Thursday, April 29, 2021

We Told you it Would Happen

 I don't know anyone personally that voted for the Thief in Chief or Heels Up Harris-save one person.  As their retirement accounts and savings are consumed with rampant inflation and the doubled cost of any sort of building material-I have to wonder if they also have voter regret?

As Biden was the unlikely survivor (and even more unlikely election winner) of the DNC slugfest, he held rallies with a normal attendance of 200 people. President Trump on the other hand had people standing in line for 12 hours to get into his rallies.

The Thief in Chief called a lid on his activities by 2 pm most days. President Trump, however, was running the nation successfully, securing our border, and still managing to hold rallies almost every few days. 

The recount in Arizona has been reinstated to the horror of the left. How delicious it will be if in fact Thief and Heels-Up are somehow booted before their plans to destroy our sovereignty succeeds. We had gasoline under $1.20. What are you paying now?

Have you purchased groceries lately?  I'm waiting on a small business loan before I go to the grocery again.

And let's not even get started on the debacle of this virus that I call Hong Kong Fluey (HKF). First, he had no plan other than to listen to the idiot Fauci. Then it was one mask, then two-hey! let's make it a dozen! Are you wondering as I am if the Congress and Senate bought into the stocks for the mask makers before this all started? 

Do you trust a vaccine that is concocted in less than six months?  If you do, please read up on thalidomide. Why were these drug makers given immunity from being held liable if their hotmess of a vaccine kills you, maims you, makes you an invalid?? I won't take the vaccine, ever.

You have on average a 2% chance of dying from HKF, barring any serious medical conditions. And consider this: when is the first time that instead of finding a cure, they rushed to make a vaccine for healthy people??  Are the infected on their own now? It looks like that's the plan with this "pandemic" that has been ginned up.

So I'll leave you with this thought that the Second best president in my lifetime asked: Are you better off now than you were a year ago? Yeah, didn't think so.  Think about that and how it could have happened.  You'll thank me later.

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