Please don't read this as an endorsement for Donald Trump, it isn't. He is saying things that need to be said, the msm cannot shut him down and I am enjoying the show. But I love love love Dr. Carson (the only black man it's safe to make fun of, btw) and any combination of those two would interest me. But back to the Donald.
His strongest and best received talking point is when he brings up the horrible devastation that illegal aliens have had on our economy. They aren't doing jobs "that no one else will do" they are stealing jobs from Americans who are desperate for a paycheck, any paycheck in Obama's socialist paradise. How's that all working out for you, anyway?
But back to Mr. Trump and his classically brilliant idea of putting a real live insurmountable wall on our Southern border-it'll work. The Vatican City has a huge one, and it's working for them, in spite of Pope Francis' chiding about our immigration policy.
He isn't talking about a 'cyber' wall, or something that rings an alarm, Donald Trump has discussed building a brick and mortar 12 foot tall wall along our Southern border where it butts up against Mexico. Brilliant. Not only will the jobs be a wonderful influx to the economy, but it will work. Cue the liberals and their exploding heads :But how will you pay for it? They whine, suddenly worried about the price tag for the first time in their lives? Where was all of this fiscal concern when B.O. laughingly told us that obamacare would bend the cost curve down for insurance?? They bought that crap with a straight face and repeated it ad nauseam until the truth couldn't be ignored. Now they simply try and change the subject.Typical.
The problem they face is that socialized medicine has not, will not, and can not ever work. Reality raises her ugly head faster than Rosie O'Donnell can sniff out an all you can eat buffet. Then you are left with the gazillion dollar bill and nothing to show for it. Go hope and change!
The wall on the southern border, however, will work. That's one of the many many reasons that liberals hate it. Without the constant influx of illegal aliens taxing our systems, there is no hope of implementing the rest of Saul Ailynsky's socialist utopia. And we all know how well socialism works, don't we? If you need more proof-just check out the guy running Russia. He is firm, decisive, and strong.
The guy we have looks like what he is, a choom gang reject just trying to avoid any hard work.
But back to Donald Trump's idea for paying for the wall-his suggestion was brilliant: tax every money wire transfer into Mexico five dollars. As someone who has worked at Walmart on a Friday night, I can tell you that thousands went out every week, just from that one small store. Imagine what it must be like, all over the country. At five bucks a pop, we can pay for the wall, get the real unemployment under control and start working our way back to greatness. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
Mr. Trump- Keep Your Focus on Illegal Aliens and the Economy, You'll Win
I don't know if I'll support Donald Trump's bid to be president or not yet. I have to agree with most of the things that come out of his mouth when he is talking about illegals or the economy. Unfortunately, he is easily distracted. The msm however, is relentless. In a nutshell, they hate his stinking guts.
It doesn't seem to bother him, he keeps right on plugging away, saying what he thinks and letting the dust settle around it. I wish he could focus on the problem of illegals invading our Republic and leave it there. I agree with him that once that problem is solved, the rest will fall into place. Especially since B.o. wants to import 100,000terrorists muslim refugees.
I have yet to see that Saudi Arabia and all of the other nations in the area are volunteering to give any a home. Why are we? They won't assimilate-they are already screaming for muslim holidays-and in general, only want to live here in order to change it. Why would we want that again?
The lying kid who took the case off a clock and called it home made is a god case in point. The msm couldn't wait to try and make him a hero of sorts. Why don't they ever investigate the stories that they report? A simple search online would have found 15 stories destroying their narrative of a geeky kid all excited to show off his latest "invention." They should learn how to work a google search.
Donald Trump may well be a blowhard with the worst hair I have ever seen. But other than Dr. Carson, he is the only one who is saying the things that need to be said.
I admit, I rolled my eyes when he first announced his candidacy. I was pretty certain it was another stunt, in order to draw more attention to whatever project he had coming up. It may well have been when he started. But the theme of making America great again rings with many people. It hasn't been true since President Reagan was in office. President Bush (43) had his moments, but the media was gunning for him from the get go. Then he moved to the middle and became much like his father.
I still admire his dedication to our service men and women, but all in all, he disappointed me.
Regardless of that, until someone better comes along-if someone better comes along, Mr. Trump could win if he can stay on target. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
It doesn't seem to bother him, he keeps right on plugging away, saying what he thinks and letting the dust settle around it. I wish he could focus on the problem of illegals invading our Republic and leave it there. I agree with him that once that problem is solved, the rest will fall into place. Especially since B.o. wants to import 100,000
I have yet to see that Saudi Arabia and all of the other nations in the area are volunteering to give any a home. Why are we? They won't assimilate-they are already screaming for muslim holidays-and in general, only want to live here in order to change it. Why would we want that again?
The lying kid who took the case off a clock and called it home made is a god case in point. The msm couldn't wait to try and make him a hero of sorts. Why don't they ever investigate the stories that they report? A simple search online would have found 15 stories destroying their narrative of a geeky kid all excited to show off his latest "invention." They should learn how to work a google search.
Donald Trump may well be a blowhard with the worst hair I have ever seen. But other than Dr. Carson, he is the only one who is saying the things that need to be said.
I admit, I rolled my eyes when he first announced his candidacy. I was pretty certain it was another stunt, in order to draw more attention to whatever project he had coming up. It may well have been when he started. But the theme of making America great again rings with many people. It hasn't been true since President Reagan was in office. President Bush (43) had his moments, but the media was gunning for him from the get go. Then he moved to the middle and became much like his father.
I still admire his dedication to our service men and women, but all in all, he disappointed me.
Regardless of that, until someone better comes along-if someone better comes along, Mr. Trump could win if he can stay on target. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Run, Joe! Run!
C'mon Joe Biden. You know you want to. Never mind those exploratory committees, just commit and get to stumping for the Oval Office. You can raise money, it's your strong suit. You're a breath from the job now, you know you want to do it.
Before you believe I have lost my senses, think about this for a bit. Biden will be a gaffe producing machine-even more so than he is now. The msm will have a MUCH more difficult time providing him cover-not that the internet doesn't prove what lackeys they are daily.
Crazy Uncle Joe has been under lock and key, not allowed to make the fool of himself that we all know that he is. He was dusted off so that the proper sympathies could be extended when his son died. Now, it's time to get the popcorn.
Should old Joe run (IhopeIhopeIhope) he will hopefully have someone starting his car for him every day. I'm not casting aspersions, but sometimes the folks around those Clintons have accidents. I'm just saying. Of course, he is as dumb as a brick, it's kind of scary to think that he is still driving, isn't it?
Secondly, he may want to see about getting a better rent deal- since he charges the Secret Service detail who keep his antique butt alive-rent for the house they must use to guard him. Is that gratitude or what?
But the best reason for Joe to run is that the video clips from the debates that the DNC is forced to provide would be hilarious. If they don't get a gazillion hits on youtube, I'll eat your shoes.
It does make me curious why the DNC is only talking about debates on CNN though. Was MSNBC already booked?
The RNC was stupid enough to be manipulated into having Republican debates on CNN-it turned into a circular firing squad-just as planned. How about if they have a couple of debates on a channel that people actually watch?
I'm certain Anderson Cooper can find a backdrop the right shade of blue to match his eyes. At the risk of being cliche, the decorating skill seems to be his only journalistic talent that I have seen.
But the idea of watching Chris Wallace, or even more fun, Sean Hannity tucking into those liberal idiots with their questions and responses would be some of the best political fodder I have seen for ages.
Best of all, those video clips will never go away, thanks to the magic of the internet (thanks algore!) a tidbit that Hillary and her husband cannot get through their felonious skulls.
A couple chances for Joe to spout his nonsense, a few very softball questions about the gun running and massacre Hillary and B.O. created in Benghazi, and some genuine stupidity from everyone's favorite Socialist- heck, what more could you ask for?
Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Before you believe I have lost my senses, think about this for a bit. Biden will be a gaffe producing machine-even more so than he is now. The msm will have a MUCH more difficult time providing him cover-not that the internet doesn't prove what lackeys they are daily.
Crazy Uncle Joe has been under lock and key, not allowed to make the fool of himself that we all know that he is. He was dusted off so that the proper sympathies could be extended when his son died. Now, it's time to get the popcorn.
Should old Joe run (IhopeIhopeIhope) he will hopefully have someone starting his car for him every day. I'm not casting aspersions, but sometimes the folks around those Clintons have accidents. I'm just saying. Of course, he is as dumb as a brick, it's kind of scary to think that he is still driving, isn't it?
Secondly, he may want to see about getting a better rent deal- since he charges the Secret Service detail who keep his antique butt alive-rent for the house they must use to guard him. Is that gratitude or what?
But the best reason for Joe to run is that the video clips from the debates that the DNC is forced to provide would be hilarious. If they don't get a gazillion hits on youtube, I'll eat your shoes.
It does make me curious why the DNC is only talking about debates on CNN though. Was MSNBC already booked?
The RNC was stupid enough to be manipulated into having Republican debates on CNN-it turned into a circular firing squad-just as planned. How about if they have a couple of debates on a channel that people actually watch?
I'm certain Anderson Cooper can find a backdrop the right shade of blue to match his eyes. At the risk of being cliche, the decorating skill seems to be his only journalistic talent that I have seen.
But the idea of watching Chris Wallace, or even more fun, Sean Hannity tucking into those liberal idiots with their questions and responses would be some of the best political fodder I have seen for ages.
Best of all, those video clips will never go away, thanks to the magic of the internet (thanks algore!) a tidbit that Hillary and her husband cannot get through their felonious skulls.
A couple chances for Joe to spout his nonsense, a few very softball questions about the gun running and massacre Hillary and B.O. created in Benghazi, and some genuine stupidity from everyone's favorite Socialist- heck, what more could you ask for?
Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Shakeel Afridi is Rotting in Jail but Bowe Bergdahl Isn't??
Shakeel Afridi is the reason that Seal Team 6 was able to find and kill Osama bin Laden. I know, I know, according to the media descriptions Barak Hussein Obama bravely strapped on a couple of hunting knives, sneaked into Pakistan and assassinated bin Laden after a fifteen minute fisticuffs battle.
However, Dr. Afridi ran a complicated scheme in that he ran a fake hepatitis vaccination program that enabled him to get a blood sample from bin Laden. This in turn allowed a DNA match, because our feckless leader wouldn't take the word of countless witnesses. He needed to know for certain. Then our fearless leader placed his thumb warmly up his butt cheeks and sat on the information. He had zero interest in actually disposing of bin Laden, he just had to say he did for the folks back home. He could have bombed the building that bin Laden was in. A nice little bunker bomb would have killed bin Laden and had zero chance of American fatalities. No good. Instead, B.O. kept warming his thumb until he discovered that the media had discovered his little secret and was about to run the story that the whereabouts of bin Laden were known, but weren't being acted on. Uh oh.
