Monday, May 11, 2015

The Joys of Stupid People

I was recently contacted through the site that I use for my blog from some nameless faceless moron.  I post my opinions in forums (hide your shock) and from time to time an idiot-albeit a tenacious idiot-attempts to engage me in back and forth.  I will not be cowed when I am right. I will post the links proving my point.  I don't need any more back and forth as you utter your pathetic "no weapons of mass destruction" "I can see Russia from my house" or my personal favorite lie "Gore won."
Once you utter one of the special lies, I realize that I am talking to a moron and there is no sense continuing the debate.  One of my favorite expressions lately is "When you are arguing with a fool, make sure that they aren't also."
So the internet is wonderful in that it has made the world open and free for debate.  We are now able to share our opinions and ideas with almost everyone in the world at the click of a button.  So why is it that some people are simply astounded to discover that they are not only wrong, but that most people don't think the way that they do? The loudest voice in the room isn't usually the right voice.  In my experience, the person who must doggedly insist that you are wrong is the person who is usually talking out of his or her butt.  I guess I don't tolerate fools as well as I used to do.  Maybe I have gotten more patient (wouldn't that be nice?) or maybe I just got tired.
I will not say something is right when it isn't-but on the other hand, how many times do I have to say it?  I don't care much for people who have to assure me how intelligent that they are.  Nine times out of ten, I'll figure it out myself after talking to you for a few minutes.  It's the same way with very religious people.  I don't need to be told that you are a Christian.  Live your life, and I will see it for myself.
Someone I care deeply for was recently baptized.  It was wonderful to see him join the family of Christ.  But he doesn't need to tell me he is a Christian.  I see it in the way he struggles to turn away from the actions of his past.  He loves God and is new to prayer.  He'll get there. He isn't stupid, just ignorant, for now.  But he is finding his way, less ignorance.
But stupid people relish their stupidity.  They gang up with other stupids and try and make you think that they are right simply because they all think the same way.  Classic Ailynsky tactic, and a sign of desperation.
Embrace your debates with the stoopids.  If nothing else, they'll make you feel much better about yourself.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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