Monday, October 31, 2011

Express Platinum is a Giant Scam

I have a friend who thought he was going to have an aneurysm because of a scam involving Express Platinum Card.  He received an unsolicited call from this group offering him a credit card from their company. (I have told him to get himself on the no call list, but he doesn't listen.)
He told the guy to send him the information in the mail, he doesn't do this kind of business on the phone.  Fast forward eight days and he sees that he has ninety nine dollars missing from his account.  A little research and voila! he finds that Express Platinum has high jacked his money!  The bank that he uses tells him that it will take ten days to research and return the money if it was fraudulent.  The next time I spoke to him, he was in high dudgeon over the idea of losing access to his money for one third of the month.
So we went online and finally found this place.   You will find two phone numbers, if you keep digging.  I used the 877.536.0076 number. You will get a  system that tries to direct you to an answering machine. If you skip over all of the "customer service" crappola and press one to sign up, you will get a real live person.  After several attempts, I got the "manager" who is also the voice for all of the message prompts. Coincidence? You decide.
Finally, after asking to speak to a manager, I had a conversation with this guy who claims he is in charge.  He needs to "review" the taped conversation to determine if my friend did in fact sign up for the card.  When I told him that I also was taping the conversation, he hung up on me.  When I called back, he told me I was being rude and he would "help" if I would let him speak uninterrupted. Hooey. He hung up again.  After six more calls to the toll free numbers that are provided, I was able to speak to this same manager again.  He sounds like a guy who is working out of his Mom's basement, and their is no physical address for this place.
Can you say scam?  Call your bank if you get caught up in this mess, have them begin the process of recovering your money.  Then call your local prosecutors, and the better business bureau. You can get your money back if your are unfortunate enough to have any dealings with this scurrilous company. It just takes a little work and patience.  Better yet, avoid them like the plague, you'll thank me later.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I am not proud of the pleasure that I am taking at someone else's pain today. I hope that by writing this, maybe I can stop taking so much pleasure.  Don't bet on it, though. But I am trying.  I don't think that there is any good to be had from growing your pain in a special place.
I don't see the logic in those people who remember every slight that has ever happened to them, every snub, every injustice. I was married to an idiot who came from a long line of them.  His father could recite every snub, every hurt, every person who ever did him harm.  His Father has a mistress to whom he gave his son's comic books.  Yes, this happened about 1956.  But in 2000, he was still harping on it, still nursing that grudge over a man that had died in 1969.
He also complained about a nephew that would come over and scope out the gifts from some relative. In 1980, mind you. Of course, he was nice to his face, which he saw twice a year, but the rest of the time, not so much. Don't get me started on the niece who is a practicing hypochondriac.  Apparently she got the trait from her Mother and has since passed it on. Nothing says happy Holidays like spending them with the people you hear bad mouthed for 363 days of the year.
Ask me if I miss that slice of crazy from my life, go ahead.
But before I took my little trip down thank-God-I never-have-to eat-another-bad-meal-land, I was thinking about the pleasure I am clearly taking that I shouldn't be.  I'll ask my Priest for advice this Saturday and hope I can stop.  Hope you are having a great week, keep calling your elected officials about Operation Fast and Furious and those who are dead thanks to B.O. You can thank me later.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Yes, Michelle, All This For a Flag

I am seldom surprised by these two.  I guess when your expectations are at rock bottom they really have no where to go.  And then someone pointed out this video on youtube to me.

So in my utter horror that someone this ignorant, this ungracious, this unfeeling, this self absorbed parks her stupid butt in OUR White House, I occasionally write down responses.

Yes, Michelle, all this for the flag that flies over the brave men and women who tirelessly defend your right to shoot off your stupid mouth.
Yes, Michelle, all this for the flag that symbolizes over two hundred years of a country that you have only recently found it in yourself to be proud of.
Yes, Michelle, all of this for the flag that has enabled you to host countless friends and family in the most luxurious of surroundings.
Yes, Michelle, all of this for the flag that flies over the helicopter that flies your dog on a separate flight to whichever getaway you have chosen this week.
It doesn't help that your husband nods in cynical agreement, but then the two of you deserve each other.