So in fearless leader mode, B.O. had Seal Team Six (who was leaked to the general public by Crazy Uncle Joe-causing many of them to be murdered later) go into the compound and extract and kill him.
With me so far? It gets better: Instead of simply taking a DNA sample as proof of bin Laden's death- our muslim sympathizing guy insisted that bin Laden be buried at sea, according to muslim tradition. Why did we bother? Oh, that's right- muslim sympathizer in the White House-got it.
So the brave and courageous doctor that helped us was left to rot. Did we offer him asylum? Did we even send him a lovely fruit basket for his help? Nope.
Instead, Pakistan arrested and tried him for having ties to militants and sentenced to 33 years in prison. They graciously cut 10 years off of the sentence. And now, brave Dr. Afridi is rotting in a Pakistani prison. I think the 1.5 billion that we give them is money well spent, don't you?
Contrast that scenario with Bowe Bergdahl. Mr. Bergdahl is the human refuse that quite probably deserted his post in Afghanistan and joined up with the enemy. He aided the enemy and was allowed to walk freely around their camp while having a side arm. Doesn't sound like much of prisoner of war, does it? In fact, six people died while looking for Obama's favorite traitor. That's right- he is responsible for the death of six servicemen that went looking for him.
Which of these two people did we trade 6 hardcore taliban members for? Any guesses? That's right- we traded for the traitor! Mr. Bergdahl was even given a promotion because he was "captured." Who can forget the sight of his father in the Rose Garden-muslim empathizing beard and all as he said "Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim." Not thank you. Not God Bless America. Nope. He claimed that he thought his son might not remember English after five years of 'captivity'. Suuure. Finally after all of this time and many statements from other servicemen, Bergdahl has been charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. That last one isn't used very often, I guess Bergdahl really scraped the bottom of the barrel. He may (and should) spend the rest of his life in jail. But we traded six pos taliban for him. Six taliban that were not 'low level' as the White House claimed. Six terrorists who were only required to wait one year of unsupervised time before going back to killing Americans.
Has Obama ever done anything in our best interest? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
However, Dr. Afridi ran a complicated scheme in that he ran a fake hepatitis vaccination program that enabled him to get a blood sample from bin Laden. This in turn allowed a DNA match, because our feckless leader wouldn't take the word of countless witnesses. He needed to know for certain. Then our fearless leader placed his thumb warmly up his butt cheeks and sat on the information. He had zero interest in actually disposing of bin Laden, he just had to say he did for the folks back home. He could have bombed the building that bin Laden was in. A nice little bunker bomb would have killed bin Laden and had zero chance of American fatalities. No good. Instead, B.O. kept warming his thumb until he discovered that the media had discovered his little secret and was about to run the story that the whereabouts of bin Laden were known, but weren't being acted on. Uh oh.
So in fearless leader mode, B.O. had Seal Team Six (who was leaked to the general public by Crazy Uncle Joe-causing many of them to be murdered later) go into the compound and extract and kill him.
With me so far? It gets better: Instead of simply taking a DNA sample as proof of bin Laden's death- our muslim sympathizing guy insisted that bin Laden be buried at sea, according to muslim tradition. Why did we bother? Oh, that's right- muslim sympathizer in the White House-got it.
So the brave and courageous doctor that helped us was left to rot. Did we offer him asylum? Did we even send him a lovely fruit basket for his help? Nope.
Instead, Pakistan arrested and tried him for having ties to militants and sentenced to 33 years in prison. They graciously cut 10 years off of the sentence. And now, brave Dr. Afridi is rotting in a Pakistani prison. I think the 1.5 billion that we give them is money well spent, don't you?
Contrast that scenario with Bowe Bergdahl. Mr. Bergdahl is the human refuse that quite probably deserted his post in Afghanistan and joined up with the enemy. He aided the enemy and was allowed to walk freely around their camp while having a side arm. Doesn't sound like much of prisoner of war, does it? In fact, six people died while looking for Obama's favorite traitor. That's right- he is responsible for the death of six servicemen that went looking for him.
Which of these two people did we trade 6 hardcore taliban members for? Any guesses? That's right- we traded for the traitor! Mr. Bergdahl was even given a promotion because he was "captured." Who can forget the sight of his father in the Rose Garden-muslim empathizing beard and all as he said "Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim." Not thank you. Not God Bless America. Nope. He claimed that he thought his son might not remember English after five years of 'captivity'. Suuure. Finally after all of this time and many statements from other servicemen, Bergdahl has been charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. That last one isn't used very often, I guess Bergdahl really scraped the bottom of the barrel. He may (and should) spend the rest of his life in jail. But we traded six pos taliban for him. Six taliban that were not 'low level' as the White House claimed. Six terrorists who were only required to wait one year of unsupervised time before going back to killing Americans.
Has Obama ever done anything in our best interest? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Don't Fly Allegiant Air Whatever You Do
I'm planning a trip soon. I don't want to have to drive 150 miles to an airport, so I thought I would give Allegiant Air a shot. My mistake. After plenty of finagling, I finally found a flight schedule that would work for me. I'm not too worked up about an extra day away, it is what it is. I booked the flight. My second mistake.
I din't get a confirmation email straight away, so I called them. I was told that it could take up to 72 hours to get that. So then, I waited some more. The flight information came in, but it was for the wrong month. So I called. Third mistake.
I was on hold for one hour and thirty eight minutes. I am not exaggerating, I timed them. I was told that because I didn't cancel/change my flight in the first 24 hours, I would have to pay $75 bucks to change my flight. I cancelled my flight and was told that I couldn't do that either. So now, I am sitting on tickets that I cannot transfer, I cannot use and I cannot exchange.
I sent an email to their crappy site, because the only live people they employ are third world folks who cannot input the correct month. If you need to complain, you better be prepared for an email form. I explain what I just told you all. Here is the response:
Cancellation Fees and Cut-Off Times:
Credit will not be issued if you fail to cancel an itinerary within the specified timeframe prior to scheduled flight departure. Your entire fare plus fees for that segment will be forfeited.
Without TripFlexTM:
-A $75 per segment fee shall apply to airline ticket-only itineraries. Cancellations and changes must be made at least 168 hours (one week) prior to scheduled departure.
Credit is issued minus cancellation, Carrier Usage Charge and booking fees.
So be forewarned. They may look like a great price until they add a bazillion "fees" and other price enhancements. Stick with a legitimate airline. You'll thank me later.
I din't get a confirmation email straight away, so I called them. I was told that it could take up to 72 hours to get that. So then, I waited some more. The flight information came in, but it was for the wrong month. So I called. Third mistake.
I was on hold for one hour and thirty eight minutes. I am not exaggerating, I timed them. I was told that because I didn't cancel/change my flight in the first 24 hours, I would have to pay $75 bucks to change my flight. I cancelled my flight and was told that I couldn't do that either. So now, I am sitting on tickets that I cannot transfer, I cannot use and I cannot exchange.
I sent an email to their crappy site, because the only live people they employ are third world folks who cannot input the correct month. If you need to complain, you better be prepared for an email form. I explain what I just told you all. Here is the response:
Thank you for contacting Allegiant Travel. You only have a grace period of 24hours to correct any mistakes; normal terms and conditions will apply.
Effective for travel departures starting October 30, 2013, name changes will not be permitted.
Cancellation Fees and Cut-Off Times:
Credit will not be issued if you fail to cancel an itinerary within the specified timeframe prior to scheduled flight departure. Your entire fare plus fees for that segment will be forfeited.
Without TripFlexTM:
The following cancellation and change fees apply to itineraries which do not include TripFlexTM. All fees are per segment. A segment consists of one takeoff and one landing:
-A $75 per segment fee shall apply to airline ticket-only itineraries. Cancellations and changes must be made at least 168 hours (one week) prior to scheduled departure.
-A $75 per segment fee shall apply to package bookings (hotel, car, show tickets, etc.). Cancellations and changes must be made at least 7 days prior to scheduled departure.
-You have the option to purchase Trip Flex for a fee between $10-$22 per segment for an air only reservation or $37-$44 for packages after the change fees have been applied once to your reservation in the event that you may need to utilize Trip Flex to modify your reservation again.
Credit is issued minus cancellation, Carrier Usage Charge and booking fees.
So be forewarned. They may look like a great price until they add a bazillion "fees" and other price enhancements. Stick with a legitimate airline. You'll thank me later.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Kim Davis vs Lois Lerner
As I write this Judge Benning-a federal judge over Kentucky-is the latest foot soldier in the gaystapo war against freewill. When put on a ballot, people overwhelmingly vote against letting two homosexuals play dress up and call it marriage. The solution? Don't let the citizens vote on it anymore.
Now we have the latest martyr, Kim Davis. She is the brave Christian woman who will not feed the delusion of homosexuals. She won't issue them a marriage license because, well, they won't be married. She is a strong Christian woman and God bless her for it. Theignorant tool, judge who allowed this travesty should be held accountable. Ms. Davis has a right to religious expression. Those homosexuals clearly have the means to go to one of the deluded counties or cities in Kentucky that will give them a piece of paper, but instead-they choose to sacrifice Ms. Davis on the alter of homosexual acceptance. A pox on their houses.
Lois Lerner, on the other hand, is drawing a pretty chunk of change in her retirement. She is under a contempt order from Congress, but Obama's DOJ won't enforce the charge. She is living the good life. It helps to have friends in higher places, doesn't it?
I believe we have a Tenth Amendment it reads The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
That's pretty simple to understand isn't it? Even a liquored up Bader-Ginsburg should be able to comprehend it. Instead, the Supremes invented a whole new class of rights. It doesn't hurt when two of the justices had already presided over some homosexual dress up parties. Did they recluse themselves? HA!
The world is pretty upside down right now. Russia and China are ginning up, Obama is taking selfies in Alaska. B.O. warned us that he would 'fundamentally transform' the country. The smart people who voted against him knew what he meant. Don't be surprised when he does it. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Now we have the latest martyr, Kim Davis. She is the brave Christian woman who will not feed the delusion of homosexuals. She won't issue them a marriage license because, well, they won't be married. She is a strong Christian woman and God bless her for it. The
Lois Lerner, on the other hand, is drawing a pretty chunk of change in her retirement. She is under a contempt order from Congress, but Obama's DOJ won't enforce the charge. She is living the good life. It helps to have friends in higher places, doesn't it?
I believe we have a Tenth Amendment it reads The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
That's pretty simple to understand isn't it? Even a liquored up Bader-Ginsburg should be able to comprehend it. Instead, the Supremes invented a whole new class of rights. It doesn't hurt when two of the justices had already presided over some homosexual dress up parties. Did they recluse themselves? HA!
