Please don't read this as an endorsement for Donald Trump, it isn't. He is saying things that need to be said, the msm cannot shut him down and I am enjoying the show. But I love love love Dr. Carson (the only black man it's safe to make fun of, btw) and any combination of those two would interest me. But back to the Donald.
His strongest and best received talking point is when he brings up the horrible devastation that illegal aliens have had on our economy. They aren't doing jobs "that no one else will do" they are stealing jobs from Americans who are desperate for a paycheck, any paycheck in Obama's socialist paradise. How's that all working out for you, anyway?
But back to Mr. Trump and his classically brilliant idea of putting a real live insurmountable wall on our Southern border-it'll work. The Vatican City has a huge one, and it's working for them, in spite of Pope Francis' chiding about our immigration policy.
He isn't talking about a 'cyber' wall, or something that rings an alarm, Donald Trump has discussed building a brick and mortar 12 foot tall wall along our Southern border where it butts up against Mexico. Brilliant. Not only will the jobs be a wonderful influx to the economy, but it will work. Cue the liberals and their exploding heads :But how will you pay for it? They whine, suddenly worried about the price tag for the first time in their lives? Where was all of this fiscal concern when B.O. laughingly told us that obamacare would bend the cost curve down for insurance?? They bought that crap with a straight face and repeated it ad nauseam until the truth couldn't be ignored. Now they simply try and change the subject.Typical.
The problem they face is that socialized medicine has not, will not, and can not ever work. Reality raises her ugly head faster than Rosie O'Donnell can sniff out an all you can eat buffet. Then you are left with the gazillion dollar bill and nothing to show for it. Go hope and change!
The wall on the southern border, however, will work. That's one of the many many reasons that liberals hate it. Without the constant influx of illegal aliens taxing our systems, there is no hope of implementing the rest of Saul Ailynsky's socialist utopia. And we all know how well socialism works, don't we? If you need more proof-just check out the guy running Russia. He is firm, decisive, and strong.
The guy we have looks like what he is, a choom gang reject just trying to avoid any hard work.
But back to Donald Trump's idea for paying for the wall-his suggestion was brilliant: tax every money wire transfer into Mexico five dollars. As someone who has worked at Walmart on a Friday night, I can tell you that thousands went out every week, just from that one small store. Imagine what it must be like, all over the country. At five bucks a pop, we can pay for the wall, get the real unemployment under control and start working our way back to greatness. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
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