- Courtesy of a quick google search this was provided by OJJPAC.org: A pretty complete list of every stupid unAmerican pro illegal city or state government in the United States of America. This is a pretty simple fix, even Speaker Boehner could do this without much help from the idiot on Pennsylvania Avenue-cut off every nickel of federal money to these morons. Not one red cent for education, for roads, not one dime until they disavow their illegality.
- Anchorage, AK (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service) (7-29-10 The Municipality of Anchorage disputes the listing. See notes at bottom of page for details.)
- .Arizona
- Chandler, AZ (Added 5/30/07, Congressional Research Service Report, 2006 )
- Mesa, AZ (Added 10-18-09, Sources: Judicial Watch; East Valley Tribune article,1-4-2008)*
- Phoenix, AZ
- Tucson, A Z (Added 11-12-07, Source: 11-11-07 story by Brady McCombs, Arizona Daily Star. See note below.)California
- Bell Gardens, CA
- City of Industry, CA
- City of Commerce, CA
- Coachella, CA (Added 7-23-12, Source: La Voz de Aztlan. Passed in 2006 and existence supported by quotes in city's 9-12-07 council meeting minutes.)
- Cypress, CA
- Davis CA
- Downey, CA
- Fresno, CA (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Greenfield, CA (Added 7-23-12, Source: Battle at the ballot box in Greenfield, Monterey County, The Herald, 6-1-12)
- Lakewood, CA
- Los Angeles, CA (Congressional Research Service)
- Long Beach, CA
- Lynwood, CA
- Maywood, CA
- Montebello, CA
- National City, CA
- Norwalk, CA
- Oakland, CA (Added 8-27-07. Source: 4/25/07 story by KCBS 740 AM. Link here.)
- Paramount, CA
- Pico Rivera, CA
- Richmond, CA (Added 11-5-09. Sources: Mayor Gayle McLaughlin's campaign website from 2004, 2006)
- So. Gate, CA
- San Bernardino, Ca. (Added 6/7/07, reader submitted / 9/5/08 Listing disputed by the city administration* See addl.notes)
- San Diego, CA Sources: Congressional Research Service; SDPD chief endorses constoversial immigration bill, Fox-TV 5, 9-2-13
- Santa Clara County, CA (Added 11-29-10, source: Forced into Immigration Enforcement, A County Considers Plan B, 10-21-10, Huffington Post.)
- Santa Cruz, CA (Added 5/30/07, documented by KSBW news)
- San Francisco, CA (Congressional Research Service)
- San Jose, CA (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Santa Maria, CA (11-18-08 Submitted research from local activist/ Listing disputed by the city administration)
- Sonoma County, CA (Congressional Research Service)
- Vernon, CA
- Watsonville, CA (Added 5/30/07, documented by KSBW news)
- Wilmington, CA
It wouldn't require much, just a spine and maybe some testicles. That could be the problem, as there are quite a few in the GOP who are just as happy to welcome the illegals as B.O. is. That is one of the many reasons I would not vote for the latest Bush who has thrown his hat in the ring. Enough is enough. I think Donald Trump is a blowhard. But on this issue, he is dead right.
Ann Coulter has also recently published a wonderful book Adios, America . Of course every libtard from Salon to Huffpo has denounced it. You know it's really good when it makes spittle fly from Geraldo Rivera's mouth. Go to youtube and you can watch Ms. Coulter simply destroy Rivera when he attempts to debate her on the issue.
- Aurora, CO
- Commerce City, CO
- Denver, CO (Source: Congressional Research Service)
- Durango, CO (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Federal Heights, CO
- Fort Collins, CO
- Lafayette, CO (Added 6/3/07, documented by reader)
- Thornton, CO
- Westminster, CO
- Hartford, CT (Added 5/4/10. Source: [Ordinance passed in 2008], NEWS 21 Blog, by Amy Crawford, Hartford, CT)
- New Haven, CT (Added 6/4/07. Source: TV News 8: City council votes 25-1 to issue ID cards to illegal aliens)
- DeLeon Springs, FL
- Deltona, FL
- Jupiter, FL (Added 4-13-09. Previously on watch list.)
- Lake Worth, FL (Added 4-13-09.)
- Miami, FL
- Dalton, GA (Added 5/30/07. 6/18/07 Listing disputed by the City of Dalton, GA. City's written policy requested, not received as of 1-28-12. )Illinois
- Chicago, IL (Congressional Research Service)
- Cicero, IL (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Evanston, IL (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)Iowa
- (See city watch list below)Kansas
- Wichita (Source: Police department policy exposed after the death of Lola Jayne, KSN TV-3, 12-19-08)
- New Orleans, LA (Source: Police department announced policy of "don't ask, don't tell" by Police superintendent Warren Riley, WWL-TV; 9-9-09)
- Cambridge, MA (Source: Boston Globe. First passed resolution in 1985)
- Chelsea, MA (Added: 8-14-07 Source: Chelsea government website with text of sanctuary policy.)