The world is pretty upside down right now. Russia and China are ginning up, Obama is taking selfies in Alaska. B.O. warned us that he would 'fundamentally transform' the country. The smart people who voted against him knew what he meant. Don't be surprised when he does it. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, September 21, 2015
What Was Ahmed Mohammed Thinking? THIS Is Why Those Teachers Were Correct-Left Be Damned
A bright young man brought a home made clock to school. He is a bright muslim student and he brought an electronic device to school so that his teachers could see it. It looked like this
What was he thinking?? I have read ad nauseum the attacks and complaints that the young man was detained. I have read columns that border on slander and libel about the teachers that did the right thing.
I am happy for the young man that is able to make an electronic clock, and it will serve him well if he chooses to get an education. But the teachers who have been mocked unmercifully did the right thing.
What if it was a bomb? The politically correct heads will be exploding but it is the truth. In the 1940's many Japanese were put in camps because Japan attacked us and we didn't know if they could be trusted.
This happened in 2001:
Have people forgotten?? Al Quaeda and ISIS want to kill us. They want to see Christianity, Judaism, and every religion that isn't theirs wiped out. Muslims worship a guy that hooked up with his 9 year old bride.
Just because the current administration is ok with it, doesn't reduce the ick factor.
Political correctness is going to be the end of us if we don't start using our brains. I applaud those teachers and that school. I cannot have more loathing for those libtarded people who try to mock them and make others afraid of doing this the next time. Because what if they are too afraid to say something when they see something and all of those children die because of it.
Stranger things have happened, haven't they? Think about it. You'll thank me later.
What was he thinking?? I have read ad nauseum the attacks and complaints that the young man was detained. I have read columns that border on slander and libel about the teachers that did the right thing.
I am happy for the young man that is able to make an electronic clock, and it will serve him well if he chooses to get an education. But the teachers who have been mocked unmercifully did the right thing.
What if it was a bomb? The politically correct heads will be exploding but it is the truth. In the 1940's many Japanese were put in camps because Japan attacked us and we didn't know if they could be trusted.
This happened in 2001:
Have people forgotten?? Al Quaeda and ISIS want to kill us. They want to see Christianity, Judaism, and every religion that isn't theirs wiped out. Muslims worship a guy that hooked up with his 9 year old bride.
Just because the current administration is ok with it, doesn't reduce the ick factor.
Political correctness is going to be the end of us if we don't start using our brains. I applaud those teachers and that school. I cannot have more loathing for those libtarded people who try to mock them and make others afraid of doing this the next time. Because what if they are too afraid to say something when they see something and all of those children die because of it.
Stranger things have happened, haven't they? Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Monday, September 14, 2015
While Obama Wastes More Money on his Latest Photo Op
My only surprise is that there wasn't an uptick in Yeti sightings. B.O. wasted millions of dollars on his latest photo op in Alaska. He did it to 'highlight the problem of global warming/global cooling/climate change." Then I discovered that he left Michelle at home. That would make sense, I guess, why scare the locals?
It has been a few days since he went on a vacation, so the trip to Alaska makes sense. If you had to wake up in the same house as Michelle Obama, would you stay in town much? So he went to Alaska and renamed Mt. McKinley back to Denali. For what reason? I have no idea, I guess he ruled out spray painting the Oval Office walls as a way to leave his mark.
It's not like obamacare will be around much longer, it is imploding at every turn. Of course, it was built to fail, it opens the door to complete socialized medicine, especially since that has worked out so well in every modern country that has tried it. But while the msm was having its latest case of vapors over that cool guy in the Oval Office, we had a couple of problems back home. While B.O. frets about the nonexistent problem of lost glaciers, Syrian refugees are pouring into every European place dumb enough to take them. There is no time to do proper background checks, it's a crisis! What better way to fill up countries with muslim terrorists?
Do you see any of these Syrian 'refugees' begging other Islamic countries for asylum? Of course you don't! Why do they need to infiltrate where they already are? Nope, Greece, France and Great Britain would be their targets.
Taqiyya is the muslim practice of lying, deceiving and illusion. It is perfectly acceptable when used against non muslim countries. What better explanation for what is going on right now?
How many terrorist acts have been committed by muslims that we have allowed to be in our country? A quick rundown for the 'religion of peace' includes Nidal Malik Hasan (or 'work place violence according to b.o.) The brothers Tsarnaev- who when they weren't exploiting our generous welfare benefits, were plotting and killing people with pressure cooker bombs, and Lee Boyd Malvo and John Muhammad a couple more crazies from the 'religion of peace.' They were responsible for countless shootings in the DC area. All in the name of islam.
So of course we need more potential terrorists, don't we?
Won't it be great when we have a President who is on the side of the American people again? Instead of one who wastes time and money renaming mountains? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
It has been a few days since he went on a vacation, so the trip to Alaska makes sense. If you had to wake up in the same house as Michelle Obama, would you stay in town much? So he went to Alaska and renamed Mt. McKinley back to Denali. For what reason? I have no idea, I guess he ruled out spray painting the Oval Office walls as a way to leave his mark.
It's not like obamacare will be around much longer, it is imploding at every turn. Of course, it was built to fail, it opens the door to complete socialized medicine, especially since that has worked out so well in every modern country that has tried it. But while the msm was having its latest case of vapors over that cool guy in the Oval Office, we had a couple of problems back home. While B.O. frets about the nonexistent problem of lost glaciers, Syrian refugees are pouring into every European place dumb enough to take them. There is no time to do proper background checks, it's a crisis! What better way to fill up countries with muslim terrorists?
Do you see any of these Syrian 'refugees' begging other Islamic countries for asylum? Of course you don't! Why do they need to infiltrate where they already are? Nope, Greece, France and Great Britain would be their targets.
Taqiyya is the muslim practice of lying, deceiving and illusion. It is perfectly acceptable when used against non muslim countries. What better explanation for what is going on right now?
How many terrorist acts have been committed by muslims that we have allowed to be in our country? A quick rundown for the 'religion of peace' includes Nidal Malik Hasan (or 'work place violence according to b.o.) The brothers Tsarnaev- who when they weren't exploiting our generous welfare benefits, were plotting and killing people with pressure cooker bombs, and Lee Boyd Malvo and John Muhammad a couple more crazies from the 'religion of peace.' They were responsible for countless shootings in the DC area. All in the name of islam.
So of course we need more potential terrorists, don't we?
Won't it be great when we have a President who is on the side of the American people again? Instead of one who wastes time and money renaming mountains? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Clinton Still Doesn't Get How the Internet Works
Hillary is slipping in the polls to a confirmed and admitted socialist. Let that sink in for a minute. Forget the fact that Democrats are actually considering a socialist, but that Hillary is worse than a socialist to them.
Is it because she had a separate illegal server? Maybe. The slow drip drip drip of information is more damning than the administration that allowed her to have a separate server. She might have been outed by Valerie Jarrett. She may have been outed by B.O. himself. Who know-who cares. Still she obfuscates.
Hillary was neck deep in the Benghazi tragedy. She knew, she let it happen. Still she obfuscates.
When the information that Planned Parenthood was not only aborting babies but harvesting their tiny body parts- Hillary took one look at all of the information and lied. Not understanding that the internet supersedes the msm- her support of Margaret Sanger will live on forever.
Stop and think-Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood to encourage black people to abort their babies. She wanted less black people. She is getting her wish. More black babies are aborted than born now. She is also a huge heroine of Hillary's.
Now it is fun watching her implode as one scandal after another comes to light. The right wing conspirators are out in force. Just ask her.
One would think that after algore inventing the internet-he would have stopped by and given ol' Hillary a tutorial about how the dang thing works. It lives on forever, now. She and Bill may still be the darlings of the msm. But they-the media that is- are becoming more and more irrelevant as we speak. No one trusts them anymore. They shouldn't, either.
Remember how Hillary is when she is caught in a lie. Is that what you want in charge of anything? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Is it because she had a separate illegal server? Maybe. The slow drip drip drip of information is more damning than the administration that allowed her to have a separate server. She might have been outed by Valerie Jarrett. She may have been outed by B.O. himself. Who know-who cares. Still she obfuscates.
Hillary was neck deep in the Benghazi tragedy. She knew, she let it happen. Still she obfuscates.
When the information that Planned Parenthood was not only aborting babies but harvesting their tiny body parts- Hillary took one look at all of the information and lied. Not understanding that the internet supersedes the msm- her support of Margaret Sanger will live on forever.
Stop and think-Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood to encourage black people to abort their babies. She wanted less black people. She is getting her wish. More black babies are aborted than born now. She is also a huge heroine of Hillary's.
Now it is fun watching her implode as one scandal after another comes to light. The right wing conspirators are out in force. Just ask her.
One would think that after algore inventing the internet-he would have stopped by and given ol' Hillary a tutorial about how the dang thing works. It lives on forever, now. She and Bill may still be the darlings of the msm. But they-the media that is- are becoming more and more irrelevant as we speak. No one trusts them anymore. They shouldn't, either.
Remember how Hillary is when she is caught in a lie. Is that what you want in charge of anything? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Sterling Realtors at Your Own Risk
A friend of mine was looking to buy a different house. He bought into the constant assurances that the housing market is better, he doesn't like his current home anymore and he wants to move. He made the mistake of calling Sterling Realtors and getting involved with a guy named Tim Greene.
So here's what happened: the friend went to an open house to look at a property. He fought his way through the hordes of children unrestrained by their ignorant parents and had a semi-decent look at it. He was interested enough to want to take another look at it without the shrill cry of uncorrected children bumping and pushing past him. He called Tim back and set up another appointment to look at the property again. A more thorough look at the property and he was sold. He set up an appointment with Tim Greene to look at his property, since the hook Tim uses is that if you buy that property, he'll sell yours for free.
Tim came to my friend's house with many papers. They looked through them and signed on the appropriate places. My friend then gave Mr. Greene a check for $3500 in earnest money. The understanding was that he would secure his financing within 30 days and then he would close on the property. Because he was dealing with ol' Tim, he was wrong.
A week passed and my friend had spoken with a real estate broker that Tim had recommended. He is self employed the same as I am- and understood that thanks to Clinton and company allowing anyone and their sister to get a mortgage based on a handful of magic beans as collateral-the restrictions are much tighter. He was in the second week of his thirty days to acquire financing when the guy he was using to get his financing suggested that he contact ol' Tim, because he hear a rumor that the property in question was sold. Guess what?
Why the house that he had put earnest money on had been sold! How is that possible you ask? Isn't earnest money the binding part of a binding contract, you wonder? Well it would seem that good ol' Tim hadn't even presented the owners with his offer. Curious, isn't it? Not only that, he didn't even tell us that the house was sold until we asked him point blank about it.
