Friday, June 5, 2020

White Privilege

I've recently learned that I have some type of privilege bestowed upon me because of my skin color.  Do I get a card for that to get my benefits, or is there something coming in the mail? If it's waiting for me somewhere-where is this magic place?
The reason that I ask is that I have vivid memories of working my butt off for everything that I have, even starting over twice.  Is it a privilege to have my own business and that I "get to work 65+ hours a week"? Is it a privilege that if it doesn't work out, I am out of luck? 
I have been down, and by the Grace of God, I had help. Is that some kind of privilege? How about the robberies and even though the police know who did it, I was never reimbursed? Is that privilege? 
Don't tell me that I cannot understand the experience of a different race or culture while constantly belittling mine. 
I became Catholic a little over 20 years ago. Catholicism is the one religion that everyone gets a free pass to mock, ridicule, and lie about. Yes, there have been Priests that were monsters and they were allowed to continue. But the curious thing is that in the Protestant faith, there are 12-13% higher instances of abuse-but you will never hear about it.
Look at sports. In any other arena of life, you must have racial equality. Is the best person hired every time? No, but the quota is met. Consider the NBA. Would anyone be screaming for quotas if it was represented the way that it is? As my Dad would have said-don't pee on my feet and tell me it's raining.
So before I have to roll my eyes through another demonstration of 'woke folks' on their knees and begging forgiveness for the sin of their privilege- explain to me these riots. People are destroying their own neighborhoods, then looting stores for 72-inch televisions. Where is the justification? I know all of MLKs speeches, almost by heart. I missed the ones about get you some free crap.
So put your race cards away, that crap doesn't play anymore. Obama didn't heal anything, he stirred it into a gigantic hot mess.  Consider what Jesus said about treating your brother (or sister for you unrelenting PC crowds) as yourself. No one owes you anything except the opportunity to try.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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