Monday, August 3, 2015


I comb the internet for my news.  I don't trust the msm to tell me anything, I would rather get the direct feed and decide for myself what it means vs having a combed suit tell me how it relates to me.  Every time I see that pompous doofus on CBS take his glasses into hand, as if to appear smarter, I cringe.  I also talk to the television if I am forced to watch network news,telling them the parts that they are censoring.
I don't care if Kim Kardashian is having another child with that narcissist Kanye West.  I don't care if they give this child another stupid name, as they did with the last one. Neither one of them are important in the grand scheme of things, a wannabe celebrity and a racist artist (with an apparent obsession with Beyonce Knowles.) Whoop.
I don't care what Bruce Jenner has been spotted doing.  after giving him more attention than he deserves by asking where he stores his penis these days, I lost interest.  He has mental issues, clearly, and should get some help.  Maybe it was all of the time spent around the other media whores he was married to, but at some point the cheese fell of from his cracker.  He should spend more time looking for that, and not troweling on makeup.  Ick.
But all of these things are simply distractions.  Hillary Clinton may well have helped Obama by attempting to destroy evidence that directly implicated both of them in the Benghazi fiasco.  The Kardashians are just a distraction from real questions that the media won't ask- Was Obama running illegal weapon through the area to arm ISIS?  Was he keeping Congress informed as he broke these laws?  What in the world was he doing while Ambassador Stevens was being drug through the streets, sodomized and tortured?  I wouldn't mind a few answers, I have more than a few questions that the msm simply will not get answers for me.
Real unemployment, not the U11 number that is reported showing only those receiving unemployment and actively looking for a job) sits somewhere worse than 10%.  When you factor in the amount of people who have quit looking for work all together, either finding a way to get disability or just living on whatever they can manage to scrape together, or people who are chronically underemployed-that is to say they cannot find full time (40 hours) of work because of  the hideous economy coupled with the shackles of obamacare mandates, then you are looking at some scary numbers- 42.9%!!*
Let that number sink in for you.  When the media was screaming about President Bush having 9.8 % unemployment- that was one in ten people who couldn't find work.  We were experiencing a dreadful recession thanks in part to the housing bubble that Clinton created, and worsened  by the war in Iraq, and it's impact on the world economy.
Now we are talking about one in two people who cannot find full time work!  The labor participation rate is the lowest that is has been since Jimmah Carter was president- over 33 years ago! Only  62.6%  of people aged 16 to 65 are working.  Doesn't that scare the crap out of you?
Why do you think everyone was bellowing for $10 an hour minimum wage?  Because they stupidly thought that if they were making $10 an hour for flipping burgers, than they would be able to live on minimum wage.  They didn't stop to realize that $10 an hour for minimum wage would kill even more jobs, and raise inflation even worse than it is now.
Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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