It gets better. A week passes, no return of the earnest money check. Two weeks and a phone call was made. Tim (God bless him) offered to hang on to the earnest money in case my friend found a house that he loved "even more." The offer was rejected, and a third request for the return of the earnest money was made.
Tim now claimed that he shredded the check, after, of course, he claimed to mail it back. A stop payment was put on the check-and of course-a $35 fee was required. Tim was contacted about covering the $35, he said he would be happy to, sorry it didn't work out, yada yada. One month later-no check, no call back, no contact what so ever. Do yourself a favor. Don't do business with Tim Greene or Sterling and Associates. You'll thank me later
UPDATE- Mr. Sterling finally sent the payment after 5 weeks of almost daily calls.
So here's what happened: the friend went to an open house to look at a property. He fought his way through the hordes of children unrestrained by their ignorant parents and had a semi-decent look at it. He was interested enough to want to take another look at it without the shrill cry of uncorrected children bumping and pushing past him. He called Tim back and set up another appointment to look at the property again. A more thorough look at the property and he was sold. He set up an appointment with Tim Greene to look at his property, since the hook Tim uses is that if you buy that property, he'll sell yours for free.
Tim came to my friend's house with many papers. They looked through them and signed on the appropriate places. My friend then gave Mr. Greene a check for $3500 in earnest money. The understanding was that he would secure his financing within 30 days and then he would close on the property. Because he was dealing with ol' Tim, he was wrong.
A week passed and my friend had spoken with a real estate broker that Tim had recommended. He is self employed the same as I am- and understood that thanks to Clinton and company allowing anyone and their sister to get a mortgage based on a handful of magic beans as collateral-the restrictions are much tighter. He was in the second week of his thirty days to acquire financing when the guy he was using to get his financing suggested that he contact ol' Tim, because he hear a rumor that the property in question was sold. Guess what?
Why the house that he had put earnest money on had been sold! How is that possible you ask? Isn't earnest money the binding part of a binding contract, you wonder? Well it would seem that good ol' Tim hadn't even presented the owners with his offer. Curious, isn't it? Not only that, he didn't even tell us that the house was sold until we asked him point blank about it.
It gets better. A week passes, no return of the earnest money check. Two weeks and a phone call was made. Tim (God bless him) offered to hang on to the earnest money in case my friend found a house that he loved "even more." The offer was rejected, and a third request for the return of the earnest money was made.
Tim now claimed that he shredded the check, after, of course, he claimed to mail it back. A stop payment was put on the check-and of course-a $35 fee was required. Tim was contacted about covering the $35, he said he would be happy to, sorry it didn't work out, yada yada. One month later-no check, no call back, no contact what so ever. Do yourself a favor. Don't do business with Tim Greene or Sterling and Associates. You'll thank me later
UPDATE- Mr. Sterling finally sent the payment after 5 weeks of almost daily calls.
Shaun King Suffers from Rachel Dolenz Syndrome
So now we have yet another Caucasian involved in a racial group who is a bald faced liar. Shaun King-who will block you the moment you begin to ask how he considers himself to be African American when born from to white parents-is heavily involved in Black Lives Matter.
He made up a history entirely from whole cloth. He claims to have been assaulted by a large group of whites and 'rednecks' when in fact the police report (no doubt racist) shows a fight with only one other person.
Not only does Mr. King deny his white father, he quickly blocks anyone on Twitter or Facebook who has the temerity to question his lies. at least six people thatI know of have been blocked from Twitter because of his complaints. Censorship much?
He thanked Oprah Winfrey for a scholarship and that is the heart of my rant today. It would seem that Ms. Winfrey has given college scholarships to over 500 black men. Good for her, it's her money, let her spend it how she sees fit. But can you imagine the cries of racism if say, Bill Gates or Donald Trump had given over 500 white men college scholarships?
Racism is a two way street, with only one side being ticketed. I think racism of all hues is disgusting. We are all people, no two ways about it. But if I were to set up a foundation to give away college educations based on race-how quickly before I would be shut down? One day? Two?
Mr. King may only be an opportunist who saw an chance to get a free education from one of the wealthiest women in America. He may be. But what does that say about his character? If he'll lie about this-what else has he been untruthful about?
Not only that-by why do only black lives matter? Martin O'Malley was recently forced to walk back his comment that all lives matter. Be danged if I would have. What does that say about the state of racism in this country if the simple statement that 'all lives matter' is now considered racist? Does that mean that the white people killed by black officers and others is acceptable? Or does it mean that censorship is so rampant now that the media will not mention the many black on white crimes that occur every day in fear of retribution? Scan the headlines on any given day and you'll find your own answer to that one.
Reverse racism is okay in our society-at least that is the message that the msm gives us with their silence. No racism is okay. We are all people-made in God's image. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
He made up a history entirely from whole cloth. He claims to have been assaulted by a large group of whites and 'rednecks' when in fact the police report (no doubt racist) shows a fight with only one other person.
Not only does Mr. King deny his white father, he quickly blocks anyone on Twitter or Facebook who has the temerity to question his lies. at least six people thatI know of have been blocked from Twitter because of his complaints. Censorship much?
He thanked Oprah Winfrey for a scholarship and that is the heart of my rant today. It would seem that Ms. Winfrey has given college scholarships to over 500 black men. Good for her, it's her money, let her spend it how she sees fit. But can you imagine the cries of racism if say, Bill Gates or Donald Trump had given over 500 white men college scholarships?
Racism is a two way street, with only one side being ticketed. I think racism of all hues is disgusting. We are all people, no two ways about it. But if I were to set up a foundation to give away college educations based on race-how quickly before I would be shut down? One day? Two?
Mr. King may only be an opportunist who saw an chance to get a free education from one of the wealthiest women in America. He may be. But what does that say about his character? If he'll lie about this-what else has he been untruthful about?
Not only that-by why do only black lives matter? Martin O'Malley was recently forced to walk back his comment that all lives matter. Be danged if I would have. What does that say about the state of racism in this country if the simple statement that 'all lives matter' is now considered racist? Does that mean that the white people killed by black officers and others is acceptable? Or does it mean that censorship is so rampant now that the media will not mention the many black on white crimes that occur every day in fear of retribution? Scan the headlines on any given day and you'll find your own answer to that one.
Reverse racism is okay in our society-at least that is the message that the msm gives us with their silence. No racism is okay. We are all people-made in God's image. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, August 24, 2015
It's Good to be a Cop in Auburn, IN
If you have perused this blog before, you have read about my disgust with the little political cesspool that likes to call itself 'the Home of the Classics.' It's another one of many many faceless little towns in Indiana that is desperately trying to seem like it is special. It's special all right.
Some time back the town received an rv from homeland security. Why homeland security is wasting our tax dollars on campers is anyone's guess. I suppose that there are a lot of muslim terrorists who are camping in Walmart parking lots, who knows? More likely-someone's brother sells rvs and the sibling in the government is trying to help him out. Kind of like Obama's staff guy Rhoades and his brother that is the president of CBS "news".
But back toHazzard County Auburn, Indiana. It would seem that recently a citizen came in to claim the money and other items that were confiscated from her during an arrest. You see, in Auburn-if the police notice any money or expensive items, they "confiscate" them to make certain that you aren't using them for something illegal. Innocent until proven guilty, you ask??? Hahahahaha! You naive innocent! There is no constitution in Auburn, clearly. Rights are so last century.
Well, the person in question came to claim her property and guess what? That is right- it was gone! No jewelry, no cash, nada. Four polygraph tests later and the money was found. Isn't that amazing? And now, two officers have been put on leave. Their names, you wonder? Well keep on wondering because the head of the whole mess-Marty McCoy-decided to protect his cop buddies once again and not release their names!Wowee, it's good to have cop friends, isn't it?
The local paper, which takes great delight in printing the name of every single person who is arrested for a misdemeanor to a felony accepted McCoy's refusal to release the names. KPCnews-the conglom that runs most of the local newspapers in the area simply accepted the refusal and abided by the cop's wishes. That is one investigative tool right there. Of course, this is the same newspaper that wasn't the least bit interested when they were given stacks of copies of odometers that had been rolled back by a local car dealership. "The Virus" as this dealership calls it, was really handy when their pals had overrun the miles on their leases. Then it spread to cars going to auction.
McCoy wasn't very interested in that crime either, as his entire investigation amounted to asking the men who did it- "Did you do it?" and then taking their denials as the end of it.
Corruption isn't just at the national level-it's permeated to the lowest rungs, and trust me- Auburn, Indiana is about as low a rung as you can get. Same rules for everybody ought to apply, cop or not. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Some time back the town received an rv from homeland security. Why homeland security is wasting our tax dollars on campers is anyone's guess. I suppose that there are a lot of muslim terrorists who are camping in Walmart parking lots, who knows? More likely-someone's brother sells rvs and the sibling in the government is trying to help him out. Kind of like Obama's staff guy Rhoades and his brother that is the president of CBS "news".
But back to
Well, the person in question came to claim her property and guess what? That is right- it was gone! No jewelry, no cash, nada. Four polygraph tests later and the money was found. Isn't that amazing? And now, two officers have been put on leave. Their names, you wonder? Well keep on wondering because the head of the whole mess-Marty McCoy-decided to protect his cop buddies once again and not release their names!Wowee, it's good to have cop friends, isn't it?
The local paper, which takes great delight in printing the name of every single person who is arrested for a misdemeanor to a felony accepted McCoy's refusal to release the names. KPCnews-the conglom that runs most of the local newspapers in the area simply accepted the refusal and abided by the cop's wishes. That is one investigative tool right there. Of course, this is the same newspaper that wasn't the least bit interested when they were given stacks of copies of odometers that had been rolled back by a local car dealership. "The Virus" as this dealership calls it, was really handy when their pals had overrun the miles on their leases. Then it spread to cars going to auction.
McCoy wasn't very interested in that crime either, as his entire investigation amounted to asking the men who did it- "Did you do it?" and then taking their denials as the end of it.
Corruption isn't just at the national level-it's permeated to the lowest rungs, and trust me- Auburn, Indiana is about as low a rung as you can get. Same rules for everybody ought to apply, cop or not. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Your Friendly Walmart Pharmacy- Not so Much
I take three different medicines for a medical condition. Until recently I was taking two expensive medicines that didn't work very well. Lucky for me, my wonderful doctor listens and switched me back to the medicines that work. Unfortunately, the least expensive pharmacy in this po-dunk town is Walmart. So my doctor called the scripts in on a Monday. I waited a whole week for them to find time to fill them. Ha!
