Yesterday I spoke online with a poor fellow who has a cold and he was freaking out. I cannot blame him. Listening to the news and their professional scare people I am sure he thought that his days could be numbered. Settle down, people.
This bug is in the same category as the common cold. I don't know if China tinkered with it if they did, I would not be surprised. But even if they did here are the raw numbers to consider:
Right now the earth is populated with 7.8 Billion people. As of this morning, in the 77 countries that have reported people with the virus, 3310 people have died. That means that .000000424358974% of the world has been killed by this "plague" and we should all just take a breath. (But not on each other)
The people most affected are going to be sicker and older people or those with an underlying health condition. Diabetes seems to be one of the common denominators, as does those receiving chemotherapy. In other words: people that were sickly to start with.
Please don't panic. Here are some common sense things that you should be doing.
Wash them when you go to the bathroom (obviously, please) and wash them when you handle money.
Wash them several times a day, after you have handled something that is communal (pens, door handles, etc.) Wash them with hot soapy water and wash them long enough to sing the alphabet song at a normal pace.
That one is easier said than done. I didn't realize how many times I touch my face until I tried to make a conscientious effort not to do it. Leave your hair alone, stop touching that thing that you have there, just leave your face alone.
3. LYSOL (the kind in the brown bottle) Kills This
Go buy some and dilute it to the proper strength and start wiping everything down if you are worried. Bleach will also kill it. Peroxide seems to be able to kill it as well. Wipe things down that can sustain the bleach, or spray and wipe the peroxide on it.
4. If You Are Sick, Stay at Home
I know that you need the money, you wouldn't be working if you didn't. But spend some of those sick days and keep yourself to yourself if you have a cough, runny nose and or fever. Keep those cooties to yourself. Cough into the crook of your arm instead of your hands, but by all means, cover your mouth. Sneeze the same way. Don't start flinging your mucous at everyone else.
I've read gossip that China added the HIV virus to this, that this has a mutating gene (every virus does, that's why there is no 'cure' for the cold) and so many other scary stories that it breaks my heart for those that are uninformed and scared.
6. If You Really are Worried-See Your Doctor
That's what they are there for. If your fever is excessive. If you have other symptoms that you can't get rid of, by all means, see a medical professional right away.
We're going to get through this, the same way that we have managed to get through everything else that happens, one day at a time. Stay home if your sick, cover your mouth, and WASH YOUR HANDS. You'll thank me later.
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