In a little over one year we will have the opportunity to remove this blight from our  White House.  Make sure you inform yourself and register to vote. Then make doubly sure you vote. You'll thank me later.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Paid to Occupy Wall Street

I had a political disagreement with  my Mother this morning. For those of you that know me, this is no shock.  My Mother is a wonderful woman who had the strength to raise us almost unassisted, yet politically, we are oil and water.
I was telling her about the information that I found showing that is funding the demonstration on WallStreet.  You know the one, the purely organic, born of frustration, regular folks who have had enough. I've got one word for that: Astroturf.
It turns out that the people, the purely organic, born of frustration folks who have just had enough, got quite a bit of dough from the first stimulus fund.  That is no shock given that John Podesta, the brain trust who used to work for the slick willie white house organized the group from the beginning.
I would like for Darryl Issa to take a look at this for me.
He seems to be the only Congressman who has the time to check up on this White House and their shenanigans. I know that he has quite a bit going on, what with Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama attempt to create a controversy and end run our Constitutional Right to bear arms.  Someone said something about never letting a crisis go to waste.  Who was that again?
But before I get off track, remind yourself that the purely organic, born of frustration folks who just happen to be bankrolled by the federal government are not an attempt to create a liberal Tea Party.  The Tea Party movement is actually a grass roots movement. They are people like me who have had enough of a federal government that forgot it works for us. That got so busy trying to secure the next paycheck that it forgot about the peoples' business.
If I had known their was money to be had by hanging out with my buds, not bathing and making inane sound bytes for the cameras, I might have looked into the Astroturf movement holding Wall Street hostage right now.Probably not, though. I don't have that much hypocrisy in me.
Besides, I don't use all the cool gadgets that these astroturfers seem to have.  Do you see the irony in the protest against corporate greed by a group of slackers who use every modern technology they can get their hands on?  The irony is deafening.
Ask your elected officials to look into the stimulus money that Podesta got for Ask them to explain why your tax dollars are funding these astroturfers.  Then ask them what they plan to do about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, October 3, 2011

B.O. May Have Helped Kill More People than Ted Bundy

I keep waiting for the media-outside of FOX NEWS that is- to start reporting on Operation Fast and Furious. I keep waiting to see the numbers in black and white scrolling across the screen on CNN or (fat chance) MSNBC. Or course if I am watching MSNBC then, their viewers will skyrocket to 19.
There are at least two people dead on the American side because of B.O.'s negligence and the numbers keep climbing south of the border. The last figure I could find was about two hundred.  Let that number sink in for a moment.  There are two hundred people who will never enjoy their families again thanks to Barrack Hussein Obama.
If this is not impeachable, please tell me what is.  Nixon was sent packing for simply covering up a break in.  A third rate robbery, no lives lost, not real harm done.  He was sent packing.  Can you imagine if one person had died because of that?  Holy monkey, Nixon would have died in jail.
Instead, we have this guy, this idiot, this moron who is openly promoting class warfare and killing our economy with every chance he gets.  And while I knew the msm was in his pocket (much like they are for any liberal) I did not expect them to be this willfully ignorant.
Eric Holder's Department of "Justice" has either promoted or transferred just about anyone involved in this heaping pile of poo.  Please keep in mind that Nixon did not know about the robbery before hand, he only tried to cover it up once he did know.  Mr. Holder should be cooling his heels in a cell for contempt of Congress.
There should be a much more active investigation- special prosecutor, anyone?-into the obvious effort to cover this up and make it go away.
Over two hundred people are dead and it is the fault of Barrack Hussein Obama.  Call or email your elected officials and ask them if they are okay with that.  You'll thank me later.