I went in and was told that they hadn't even gotten to my order yet. I use a program called GoodRX that really lowers the cost of my prescriptions. I went to the order window to see if by chance my order was ready. They hadn't even started it! So then, I am dealing with the antithesis of customer service as she snippily tells me all of theexcuses reasons why my order hasn't been filled in the week since it was called in.
Then we get to the total. I ask her why it was so much. This paragon of rudeness tells me that one script isn't covered by I said, "It would be cheaper at Walgreen's full price."
She haughtily told me, "Then you should go to Walgreen's then."
I don't have my phone with me, I need the medicine, so I pay the price. I go to my phone in the truck. I pull up the medicine and the correct price. I turn on my heel and back in I go. I waited in line and asked her, Do you remember me?" She didn't. I show her the price of my medicine. She tells me I am wrong, then pulls it up on her computer (which I doubt she did the first time) and says sheepishly, "They must have just changed the price." Yeah. That's what happened. It wasn't that you were being a dick, ma'am and too stinking lazy to push seven buttons. They OBVIOUSLY changed the price in the blink of an eye. So anyway, I got the lower price and had to get a refund. This is where the retarded (sorry Sarah Palin) stepped in to put the icing on the cake. The change was something like $15.74, so I asked Forrest if she could give me a quarter if I give her an extra penny. This is exactly what she said: "No. I can't do that. Because I am kind of anal, I have to give you exactly what the machine says."
Maybe if she is so anal that she can't work change, I don't exactly want her back there doling out my pills. What happens if she runs out of one kind and has to open a new bottle to finish my order? Will that send her into a stupor?Will she be unable to function? How will she manage?
Kroger and CVS both have pharmacies in this little town. The hospital also has a pharmacy on their property. There is a larger town not 20 minutes away from here. Go there, instead of this Walmart pharmacy. You'll thank me later.
I went in and was told that they hadn't even gotten to my order yet. I use a program called GoodRX that really lowers the cost of my prescriptions. I went to the order window to see if by chance my order was ready. They hadn't even started it! So then, I am dealing with the antithesis of customer service as she snippily tells me all of the
Then we get to the total. I ask her why it was so much. This paragon of rudeness tells me that one script isn't covered by I said, "It would be cheaper at Walgreen's full price."
She haughtily told me, "Then you should go to Walgreen's then."
I don't have my phone with me, I need the medicine, so I pay the price. I go to my phone in the truck. I pull up the medicine and the correct price. I turn on my heel and back in I go. I waited in line and asked her, Do you remember me?" She didn't. I show her the price of my medicine. She tells me I am wrong, then pulls it up on her computer (which I doubt she did the first time) and says sheepishly, "They must have just changed the price." Yeah. That's what happened. It wasn't that you were being a dick, ma'am and too stinking lazy to push seven buttons. They OBVIOUSLY changed the price in the blink of an eye. So anyway, I got the lower price and had to get a refund. This is where the retarded (sorry Sarah Palin) stepped in to put the icing on the cake. The change was something like $15.74, so I asked Forrest if she could give me a quarter if I give her an extra penny. This is exactly what she said: "No. I can't do that. Because I am kind of anal, I have to give you exactly what the machine says."
Maybe if she is so anal that she can't work change, I don't exactly want her back there doling out my pills. What happens if she runs out of one kind and has to open a new bottle to finish my order? Will that send her into a stupor?Will she be unable to function? How will she manage?
Kroger and CVS both have pharmacies in this little town. The hospital also has a pharmacy on their property. There is a larger town not 20 minutes away from here. Go there, instead of this Walmart pharmacy. You'll thank me later.
Monday, August 10, 2015
20 Bucks to Eat at Wendy's!!
I recently took a friend to eat at Wendy's. I guess I have seen their commercials for their salads one time too many. Yikes! First off, the salad was almost eight bucks. Eight dollars. What did it consist of you ask?
Well, I would say it was a smallish bowl of bagged salad greens- you know- the kind you can buy an entire bag of for $2.00 at any grocery store. Then there was a tiny ( 10 grams, tops) bag of pecans to sprinkle on it. Also there was four strawberries cut up into it. All of this was topped with a packet of Marzetti's raspberry salad dressing. The kind that goes for 75 cents at most major grocery store chains, in their deli section. Pricing it out, I figure I paid the better part of 8 bucks for $1.76 worth of salad. Ask me if I'll be going back.
My companion had a double patty hamburger to the tune of 6 dollars. I also splurged $3.49 on 39 french fries with cheez whiz and a handful of bacon sprinkles. I am not a satisfied customer. I understand that Wendy's has struggled with their brand since their founder Dave Thomas' demise. But while they are trying to rope in the more discerning customer, they are losing people. There is one heck of a recession going on in case they didn't notice. A hamburger joint shouldn't be the same price as a steak place!
In addition, I had to wait five minutes for them to throw my salad together. Had it been a better quality, I wouldn't mind. But how long does it take to portion out one quarter of a bag of salad greens, slice six strawberries, and toss in the bag of pecans and the dressing?
I won't be going back.
This is just one of the many problems facing the fast food industry. As the low skilled workers continue demanding a wage that they can "live on" expect more of this. What will happen is this: restaurants will be forced to shave even more from their margin-the only place left is in their products- and consumer interest will drop. How hard is it really to go to a grocery store and purchase enough products to make 8 salads for what Wendy's charged me for the two meals I bought? Now before those delightful folks who continue to "debate" me from my Papa John's post move over to this one- a few caveats:
No one forced me to shop at Wendy's I chose to go there, and now I choose to no longer go there because of their overpricing.
Yes, I was aware of Wendy's prices when I stepped up to the counter to make an order. I won't make the mistake again.
Wendy's market share is dwindling. They have decided to go after the higher end fast food market, and it is failing miserably. Dave Thomas prided himself on good food at fair prices. Since his death, Wendy's has forgotten that. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Well, I would say it was a smallish bowl of bagged salad greens- you know- the kind you can buy an entire bag of for $2.00 at any grocery store. Then there was a tiny ( 10 grams, tops) bag of pecans to sprinkle on it. Also there was four strawberries cut up into it. All of this was topped with a packet of Marzetti's raspberry salad dressing. The kind that goes for 75 cents at most major grocery store chains, in their deli section. Pricing it out, I figure I paid the better part of 8 bucks for $1.76 worth of salad. Ask me if I'll be going back.
My companion had a double patty hamburger to the tune of 6 dollars. I also splurged $3.49 on 39 french fries with cheez whiz and a handful of bacon sprinkles. I am not a satisfied customer. I understand that Wendy's has struggled with their brand since their founder Dave Thomas' demise. But while they are trying to rope in the more discerning customer, they are losing people. There is one heck of a recession going on in case they didn't notice. A hamburger joint shouldn't be the same price as a steak place!
In addition, I had to wait five minutes for them to throw my salad together. Had it been a better quality, I wouldn't mind. But how long does it take to portion out one quarter of a bag of salad greens, slice six strawberries, and toss in the bag of pecans and the dressing?
I won't be going back.
This is just one of the many problems facing the fast food industry. As the low skilled workers continue demanding a wage that they can "live on" expect more of this. What will happen is this: restaurants will be forced to shave even more from their margin-the only place left is in their products- and consumer interest will drop. How hard is it really to go to a grocery store and purchase enough products to make 8 salads for what Wendy's charged me for the two meals I bought? Now before those delightful folks who continue to "debate" me from my Papa John's post move over to this one- a few caveats:
No one forced me to shop at Wendy's I chose to go there, and now I choose to no longer go there because of their overpricing.
Yes, I was aware of Wendy's prices when I stepped up to the counter to make an order. I won't make the mistake again.
Wendy's market share is dwindling. They have decided to go after the higher end fast food market, and it is failing miserably. Dave Thomas prided himself on good food at fair prices. Since his death, Wendy's has forgotten that. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, August 3, 2015
I comb the internet for my news. I don't trust the msm to tell me anything, I would rather get the direct feed and decide for myself what it means vs having a combed suit tell me how it relates to me. Every time I see that pompous doofus on CBS take his glasses into hand, as if to appear smarter, I cringe. I also talk to the television if I am forced to watch network news,telling them the parts that they are censoring.
I don't care if Kim Kardashian is having another child with that narcissist Kanye West. I don't care if they give this child another stupid name, as they did with the last one. Neither one of them are important in the grand scheme of things, a wannabe celebrity and a racist artist (with an apparent obsession with Beyonce Knowles.) Whoop.
I don't care what Bruce Jenner has been spotted doing. after giving him more attention than he deserves by asking where he stores his penis these days, I lost interest. He has mental issues, clearly, and should get some help. Maybe it was all of the time spent around the other media whores he was married to, but at some point the cheese fell of from his cracker. He should spend more time looking for that, and not troweling on makeup. Ick.
But all of these things are simply distractions. Hillary Clinton may well have helped Obama by attempting to destroy evidence that directly implicated both of them in the Benghazi fiasco. The Kardashians are just a distraction from real questions that the media won't ask- Was Obama running illegal weapon through the area to arm ISIS? Was he keeping Congress informed as he broke these laws? What in the world was he doing while Ambassador Stevens was being drug through the streets, sodomized and tortured? I wouldn't mind a few answers, I have more than a few questions that the msm simply will not get answers for me.
Real unemployment, not the U11 number that is reported showing only those receiving unemployment and actively looking for a job) sits somewhere worse than 10%. When you factor in the amount of people who have quit looking for work all together, either finding a way to get disability or just living on whatever they can manage to scrape together, or people who are chronically underemployed-that is to say they cannot find full time (40 hours) of work because of the hideous economy coupled with the shackles of obamacare mandates, then you are looking at some scary numbers- 42.9%!!*
Let that number sink in for you. When the media was screaming about President Bush having 9.8 % unemployment- that was one in ten people who couldn't find work. We were experiencing a dreadful recession thanks in part to the housing bubble that Clinton created, and worsened by the war in Iraq, and it's impact on the world economy.
Now we are talking about one in two people who cannot find full time work! The labor participation rate is the lowest that is has been since Jimmah Carter was president- over 33 years ago! Only 62.6% of people aged 16 to 65 are working. Doesn't that scare the crap out of you?
Why do you think everyone was bellowing for $10 an hour minimum wage? Because they stupidly thought that if they were making $10 an hour for flipping burgers, than they would be able to live on minimum wage. They didn't stop to realize that $10 an hour for minimum wage would kill even more jobs, and raise inflation even worse than it is now.
Think about it, you'll thank me later.
I don't care if Kim Kardashian is having another child with that narcissist Kanye West. I don't care if they give this child another stupid name, as they did with the last one. Neither one of them are important in the grand scheme of things, a wannabe celebrity and a racist artist (with an apparent obsession with Beyonce Knowles.) Whoop.