- Northampton, MA (Added 6-20-12 Source: City of Northampton Resolution dated 8-18-2011. Resolution limits cooperation with ICE but does not use the term "sanctuary." )
- Orleans, MA (Added 6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Sommerville, MA (Added 7-23-12 Original resolution passed in 1987, later repealed and replaced with Safe City Resolution. Source: Sommerville News Blog, 10-15-2007)
- Springfield, MA (Disputed)Maine
- Portland (Added 5/31/07 Note: Maine resident reported that Portland city council passed sanctuary legislation)
- State of Maine (Added 5/31/07 Note: Governor of Maine initiated de facto protections for illegals by Executive Order in 2004)*Maryland
- Baltimore, MD (Congressional Research Service)
- Gaithersburg, MD
- Mt. Rainier, MD (Added 1-20-08, Source: The Washington D.C. Examiner, 1-19-08)
- Montgomery County, MD (Added 11-3-09, Source: Frederick County sheriff worried about MontCo gangs, The Washington D.C. Examiner, 11-2-09)
- Takoma Park, MD (Reported that City ordinance passed some 20 years ago; Congressional Research Service)Michigan
- Ann Arbor, MI (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Detroit, MI (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
Minnesota - Austin, MN (Added 11-1-11 Source: Protecting illegal immigrants to catch criminals, Star Tribune, 10-27-11)*
- Minneapolis, MN (Congressional Research Service)
- St. Paul, MN
- Worthington, MN (Added 5-30-07 Note: This is where a Swift plant was raided by ICE in December, 2006)Nevada
- Reno (Added 5-31-07; 2-18-08 Disputed by city; OJJPAC has requested a copy of city policies. Copy of policies never received as of 1-28-12) New Jersey
- Camden, NJ (Added in 2007; latest source: Camden, Immigrant Haven?, By Lauren Feeney, City Paper, 7-16-08)
- Fort Lee, NJ
- Hightstown, NJ (Added 5-30-07)
- Jersey City, NJ
- Newark, NJ (Added 6-3-07)
- North Bergen, NJ
- Trenton, NJ
- Union City, NJ
- West New York, NJNew Mexico
- Albuquerque, NM 6/13/07 Congressional Research Service; 8-14-07 KOB-TV 4 Eyewitness News report
- Aztec, NM Added 5-8-10, Identified by CRS in 2006 report to Congress
- Rio Ariba County, NM 6/13/07 Congressional Research Service
- Santa Fe, NM 6/13/07 Congressional Research Service; 1-26-12 AP story, Santa Fe Mayor David Coss opposes taking drivers licenses away from illegal aliens.
New York - Albany, NY (Added 7-22-09 Source: Council adopts don't ask policy, Times Union report by Jordan Carleo-Evangelist)
- Bay Shore, NY
- Brentwood, NY
- Central Islip, NY
- Farmingville, NY
- New York City, NY
- Riverhead, NY
- Shirly/Mastic, NY
- Spring Valley Village, NY (Added 7-25-07)
- Uniondale, NY
- Westbury, NYNorth Carolina
- Carrboro, NC (Added 11-12-07 Source: Towns differ on illegal aliens by Patrick Winn, The News & Observer)
- Chapel Hill, NC (Added 11-12-07 Source: Towns differ on illegal aliens by Patrick Winn, The News & Observer)
- Charlotte, NC
- Chatham County, NC (Added 1-14-09 Source: Chatham rejects immigration program, The News & Observer; Chatham County Commissioners Board Minutes, 1-5--09)
- Durham, NC (6/13/07 Congressional Research Service)
- Raleigh
- Winston-SalemOhio
- Columbus, OH (7/5/07 Source: 5/10/07 Columbus Dispatch article stating illegal aliens in misdemeanor cases are not reported to ICE)
- Dayton, OH (Added 1-11-10 Source: Dayton Daily News story by Lucas Sullivan. Police chief prohibits officers from asking about immigration status.
- Lima, OH (Added 10-28-08 Note: City administration opposes County Sheriff's efforts to remove illegal aliens.)
- Lorain, OH (Added 4-21-14 Source: Lorain Police Chief Celestino Rivera has ordered (by written policy) his officers not to cooperate with ICE)
- Oberlin, OH (Added 1-25-09. Source: City Resolution adopted January 20, 2009)
- Painesville, OH (7-19-07 Source: 7-18-07 Cleveland Scene article)
- Oklahoma City (de facto)
- Tulsa (6-3-07 Note: Tulsa city council is discussing changing its sanctuary policy. 8-15-10 Update: See note below.)
