Monday, January 26, 2015

Chris Kyle was an Amazing Hero! His Detractors? Not So Much

I was not surprised to see another fading celebrity trying desperately to remain relevant.  Bill Maher-HBO's poster child for all things libtard- has jumped on the bandwagon of criticism of Chris Kyle.  Maher, whose sole contribution to the planet is an infrequently watched program on HBO that was so crappy he got scrapped from ABC.  He claims to be politically incorrect, but he is just another snarky, unfunny mouth piece for the left.  They hate anything and everything that celebrates the United States of America.  When they had to feign patriotism after September 11th, it galled them.  Now, back in their ivory towers and gated communities, they can once again spout the ignorant blather that makes them so popular with the liberals whose approval they pathetically seek.
Bill Maher was a stand up comedian 30 years ago. He did so well at that that he had to try television.  Yeah, he's a hoot.
I look forward to watching American Sniper. Chris Kyle was an American hero, and had he been doing things that would have hurt the United States while at war (hello Hanoi Jane) he would have been a cause celebre the likes of which we would teach school children for years.
Micheal Moore claims he had an uncle that was killed by a sniper.  Ok. It must be one of the many reasons he schleps around unshaven in that dumb hat while living in a mansion behind walls in a gated community.  No doubt. The problem is, no one can find the uncle Mr. Moore made up.  He had an uncle that was killed in World War II, but researchers can't find any sniper that was involved.  Another lie for Mr. Moore.  He is good at that anyway. He had made an asinine claim that Cuba's health care was superior to ours because it was free.  He still doesn't understand the mart of competitive commerce, or he would understand that nothing is ever really free when the government is involved. He is the grand daddy of liberal hypocrisy and pound for pound the biggest libtard in the world. He never lets a little thing like truth get in his way or his "art." Back when he released the craptacular Fahrenheit 911 he lied so much that a documentary correcting his endless lies was released.  Faren-hype 911  did an amazing job of untelling the lies that Moore tried to float.  It showed the rest of the interviews that Moore used and edited to say what he wanted said, versus the truth.  I recommend it for anyone who wants the truth, not the pablum that Hollywood liberals want you to believe.
Enter now Seth Rogen.  I always thought that he was mildly amusing, he plays the same guy over and over to greater or less success. There is usually at least one scene of him smoking marijuana, I expect there is a reason for that.  I am certain that he memorizes words and repeats them back just as well as any of the other overpaid actors in the world today.
The mistake he made was in thinking that his opinion was somehow more relevant.  His comparison of Chris Kyle to nazis (even if they were in a movie) was disgusting and demeaning.  The idea that a real honest to God hero would be held in derision speaks more about the envy and hate teaming in Mr. Rogen's soul than in the wonderful job Mr. Kyle did for his country.
Perhaps the choom gang should stick to things that they have the slightest bit of expertise on-bongs, weed, and semi-funny comedies aimed at the lowest common denominator.
I don't delve into an entertainers politics.  I prefer to think that everyone has the sense God gave a stump.  I enjoy their movies until they make it obvious that they don't in fact have superior wisdom to that stump.  when that happens, I stop supporting their work.
I don't pay to see their movies.  I don't buy their dvds.  I don't watch them when they are on television.  Eventually, it catches up with them.  If more people supported their political beliefs with their pocket books, Hollywood would be forced to change their tune.  Even they can't keep releasing their crap and losing money. Look at the Dixie Chicks.  I hope they polish that grammy.  It was the last recognition they received, and they broke up soon after.  Good.
I hope that Rogen and Moore soon join them on the trash heap of modern pop culture.  No one would deserve it more.
If the only way that you can attempt to resuscitate your dying careers is to try and detract from a bonafide American Hero, maybe you should check out the center square on Hollywood Squares.  Because, other than that, your career is over.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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