I don't care what Bruce Jenner has been spotted doing. after giving him more attention than he deserves by asking where he stores his penis these days, I lost interest. He has mental issues, clearly, and should get some help. Maybe it was all of the time spent around the other media whores he was married to, but at some point the cheese fell of from his cracker. He should spend more time looking for that, and not troweling on makeup. Ick.
But all of these things are simply distractions. Hillary Clinton may well have helped Obama by attempting to destroy evidence that directly implicated both of them in the Benghazi fiasco. The Kardashians are just a distraction from real questions that the media won't ask- Was Obama running illegal weapon through the area to arm ISIS? Was he keeping Congress informed as he broke these laws? What in the world was he doing while Ambassador Stevens was being drug through the streets, sodomized and tortured? I wouldn't mind a few answers, I have more than a few questions that the msm simply will not get answers for me.
Real unemployment, not the U11 number that is reported showing only those receiving unemployment and actively looking for a job) sits somewhere worse than 10%. When you factor in the amount of people who have quit looking for work all together, either finding a way to get disability or just living on whatever they can manage to scrape together, or people who are chronically underemployed-that is to say they cannot find full time (40 hours) of work because of the hideous economy coupled with the shackles of obamacare mandates, then you are looking at some scary numbers- 42.9%!!*
Let that number sink in for you. When the media was screaming about President Bush having 9.8 % unemployment- that was one in ten people who couldn't find work. We were experiencing a dreadful recession thanks in part to the housing bubble that Clinton created, and worsened by the war in Iraq, and it's impact on the world economy.
Now we are talking about one in two people who cannot find full time work! The labor participation rate is the lowest that is has been since Jimmah Carter was president- over 33 years ago! Only 62.6% of people aged 16 to 65 are working. Doesn't that scare the crap out of you?
Why do you think everyone was bellowing for $10 an hour minimum wage? Because they stupidly thought that if they were making $10 an hour for flipping burgers, than they would be able to live on minimum wage. They didn't stop to realize that $10 an hour for minimum wage would kill even more jobs, and raise inflation even worse than it is now.
Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, July 27, 2015
We Traded for a Traitor, But Leave Good People Behind in Obama's Crappy Iran Deal
Some time back the current wast of oxygen that occupies our White House made a deal with terrorists. ((Surprise!)) He swapped a traitor-Bowe Bergdahl for four high ranking members of the Taliban that we were holding in Guantanamo. His pathetic excuse? we don't leave our people behind. Yeah.Right.
Fast forward to the hugely awfuldeal, treaty, capitulation to Iran and what have we got here? Well, besides Iran giving us a pinky swear promise that they won't enrich any plutonium for bombs, a bunch of oil that they can now sell again, and billions of their frozen assets returned to them-not much.
There are four Americans still held in Iran.Robert Levinson disappeared in 2007. Saeed Abedini, a Christian pastor, Washington Post Iran Bureau Chief Jason Rezaian, and former Marine Amir Hekmati are still living a hellish existence in Iran. That is if they are still even alive. Does Obama care? You decide.
While he was in the process of allowing Kerry to negotiate the worst possible deal for the United States of America, Obama was too busy vacationing to be bothered with our four Americans still there. Maybe if they had fraternized with the enemy and deserted their post like that loser Bergdahl, he would have cared.
This deal is no good for us. It counts on the word of a bunch of crazy fanatics to uphold their promises with little verification. No wonder B.O. wouldn't let the details of the deal be released before hand. The people would have risen up and forced its defeat.
So this is the momentous deal that the msm has been practically wetting themselves over for almost a year? We still allow Iran to enrich uranium. Of course, one of the most oil rich regions in the world needs the added security of that atomic power, right? What an idiot.
Thankfully there is Israel. And while b.o. has treated them like a red headed step child- they still have the will and the ability to do something about this, and quite possibly save the world from a nuclear Armageddon. B.o. has neither the will nor the desire to do anything that would benefit the US, he has shown that time and again. We need a Speaker with the testicles to do what must be done, not more business as usual. Obama has got to go- impeach him now, or else suffer the consequences. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Fast forward to the hugely awful
There are four Americans still held in Iran.Robert Levinson disappeared in 2007. Saeed Abedini, a Christian pastor, Washington Post Iran Bureau Chief Jason Rezaian, and former Marine Amir Hekmati are still living a hellish existence in Iran. That is if they are still even alive. Does Obama care? You decide.
While he was in the process of allowing Kerry to negotiate the worst possible deal for the United States of America, Obama was too busy vacationing to be bothered with our four Americans still there. Maybe if they had fraternized with the enemy and deserted their post like that loser Bergdahl, he would have cared.
This deal is no good for us. It counts on the word of a bunch of crazy fanatics to uphold their promises with little verification. No wonder B.O. wouldn't let the details of the deal be released before hand. The people would have risen up and forced its defeat.
So this is the momentous deal that the msm has been practically wetting themselves over for almost a year? We still allow Iran to enrich uranium. Of course, one of the most oil rich regions in the world needs the added security of that atomic power, right? What an idiot.
Thankfully there is Israel. And while b.o. has treated them like a red headed step child- they still have the will and the ability to do something about this, and quite possibly save the world from a nuclear Armageddon. B.o. has neither the will nor the desire to do anything that would benefit the US, he has shown that time and again. We need a Speaker with the testicles to do what must be done, not more business as usual. Obama has got to go- impeach him now, or else suffer the consequences. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Every City Dumb Enough to be a Sanctuary City for Illegal Aliens Should Not Get a Penny For their State or Local Government
- Courtesy of a quick google search this was provided by A pretty complete list of every stupid unAmerican pro illegal city or state government in the United States of America. This is a pretty simple fix, even Speaker Boehner could do this without much help from the idiot on Pennsylvania Avenue-cut off every nickel of federal money to these morons. Not one red cent for education, for roads, not one dime until they disavow their illegality.
- Anchorage, AK (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service) (7-29-10 The Municipality of Anchorage disputes the listing. See notes at bottom of page for details.)
- .Arizona
- Chandler, AZ (Added 5/30/07, Congressional Research Service Report, 2006 )
- Mesa, AZ (Added 10-18-09, Sources: Judicial Watch; East Valley Tribune article,1-4-2008)*
- Phoenix, AZ
- Tucson, A Z (Added 11-12-07, Source: 11-11-07 story by Brady McCombs, Arizona Daily Star. See note below.)California
- Bell Gardens, CA
- City of Industry, CA
- City of Commerce, CA
- Coachella, CA (Added 7-23-12, Source: La Voz de Aztlan. Passed in 2006 and existence supported by quotes in city's 9-12-07 council meeting minutes.)
- Cypress, CA
- Davis CA
- Downey, CA
- Fresno, CA (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Greenfield, CA (Added 7-23-12, Source: Battle at the ballot box in Greenfield, Monterey County, The Herald, 6-1-12)
- Lakewood, CA
- Los Angeles, CA (Congressional Research Service)
- Long Beach, CA
- Lynwood, CA
- Maywood, CA
- Montebello, CA
- National City, CA
- Norwalk, CA
- Oakland, CA (Added 8-27-07. Source: 4/25/07 story by KCBS 740 AM. Link here.)
- Paramount, CA
- Pico Rivera, CA
- Richmond, CA (Added 11-5-09. Sources: Mayor Gayle McLaughlin's campaign website from 2004, 2006)
- So. Gate, CA
- San Bernardino, Ca. (Added 6/7/07, reader submitted / 9/5/08 Listing disputed by the city administration* See addl.notes)
- San Diego, CA Sources: Congressional Research Service; SDPD chief endorses constoversial immigration bill, Fox-TV 5, 9-2-13
- Santa Clara County, CA (Added 11-29-10, source: Forced into Immigration Enforcement, A County Considers Plan B, 10-21-10, Huffington Post.)
- Santa Cruz, CA (Added 5/30/07, documented by KSBW news)
- San Francisco, CA (Congressional Research Service)
- San Jose, CA (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Santa Maria, CA (11-18-08 Submitted research from local activist/ Listing disputed by the city administration)
- Sonoma County, CA (Congressional Research Service)
- Vernon, CA
- Watsonville, CA (Added 5/30/07, documented by KSBW news)
- Wilmington, CA
It wouldn't require much, just a spine and maybe some testicles. That could be the problem, as there are quite a few in the GOP who are just as happy to welcome the illegals as B.O. is. That is one of the many reasons I would not vote for the latest Bush who has thrown his hat in the ring. Enough is enough. I think Donald Trump is a blowhard. But on this issue, he is dead right.
Ann Coulter has also recently published a wonderful book Adios, America . Of course every libtard from Salon to Huffpo has denounced it. You know it's really good when it makes spittle fly from Geraldo Rivera's mouth. Go to youtube and you can watch Ms. Coulter simply destroy Rivera when he attempts to debate her on the issue.
- Aurora, CO
- Commerce City, CO
- Denver, CO (Source: Congressional Research Service)
- Durango, CO (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Federal Heights, CO
- Fort Collins, CO
- Lafayette, CO (Added 6/3/07, documented by reader)
- Thornton, CO
- Westminster, CO
- Hartford, CT (Added 5/4/10. Source: [Ordinance passed in 2008], NEWS 21 Blog, by Amy Crawford, Hartford, CT)
- New Haven, CT (Added 6/4/07. Source: TV News 8: City council votes 25-1 to issue ID cards to illegal aliens)
- DeLeon Springs, FL
- Deltona, FL
- Jupiter, FL (Added 4-13-09. Previously on watch list.)
- Lake Worth, FL (Added 4-13-09.)
- Miami, FL
- Dalton, GA (Added 5/30/07. 6/18/07 Listing disputed by the City of Dalton, GA. City's written policy requested, not received as of 1-28-12. )Illinois
- Chicago, IL (Congressional Research Service)
- Cicero, IL (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Evanston, IL (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)Iowa
- (See city watch list below)Kansas
- Wichita (Source: Police department policy exposed after the death of Lola Jayne, KSN TV-3, 12-19-08)
- New Orleans, LA (Source: Police department announced policy of "don't ask, don't tell" by Police superintendent Warren Riley, WWL-TV; 9-9-09)
- Cambridge, MA (Source: Boston Globe. First passed resolution in 1985)
- Chelsea, MA (Added: 8-14-07 Source: Chelsea government website with text of sanctuary policy.)