- Ashland, OR (8-9-07 Congressional Research Service)
- Gaston, OR (8-9-07 Congressional Research Service)
- Marion County, OR (8-9-07 Congressional Research Service)
- Multnomah County, OR (Added 11-9-13 Source: Sheriff's office says 'no' to ICE, By Kirsten Lock, Fox TV-12, 4-25-13)
- Portland, OR
- State of Oregon * (8-9-07 Congressional Research Service) *(See note below)
- Allentown, PA (Rescinded) 7-23-12 Note: Allentown city council passed a sanctuary resolution in 1986 but voted 4-3 to rescind it in 1991.
- Philadelphia, PA* (7-15-10 Source: Mayor Nutter's, November, 2009 Executive order: Policy Concerning Access of Immigrants to City Services .)
- Pittsburgh, PA (Added 5-29-14 Source: Pittsburg Post Gazette: Pittsburg launches effort to woo more immigrants, 5-29-14)
- Providence (Added 5-17-11 Source: Providence wants to opt out of 'Secure Communities' database, by Gregory Smith, Providence Journal, 2-23-11).
- Austin, TX (Congressional Research Service)
- Baytown, TX (6-13-07 Local reader observation)
- Brownsville, TX
- Channelview, TX (6-13-07 Local reader observation)
- Denton, TX
- Dallas, TX
- El Cenizo, TX (6-13-07 Congressional Research Service)
- Ft.Worth, TX
- Houston, TX (Congressional Research Service)
- Katy, TX (Congressional Research Service)
- Laredo, TX
- Mcallen, TX
- Port Arthur, TX (6-13-07 Reader/resident observation)Utah
- State of Utah (Added 5-15-11 Source: Utah Approves Guest Worker Program for Illegal Immigrants, ABC New, 5-7-11)
- Provo, UT* (* 8-27-2010 Provo Utah contacted OJJPAC and indicated that it has no desire to be a sanctuary city.
- *5-16-11Update: Pending removal of Provo, UT upon verification of city's full participation/cooperation with ICE.)
- Salt Lake City, UTVirginia
- Alexandria, VA* (Added 10-6-08, Source: City Resolution No. 2246 adopted 10-9-07)
- Fairfax County, VA
- Virginia Beach, VA (Added 6/3/07)
- Burlington, VT (Added 5-14-09 Source: 5-13-09 Associated Press story by Wilson Ring)
- Middlebury, VT (Added 5-14-09 Source: 5-13-09 Associated Press story by Wilson Ring)
- State of Vermont* (Added 11-29-10 Source: 11-21-10 Vermont AG proposes bias-free policing policy, Burlington Free Press)
- King Co. Council, WA (Added as a de facto sanctuary on 6-28-09 Source: The Seattle Times; and on 11-9-09 Ordinance passed)
- Seattle, WA (Added 5/30/07; Congressional Research Service)
- Spokane, WA (Added 6-22-15; City Council passed Ordinances C35164 and C-35167)Wisconsin
- Madison, WI (Congressional Research Service) Update: In June, 2010, the city council passed a resolution reaffirming its policy.
- Millwaukee County, WI (Added 6-10-12 Source article: County Board Resolution on Immigration on target, Opinion, Journal Sentinel News., 6-9-12)Wyoming
- Jackson Hole, WY
Washington, D.C. (Update: The Washington D. C. city council has voted to prohibit its police department from participating in the Secure Communities program in July, 2010 according to an AP story by Ivan Moreno dated 7-26-10; 10-19-11 D.C. Examiner story which states that Mayor Vincent Gray signed an order prohibiting the city's police dept. from inquiring about a person's immigration status.Cities under review
Diamond Bar, CA (6/26/07 Disputed by city. Currently being researched to verify.)
Boulder, CO
DesMoines, IA (Added 11-28-07 Source: Proposal seeks banning immigration raids in D.M., by Nigel Duara, DesMoines-Register)
Bridgeton, NJ (Added 6-3-07) [7-27-07 Disputed by a reputed farm worker advocate, see note below.]
Peekskill, NY [Disputed, being researched]
San Antonio, TX [Note: The Sanctuary status of San Antonio is disputed, being researched.]
Watch List Cities Note: This is a new list started 8-14-07 and was updated on 2-6-14.
