Monday, May 18, 2015

Operation Jade Helm

People love to have something to be afraid of, don't they?  It can be something as simple as fluoride in the water or as complex as the calendar year changing.  I remember with much fondness the people whose panties were permanently twisted when the year 2000 rolled around.  It was much fuss for nothing, I don't recall anyone losing their power, and wide spread panic was mostly averted.  Imagine if the internet had been as prevalent.
Now we have a military exercise known as Operation Jade Helm on the horizon. It is a military exercise, not unlike past exercises, that designated parts of the United States as hostile territory.  The Navy did a similar exercise off the Georgia coast.  No lives were lost.
I am not a fan of the current administration.  Spend two minutes reading other posts of mine and you will reach the same conclusion.  But conspiracy theorists abound and they are making me weary.
Operation Jade Helm is a training exercise for Special Forces.  It isn't going to be a covert attempt to overthrow local governments and install Marshall Law.
It will run from July 15 to September 15 and it will not affect any voting events, nor will it install any military as police in local areas.  It isn't going to be used to usher in a military presence.  It isn't going to be an attempt to install b.o. as a permanent dictator.  Do you really think Hillary or Bill Clinton would go along with a dictator that wasn't one of them?? Of course they wouldn't.
While I appreciate the states that will be monitoring the exercise with their Guard units, I have to wonder if that isn't the best use of their funds.  Go ahead and watch, But then don't complain when your budgets fall short.
Does anyone else remember when Algore tried to steal the 2000 election?  I actually worked with idiots who thought that just meant Slick Willie got to remain president until it was decided.  Sad, isn't it?
I don't think Operation Jade Helm is a covert attempt to overthrow the citizenry.  I don't think that even someone as ignorant of American Culture like b.o. would try something that stupid.  Do you know why the emperor of Japan didn't want to try and invade the mainland of the United States of America? "Because there is a gun behind every blade of grass" that's why.
Is anyone really worried that Texas of all places will be overrun??
Think about it: two idiot muslims tried to murder a bunch of innocents over their latest hissy fit having to do with their favorite pedophile-Mohammed-and what happened? Gun rights 2 would be muslim terrorists 0.
Even the bleating from the ignorant left and those who would blame the organizers of the contest cannot defend the idea that we cherish freedom in the United States.  We don't cower from the politically incorrect-at least not yet.
Try to kill us and we will kill you back.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

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