth- about the people that want to lead our country? It would be so refreshing if the media removed themselves from the process and just told me the facts.
It wasn't that long ago that the Harry Reid questioned the ethnicity of Mr. Cruz.  That was another under reported story for the media.  It didn't fit in with their narrative, I guess.  Of course, Mr. Reid's comments about B.O. not having a "negro dialect" were also seriously under reported.
Think for yourself and get your information from many sources.  You'll thank me later.

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