Monday, June 24, 2013

Online Losers-or A View From Your Mom's Basement

I spend a fair amount of time relaxing by reading online articles and the comments that come after them. I have been known to comment on a piece or five, especially when something incredibly stupid is said.  I have even been drawn into little comment spats, it's a great way to feel better about yourself.  If I couldn't out debate some liberal loser, I would probably have stopped writing this ages ago.  The loser in question that I have been laughing at this week goes by the name Shelley. Now Shelley might be a female, might be male.  I cannot promise human, more likely liberal.
I had posted that I am able to eat for about $1.50 a day and because Shelley clearly went to school in a failing district, this person wasn't able to do the math.  In one of those annoying habits that people think help them win a debate, this person simply posted the same regurgitated talking points over and over. Pathetic comes to mind. So Shelley- here you go, I will explain how it is possible to eat for $1.50 a day.
I buy generic and store brands most of the time, so the cereal that I buy costs $1.99 for about 12 servings.  The almond milk that I drink costs $2.39 for 8 servings. I just had breakfast for $.48
Lunch is hit or miss with me, I usually grab a container of yogurt and a piece of fruit.  The yogurt is the store brand, I but them for $.38.  The fruit usually sets me back about  $.11. I have just spent another $.49 for lunch.  I hope that I haven't lost the logically challenged-like this Shelley- but so far I have spent $.97 to eat for the day.
I work long hours, I have said that many many times.  I am not complaining,(most of the time) I am just putting it out there to explain my life. I am thankful that I have work, especially in B.O.'s economy.  I know a lot of people who are sinking further and further.  But on Sundays, I like to relax by cleaning and cooking.  I also enjoy working in my yard.  I know, I know, I used to be cool.  But I enjoy it, it relaxes me, hush.
On Sundays, quite often I will fix something that I can eat all week.  My Mother has said that she couldn't eat the same thing over and over, but since I just pick the first thing on top in the freezer, it really doesn't matter what I am eating, I'm hungry.  I do all of the shopping for my house, there isn't anything there that I don't like.  But back to Sundays.  Most of them will find me at some point making a huge pot of soup, or some sort of dish that I will eat for the majority of the week.
This past Sunday found me in the kitchen making vegetable soup.  I use a lot of the vegetables that I grow myself and have put up.  So- I added corn, green beans, carrots, celery, and potatoes.  I didn't grow the celery.  To this I added tomatoes, (homegrown) and acorn squash.  I used the largest pot in my house and it'll be supper for at least 8 days. The celery cost me $.14.  I did add salt and pepper, so I am thinking all together, I have soup to eat for an evening meal for at least a week at $.38 a bowl.  So-$1.35 a day to eat and I'm not starving by any means. It can be done, and it's not gruel either.  I don't live on a farm, far from it. Try to grow a garden if you can, even container gardens are better than nothing when you're pressed for space.  And avoid this idiot, Shelley- you'll thank me later.

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