- Joliet, IL (Source: Resident alleges police have don't ask don't tell policy, courts ignore immigration status)
- Iowa City, IA (Source: Article, Group pushes Iowa City as 'immigration sanctuary city,' DesMoines Register, 10-31-10)
- Cedar Rapids, IA (Source: Article, Two Iowa cities considering adopting sanctuary policies for illegal aliens, by Dave Gibson, Examiner.com, 12-20-10)
- Lexington, KY (Source: 11-12-07 Submitted by local resident who claims it is a sanctuary city)
- Worcester, MASS (Source: 8-14-07 Worcester Telegram)
- Silver Springs, MD (Source: 5-17-12 Local resident)
- Lakewood, NJ (Source:9-10-08 Local residents)
- Middletown, OH (Source: 1-30-08 Middletown News-Journal)
- Springfield, OH (Source: 1-27-08 Springfield-News-Sun)
- Clark County, OH (Source: 1-27-08; 9-29-08 Springfield-News-Sun Editorial (Sheriff Kelly not interested in removing illegal aliens)
- Gallatin, TN (Source: 9-26-08 Reader)
- Shelbyville, TN (Source: News articles submitted by Shelbyville resident)
- Portland, TN (Source: 9-26-08 Reader)
- Hendersonville, TN (Source: 9-26-08 Reader)
- Whitehouse, TN (Source: 9-26-08 Reader)
- McKinney, TX (Source: 11-28-11 Star Local News article by Marthe Stinton)
- Kings County, WA (Source: 5-8-12 3 King County officials balk at ICE detainer program)
Sanctuary Cities, USA: Additional Notes
Anchorage, AK
The Municipality of Anchorage sent OJJPAC a letter disputing the city's listing postmarked July 29, 2010. It claims that the Congressional Research Service's listing of the city as a "sanctuary" was based on a Resolution adopted by its Assembly (AR 2003-223) in 2003. The Municipal Attorney Dennis Wheeler says that that Resolution was rescinded on December 18, 2007.
Mesa, Arizona
Mesa Arizona has been added as a sanctuary city list because of its reported "don't ask don't tell policy" and criticism by the local sheriff that the city is not enforcing the law. The sheriff has arrested illegal aliens working in city buildings (as contract workers for a private cleaning company), reportedly after the city police department refused to investigate complaints of illegal hires by a whistleblower.
Austin, MN
Note: The newspaper incorrectly refers to illegal aliens as "illegal immigrants." Aliens who illegally reside in the U.S. are not "immigrants," a term that should only refer to aliens who legally "emigrated" to the United States.
Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia's Mayor signed an Executive Order in November 2009 that provided additional protections to illegal aliens in the city. However, the City of Philadelphia does have an existing Preliminary Arraignment Reporting System (PARS) agreement with ICE. Mayor Nutter objects to the PARS computer technology agreement which is now up for renewal. The Mayor apparently believes that the access of data by ICE will result in increased immigration violation investigations and deportations. Here is an article by the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Tucson, Arizona
Tucson Arizona has been added to the sanctuary city list because the Tucson police have instituted a new policy which prevents their officers from calling Immigration and Customs Enforcement to schools and churches.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tulsa city councilor Jim Mautino was quoted in a Tulsa World article by P.J. Lassek, that he believes Tulsa is a sanctuary city and that the Police don't verify legal presense during traffic stops. Mautino wants to crack down on illegal aliens and introduce an ordinance mandating the use of E-Verify because the resolution that was passed cannot be enforced.
State of Oregon
According to a CRS report (October, 2005), Oregon passed a law in 1987 that prohibits local and state law enforcement from using state resources for locating and capturing illegal aliens. Law enforcement was permitted [but not required] to "exchange information" with federal immigration agents if an illegal alien was arrested for a crime.
San Bernardino, CA.
San Bernardino was added to the list on June 6th of 2007 as a result of a readers submission. On September 5th 2008, the city administration contacted me to dispute its listing. OJJPAC has asked the city's law department to forward copies of the city's policies regarding its processes when illegal aliens are encountered in its city.
Bridgeton, NJ 7-27-07 Disputed by a reputed farm worker advocate who sent me this email:
"I just wanted to point out an inaccuracy on your website's listing of sanctuary cities. You have Bridgeton, NJ listed as a sanctuary city, and indeed it is most definitely not. I work with CATA - The Farm workers' Support committee (www.cata-farmworkers.org) and we have an organized group of membership in this town. One of our goals is working towards making Bridgeton an sanctuary city, but the local government is quite unfriendly towards the immigrant population, and the mayor has even hinted at wanting to implement a Hazleton type of ordinance (luckily, given yesterday's legal decision, that won't be happening)."
Columbus, OH
I am disgusted with any city or state official who would undo our amazing Republic for cheap labor. The idea that you can make this a mercy option is one of the things that most angers me. How about a little mercy for us here in the United States of America? How many jobs are stolen from citizens? How many millions do we have to forfeit from our economy as the illegals wire billions-with a b- back to their countries while stealing our resources in food stamps and free education opportunities? Demand that our elected officials make this as important to them as the issue is to us. We have borders for a reason. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
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