- Northampton, MA (Added 6-20-12 Source: City of Northampton Resolution dated 8-18-2011. Resolution limits cooperation with ICE but does not use the term "sanctuary." )
- Orleans, MA (Added 6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Sommerville, MA (Added 7-23-12 Original resolution passed in 1987, later repealed and replaced with Safe City Resolution. Source: Sommerville News Blog, 10-15-2007)
- Springfield, MA (Disputed)Maine
- Portland (Added 5/31/07 Note: Maine resident reported that Portland city council passed sanctuary legislation)
- State of Maine (Added 5/31/07 Note: Governor of Maine initiated de facto protections for illegals by Executive Order in 2004)*Maryland
- Baltimore, MD (Congressional Research Service)
- Gaithersburg, MD
- Mt. Rainier, MD (Added 1-20-08, Source: The Washington D.C. Examiner, 1-19-08)
- Montgomery County, MD (Added 11-3-09, Source: Frederick County sheriff worried about MontCo gangs, The Washington D.C. Examiner, 11-2-09)
- Takoma Park, MD (Reported that City ordinance passed some 20 years ago; Congressional Research Service)Michigan
- Ann Arbor, MI (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Detroit, MI (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
Minnesota - Austin, MN (Added 11-1-11 Source: Protecting illegal immigrants to catch criminals, Star Tribune, 10-27-11)*
- Minneapolis, MN (Congressional Research Service)
- St. Paul, MN
- Worthington, MN (Added 5-30-07 Note: This is where a Swift plant was raided by ICE in December, 2006)Nevada
- Reno (Added 5-31-07; 2-18-08 Disputed by city; OJJPAC has requested a copy of city policies. Copy of policies never received as of 1-28-12) New Jersey
- Camden, NJ (Added in 2007; latest source: Camden, Immigrant Haven?, By Lauren Feeney, City Paper, 7-16-08)
- Fort Lee, NJ
- Hightstown, NJ (Added 5-30-07)
- Jersey City, NJ
- Newark, NJ (Added 6-3-07)
- North Bergen, NJ
- Trenton, NJ
- Union City, NJ
- West New York, NJNew Mexico
- Albuquerque, NM 6/13/07 Congressional Research Service; 8-14-07 KOB-TV 4 Eyewitness News report
- Aztec, NM Added 5-8-10, Identified by CRS in 2006 report to Congress
- Rio Ariba County, NM 6/13/07 Congressional Research Service
- Santa Fe, NM 6/13/07 Congressional Research Service; 1-26-12 AP story, Santa Fe Mayor David Coss opposes taking drivers licenses away from illegal aliens.
New York - Albany, NY (Added 7-22-09 Source: Council adopts don't ask policy, Times Union report by Jordan Carleo-Evangelist)
- Bay Shore, NY
- Brentwood, NY
- Central Islip, NY
- Farmingville, NY
- New York City, NY
- Riverhead, NY
- Shirly/Mastic, NY
- Spring Valley Village, NY (Added 7-25-07)
- Uniondale, NY
- Westbury, NYNorth Carolina
- Carrboro, NC (Added 11-12-07 Source: Towns differ on illegal aliens by Patrick Winn, The News & Observer)
- Chapel Hill, NC (Added 11-12-07 Source: Towns differ on illegal aliens by Patrick Winn, The News & Observer)
- Charlotte, NC
- Chatham County, NC (Added 1-14-09 Source: Chatham rejects immigration program, The News & Observer; Chatham County Commissioners Board Minutes, 1-5--09)
- Durham, NC (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Raleigh
- Winston-SalemOhio
- Columbus, OH (7/5/07 Source: 5/10/07 Columbus Dispatch article stating illegal aliens in misdemeanor cases are not reported to ICE)
- Dayton, OH (Added 1-11-10 Source: Dayton Daily News story by Lucas Sullivan. Police chief prohibits officers from asking about immigration status.
- Lima, OH (Added 10-28-08 Note: City administration opposes County Sheriff's efforts to remove illegal aliens.)
- Lorain, OH (Added 4-21-14 Source: Lorain Police Chief Celestino Rivera has ordered (by written policy) his officers not to cooperate with ICE)
- Oberlin, OH (Added 1-25-09. Source: City Resolution adopted January 20, 2009)
- Painesville, OH (7-19-07 Source: 7-18-07 Cleveland Scene article)
- Oklahoma City (de facto)
- Tulsa (6-3-07 Note: Tulsa city council is discussing changing its sanctuary policy. 8-15-10 Update: See note below.)
- Ashland, OR (8-9-07 Congressional Research Service)
- Gaston, OR (8-9-07 Congressional Research Service)
- Marion County, OR (8-9-07 Congressional Research Service)
- Multnomah County, OR (Added 11-9-13 Source: Sheriff's office says 'no' to ICE, By Kirsten Lock, Fox TV-12, 4-25-13)
- Portland, OR
- State of Oregon * (8-9-07 Congressional Research Service) *(See note below)
- Allentown, PA (Rescinded) 7-23-12 Note: Allentown city council passed a sanctuary resolution in 1986 but voted 4-3 to rescind it in 1991.
- Philadelphia, PA* (7-15-10 Source: Mayor Nutter's, November, 2009 Executive order: Policy Concerning Access of Immigrants to City Services .)
- Pittsburgh, PA (Added 5-29-14 Source: Pittsburg Post Gazette: Pittsburg launches effort to woo more immigrants, 5-29-14)
- Providence (Added 5-17-11 Source: Providence wants to opt out of 'Secure Communities' database, by Gregory Smith, Providence Journal, 2-23-11).
- Austin, TX (Congressional Research Service)
- Baytown, TX (6-13-07 Local reader observation)
- Brownsville, TX
- Channelview, TX (6-13-07 Local reader observation)
- Denton, TX
- Dallas, TX
- El Cenizo, TX (6-13-07 Congressional Research Service)
- Ft.Worth, TX
- Houston, TX (Congressional Research Service)
- Katy, TX (Congressional Research Service)
- Laredo, TX
- Mcallen, TX
- Port Arthur, TX (6-13-07 Reader/resident observation)Utah
- State of Utah (Added 5-15-11 Source: Utah Approves Guest Worker Program for Illegal Immigrants, ABC New, 5-7-11)
- Provo, UT* (* 8-27-2010 Provo Utah contacted OJJPAC and indicated that it has no desire to be a sanctuary city.
- *5-16-11Update: Pending removal of Provo, UT upon verification of city's full participation/cooperation with ICE.)
- Salt Lake City, UTVirginia
- Alexandria, VA* (Added 10-6-08, Source: City Resolution No. 2246 adopted 10-9-07)
- Fairfax County, VA
- Virginia Beach, VA (Added 6/3/07)
- Burlington, VT (Added 5-14-09 Source: 5-13-09 Associated Press story by Wilson Ring)
- Middlebury, VT (Added 5-14-09 Source: 5-13-09 Associated Press story by Wilson Ring)
- State of Vermont* (Added 11-29-10 Source: 11-21-10 Vermont AG proposes bias-free policing policy, Burlington Free Press)
- King Co. Council, WA (Added as a de facto sanctuary on 6-28-09 Source: The Seattle Times; and on 11-9-09 Ordinance passed)
- Seattle, WA (Added 5/30/07; Congressional Research Service)
- Spokane, WA (Added 6-22-15; City Council passed Ordinances C35164 and C-35167)Wisconsin
- Madison, WI (Congressional Research Service) Update: In June, 2010, the city council passed a resolution reaffirming its policy.
- Millwaukee County, WI (Added 6-10-12 Source article: County Board Resolution on Immigration on target, Opinion, Journal Sentinel News., 6-9-12)Wyoming
- Jackson Hole, WY
Washington, D.C. (Update: The Washington D. C. city council has voted to prohibit its police department from participating in the Secure Communities program in July, 2010 according to an AP story by Ivan Moreno dated 7-26-10; 10-19-11 D.C. Examiner story which states that Mayor Vincent Gray signed an order prohibiting the city's police dept. from inquiring about a person's immigration status.Cities under review
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
Diamond Bar, CA (6/26/07 Disputed by city. Currently being researched to verify.)
Boulder, CO
DesMoines, IA (Added 11-28-07 Source: Proposal seeks banning immigration raids in D.M., by Nigel Duara, DesMoines-Register)
Bridgeton, NJ (Added 6-3-07) [7-27-07 Disputed by a reputed farm worker advocate, see note below.]
Peekskill, NY [Disputed, being researched]
San Antonio, TX [Note: The Sanctuary status of San Antonio is disputed, being researched.]
Watch List Cities Note: This is a new list started 8-14-07 and was updated on 2-6-14.
- Joliet, IL (Source: Resident alleges police have don't ask don't tell policy, courts ignore immigration status)
- Iowa City, IA (Source: Article, Group pushes Iowa City as 'immigration sanctuary city,' DesMoines Register, 10-31-10)
- Cedar Rapids, IA (Source: Article, Two Iowa cities considering adopting sanctuary policies for illegal aliens, by Dave Gibson,, 12-20-10)
- Lexington, KY (Source: 11-12-07 Submitted by local resident who claims it is a sanctuary city)
- Worcester, MASS (Source: 8-14-07 Worcester Telegram)
- Silver Springs, MD (Source: 5-17-12 Local resident)
- Lakewood, NJ (Source:9-10-08 Local residents)
- Middletown, OH (Source: 1-30-08 Middletown News-Journal)
- Springfield, OH (Source: 1-27-08 Springfield-News-Sun)
- Clark County, OH (Source: 1-27-08; 9-29-08 Springfield-News-Sun Editorial (Sheriff Kelly not interested in removing illegal aliens)
- Gallatin, TN (Source: 9-26-08 Reader)
- Shelbyville, TN (Source: News articles submitted by Shelbyville resident)
- Portland, TN (Source: 9-26-08 Reader)
- Hendersonville, TN (Source: 9-26-08 Reader)
- Whitehouse, TN (Source: 9-26-08 Reader)
- McKinney, TX (Source: 11-28-11 Star Local News article by Marthe Stinton)
- Kings County, WA (Source: 5-8-12 3 King County officials balk at ICE detainer program)
Sanctuary Cities, USA: Additional Notes
Anchorage, AK
The Municipality of Anchorage sent OJJPAC a letter disputing the city's listing postmarked July 29, 2010. It claims that the Congressional Research Service's listing of the city as a "sanctuary" was based on a Resolution adopted by its Assembly (AR 2003-223) in 2003. The Municipal Attorney Dennis Wheeler says that that Resolution was rescinded on December 18, 2007.
Mesa, Arizona
Mesa Arizona has been added as a sanctuary city list because of its reported "don't ask don't tell policy" and criticism by the local sheriff that the city is not enforcing the law. The sheriff has arrested illegal aliens working in city buildings (as contract workers for a private cleaning company), reportedly after the city police department refused to investigate complaints of illegal hires by a whistleblower.
Austin, MN
Note: The newspaper incorrectly refers to illegal aliens as "illegal immigrants." Aliens who illegally reside in the U.S. are not "immigrants," a term that should only refer to aliens who legally "emigrated" to the United States.
Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia's Mayor signed an Executive Order in November 2009 that provided additional protections to illegal aliens in the city. However, the City of Philadelphia does have an existing Preliminary Arraignment Reporting System (PARS) agreement with ICE. Mayor Nutter objects to the PARS computer technology agreement which is now up for renewal. The Mayor apparently believes that the access of data by ICE will result in increased immigration violation investigations and deportations. Here is an article by the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Tucson, Arizona
Tucson Arizona has been added to the sanctuary city list because the Tucson police have instituted a new policy which prevents their officers from calling Immigration and Customs Enforcement to schools and churches.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tulsa city councilor Jim Mautino was quoted in a Tulsa World article by P.J. Lassek, that he believes Tulsa is a sanctuary city and that the Police don't verify legal presense during traffic stops. Mautino wants to crack down on illegal aliens and introduce an ordinance mandating the use of E-Verify because the resolution that was passed cannot be enforced.
State of Oregon
According to a CRS report (October, 2005), Oregon passed a law in 1987 that prohibits local and state law enforcement from using state resources for locating and capturing illegal aliens. Law enforcement was permitted [but not required] to "exchange information" with federal immigration agents if an illegal alien was arrested for a crime.
San Bernardino, CA.
San Bernardino was added to the list on June 6th of 2007 as a result of a readers submission. On September 5th 2008, the city administration contacted me to dispute its listing. OJJPAC has asked the city's law department to forward copies of the city's policies regarding its processes when illegal aliens are encountered in its city.
Bridgeton, NJ 7-27-07 Disputed by a reputed farm worker advocate who sent me this email:
"I just wanted to point out an inaccuracy on your website's listing of sanctuary cities. You have Bridgeton, NJ listed as a sanctuary city, and indeed it is most definitely not. I work with CATA - The Farm workers' Support committee ( and we have an organized group of membership in this town. One of our goals is working towards making Bridgeton an sanctuary city, but the local government is quite unfriendly towards the immigrant population, and the mayor has even hinted at wanting to implement a Hazleton type of ordinance (luckily, given yesterday's legal decision, that won't be happening)."
Columbus, OH
I am disgusted with any city or state official who would undo our amazing Republic for cheap labor. The idea that you can make this a mercy option is one of the things that most angers me. How about a little mercy for us here in the United States of America? How many jobs are stolen from citizens? How many millions do we have to forfeit from our economy as the illegals wire billions-with a b- back to their countries while stealing our resources in food stamps and free education opportunities? Demand that our elected officials make this as important to them as the issue is to us. We have borders for a reason. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Monday, July 13, 2015
The Confederate Flag or Looking to Be Offended
I was born in a northern state, but my Mom had the good sense to take us southward when I was still very young. I consider myself southern, by attitude and by choice. I like sweet tea. I say 'yes ma'am and no sir' automatically, and if I do not know your name, I will call you ma'am or sir.
I expect my children to get up if someone older needs their chair, and they had better open doors for people. We like to call it manners.
There are so many things involved in the southern culture, and most of them are great. Some are only good, and one truly stinks. The stinky one is palmetto bugs, or what yankees call a cockroach. This is a cockroach, except it can fly and bite and is about the size of a toddler's foot. Seriously.
In the south, the war of northern aggression is still being fought. Every single day. It was never about slavery, in the way that every libtard screams. Slaves were the smallest part of it, and if Lincoln could have kept slavery and saved the Union, I don't doubt that he would have. No, the Civil War was fought because the Federal Government was involved in a great big over reach and Southern states believed in more autonomy. Sound familiar?
So now, in order to distract the truly mindless from his latest failures, B.O. and his pals- the msm- are screaming bloody murder over the existence of the Confederate Flag.
It's a symbol of hate they whine, not understanding the culture. It's a symbol of racism they pout, ignoring the many many non whites who proudly display one. The Confederate Flag. much like the Gadsden Flag, is a symbol of defiance against the tyranny of those who would tell us what to do when we can decide for ourselves, thankyouverymuch.
Yes, you will see ignorant people in sheets waving one on occasion. Sometimes I see a really ignorant person waving a Mexican flag ( like the ungrateful illegal who mooched our services and educational system, stealing the place of a citizen, and then bragged up Mexico, instead) but that doesn't encompass the flag.
A Confederate flag will make almost any Southerner smile. It is an act of defiance, a thumbed nose, an extended middle finger.
If Walmart and Amazon are so quick to join in with the intolerant crowd, then they ought not ever sell anything with an X on it. Malcolm X was as racist as they come, but a racism that was acceptable, I guess.
No more double standards. If one group can have their culture and traditions, then we all can. Quit trying to be offended when you have no idea of the history you are misquoting. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
I expect my children to get up if someone older needs their chair, and they had better open doors for people. We like to call it manners.
There are so many things involved in the southern culture, and most of them are great. Some are only good, and one truly stinks. The stinky one is palmetto bugs, or what yankees call a cockroach. This is a cockroach, except it can fly and bite and is about the size of a toddler's foot. Seriously.
In the south, the war of northern aggression is still being fought. Every single day. It was never about slavery, in the way that every libtard screams. Slaves were the smallest part of it, and if Lincoln could have kept slavery and saved the Union, I don't doubt that he would have. No, the Civil War was fought because the Federal Government was involved in a great big over reach and Southern states believed in more autonomy. Sound familiar?
So now, in order to distract the truly mindless from his latest failures, B.O. and his pals- the msm- are screaming bloody murder over the existence of the Confederate Flag.
It's a symbol of hate they whine, not understanding the culture. It's a symbol of racism they pout, ignoring the many many non whites who proudly display one. The Confederate Flag. much like the Gadsden Flag, is a symbol of defiance against the tyranny of those who would tell us what to do when we can decide for ourselves, thankyouverymuch.
Yes, you will see ignorant people in sheets waving one on occasion. Sometimes I see a really ignorant person waving a Mexican flag ( like the ungrateful illegal who mooched our services and educational system, stealing the place of a citizen, and then bragged up Mexico, instead) but that doesn't encompass the flag.
A Confederate flag will make almost any Southerner smile. It is an act of defiance, a thumbed nose, an extended middle finger.
If Walmart and Amazon are so quick to join in with the intolerant crowd, then they ought not ever sell anything with an X on it. Malcolm X was as racist as they come, but a racism that was acceptable, I guess.
No more double standards. If one group can have their culture and traditions, then we all can. Quit trying to be offended when you have no idea of the history you are misquoting. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, July 6, 2015
Rachel Dolezal and her PC Bs
Rachel Dolezal may be crazy, I am not certain. She is a liar, and would appear to be delusional. I don't have the necessary papers hanging on my wall to be able to make an official determination, but I have about two dozen insane relatives with varying degrees of crazy, so I feel pretty confident in my diagnosis.
Ms. Dolezal, in pictures that her parents released, appears to be a pretty, blond haired, blue eyed young woman of Norwegian decent. She is smiling and happy in the picture, it is a nice picture. At some point, Ms. Dolezal changed. Sheis was the leader of a chapter of the NAACP- a racist organization if ever there was one- until her parents, horrible people, released the old photographs of Rachel where she appears to be very white. They have given interviews, they are both Caucasian-no question about it. So where did the cheese from Ms. Dolezal's cracker go? Or does she have the reverse of the problem that everyone's favorite pedophile, Micheal Jackson had?
In what the msm has pieced together-quicker than you can ask "Are those some more IRS emails in that pile?"- Ms. Dolezal's past appears to be pretty normal. She lived at one time with a black man. I can say black because Ms. Dolezal has been pretending to be black all of this time and that's what she says. If it's okay for that white woman, it's okay for this one. So anyway, Ms. Dolezal has defiantly maintained that she 'identifies as a black person' so she is black. Yep. Just like Bruce Jenner's psychosis that evolved in the lopping off of a penis- Ms. Dolezal must have the mother of all tanning beds in her home somewhere.
I don't care if Ms. Dolezal has decided to be black this year. What I do care about is that she can say black and not one politically correct speech monitor has lost their mind. Maybe they are still taken aback with the the whole stupidity of her lies-but she appears to be the only person still walking around that doesn't have to say "African American."
How will reverends Media Whore react? It will be difficult for them to make a decision no doubt-if they are pro Dolezal, then they are in fact promoting a white woman over their own race, and the two of them are loath to do anything like that. If they come out against Ms. Dolenthal, than they have shown that race does in fact matter, very much, to them. Ironic considering that the whole race baiting empire they have built for themselves has been based on the idea that we are all equal. To quote Orwell, "Some of us are more equal than others."
So what to do now? In my opinion, and you must want it or you wouldn't be reading this, right? Disband the NAACP. It clearly has served its purpose when a white woman pretending to be black can run a chapter effectively and no one notice that she isn't black. The good reverends can now focus their attentions on some other plight, and we can live in a better world, not concerned with what race any of us are. For that, we can thank Rachel Dolezal, and her lies. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Ms. Dolezal, in pictures that her parents released, appears to be a pretty, blond haired, blue eyed young woman of Norwegian decent. She is smiling and happy in the picture, it is a nice picture. At some point, Ms. Dolezal changed. She
In what the msm has pieced together-quicker than you can ask "Are those some more IRS emails in that pile?"- Ms. Dolezal's past appears to be pretty normal. She lived at one time with a black man. I can say black because Ms. Dolezal has been pretending to be black all of this time and that's what she says. If it's okay for that white woman, it's okay for this one. So anyway, Ms. Dolezal has defiantly maintained that she 'identifies as a black person' so she is black. Yep. Just like Bruce Jenner's psychosis that evolved in the lopping off of a penis- Ms. Dolezal must have the mother of all tanning beds in her home somewhere.
I don't care if Ms. Dolezal has decided to be black this year. What I do care about is that she can say black and not one politically correct speech monitor has lost their mind. Maybe they are still taken aback with the the whole stupidity of her lies-but she appears to be the only person still walking around that doesn't have to say "African American."
How will reverends Media Whore react? It will be difficult for them to make a decision no doubt-if they are pro Dolezal, then they are in fact promoting a white woman over their own race, and the two of them are loath to do anything like that. If they come out against Ms. Dolenthal, than they have shown that race does in fact matter, very much, to them. Ironic considering that the whole race baiting empire they have built for themselves has been based on the idea that we are all equal. To quote Orwell, "Some of us are more equal than others."
So what to do now? In my opinion, and you must want it or you wouldn't be reading this, right? Disband the NAACP. It clearly has served its purpose when a white woman pretending to be black can run a chapter effectively and no one notice that she isn't black. The good reverends can now focus their attentions on some other plight, and we can live in a better world, not concerned with what race any of us are. For that, we can thank Rachel Dolezal, and her lies. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
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