their jobs, wouldn't it? Think about it, you'll thank me later. Oh yeah! Happy Birthday to one of the best brothers God put on this earth! I love you Ken!
Monday, December 29, 2014
The Yeti's Kids vs. President Bush's Children
I love double standards, don't you? Recently Elizabeth Lauten wrote some things on a facebook post that was directed toward the children residing in the White house. "Try showing a little class," she wrote in a post addressed to the girls."Rise to the occasion. Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at the bar," she continued. "And certainly don't make faces during a televised event.
The left side of the aisle worked itself into such a monumental panty twist that the poor woman was fired from her job. So much for freedom of speech, right? I guess first amendment rights only occur when it is agreed upon by the left? That would explain these gems, wouldn't it?
Negative articles about Chelsea Clinton? That would be zero. Negative articles about the current administration? You guessed it-zero. No wonder Ms. Lauten's public criticism caused so many heads to explode. She must not have gotten the note about ignoring the children of Democrats in office. That would explain the zero publicity for Biden's kids as well. Never mind age limits, give him a commission in the Navy! Yeah, that seems about right. Drug arrests? No problem. They don't count if we don't talk about it. Tell me that joke about no bias in the media again, I love the punchline! Fairness is fine if everyone gets it. When we don't, it would be nice if the people in charge of pointing it out were up to
Monday, December 22, 2014
Two Pine Cones and a Sock
I have written about my dog, Caliope before. I have shared that she will eat many any strange and exotic thing that a lot of dogs would take a pass on eating. Last night I had to rush my dog to the veterinarian's because she began bleeding. Thanks and eternal gratitude to my friend Connie who dropped what she was doing and came on the run. She even brought a wheel barrow in case we needed one. (We didn't, thank God)
Next, we got to Dr. Kay's office, even though it was after hours, she waited for us to get there. She is hands down the best vet I have ever had. Caliope was okay to walk into the office, and then after an ultrasound, it was discovered that she had eaten, that is to say, swallowed whole, two (because really, one just awakens your appetite without bedding it down) pine cones and my missing sock. They had moved far enough down her intestines to be within striking distance so to speak. Dr. Kay decided against opening her intestines and with some dilation, went after them the other way. She allowed me to stay with Caliope while she did the procedure.
As she pulled the very large (and disgusting mass) from my dog's south end, she said she loved the glamour of her job. Caliope was given three units of fluids and then she peed most of it out, or enough to tell us her kidneys were on board.
Finally, Dr. Kay let me lay on the recovery table with my big dumb dog as she awoke. Caliope licked my face twice and then burped a noxious, foul smell. Been there done that.
So after a few more hours of observation, we got to come home. Caliope would not have been a good patient, she suffers from separation anxiety the way Jeffrey Dahmer had cravings. We got home around five A.M. and the list of things that I must go for this dog when she goes to the bathroom are proof positive that I love her.
Three days of a rice diet, and then we move her up to eating more solid foods. Bad news, Caliope isn't allowed any oranges or citrus fruit until she is completely healed. She also has to balance her roughage (a euphemism we use for all of the fruits and vegetables and assorted strangeness she loves to consume) with the bland food she will be eating until her hieney heals.
But now that it is over and the blind panic of losing the best dog ever is over, I am so thankful that God spared my big, dumb dog. I cannot imagine what I would do without her. If you have a pet, give them a hug. You never know when you are two pine cones and a sock from losing them. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Next, we got to Dr. Kay's office, even though it was after hours, she waited for us to get there. She is hands down the best vet I have ever had. Caliope was okay to walk into the office, and then after an ultrasound, it was discovered that she had eaten, that is to say, swallowed whole, two (because really, one just awakens your appetite without bedding it down) pine cones and my missing sock. They had moved far enough down her intestines to be within striking distance so to speak. Dr. Kay decided against opening her intestines and with some dilation, went after them the other way. She allowed me to stay with Caliope while she did the procedure.
As she pulled the very large (and disgusting mass) from my dog's south end, she said she loved the glamour of her job. Caliope was given three units of fluids and then she peed most of it out, or enough to tell us her kidneys were on board.
Finally, Dr. Kay let me lay on the recovery table with my big dumb dog as she awoke. Caliope licked my face twice and then burped a noxious, foul smell. Been there done that.
So after a few more hours of observation, we got to come home. Caliope would not have been a good patient, she suffers from separation anxiety the way Jeffrey Dahmer had cravings. We got home around five A.M. and the list of things that I must go for this dog when she goes to the bathroom are proof positive that I love her.
Three days of a rice diet, and then we move her up to eating more solid foods. Bad news, Caliope isn't allowed any oranges or citrus fruit until she is completely healed. She also has to balance her roughage (a euphemism we use for all of the fruits and vegetables and assorted strangeness she loves to consume) with the bland food she will be eating until her hieney heals.
But now that it is over and the blind panic of losing the best dog ever is over, I am so thankful that God spared my big, dumb dog. I cannot imagine what I would do without her. If you have a pet, give them a hug. You never know when you are two pine cones and a sock from losing them. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Black Friday Isn't Racist, You Unprepossessing Moron
I don't watch the View. I would rather dry sand my eyeballs than sit for an hour listening to three liberal morons shout down one psuedo conservative. But from time to time the sheer stupidity of one of them makes the rounds.
Recently Joy Behar worried that 'Black Friday' sales were racist. She should try cognitive thought. It's all the rage these days.
To educate the ignorant Ms. Behar- there is a term for being financially solvent. "In the black" has come to mean that an entity is out of the red and into solvency. Black Friday sales mean that a store is going to be in the profitable category. For those of us who actually work and produce things (besides hot air and asinine comments) this is a very big deal.
Does it hurt to take five minutes and research something? Surely even her phone can google something, can't it?
One thing that I do think can be curbed is the urge to be open on Thanksgiving night to jump start the sales. I understand how retail works. For ten years I was mandated to work on every Holiday except Christmas. Now that I call the shots, I won't do it. If you need something desperately on a Sunday or Holiday, give me a call. I will open for five minutes while you make your purchase. But I won't open for the day. That's crazy talk.
In the current economy everyone has to do whatever they can to make it. Five summers past the 'recovery' still finds many people hurting. I understand that. But it isn't that much of a stretch to do the right thing for families and close down on Holidays, is it?
When I was younger, we had to plan a head for Holidays. Everyone knew that the only thing open on Christmas day was the convenience store gas station. If you needed marshmallows, your only choice was to borrow or pay three bucks for them. You learned to think ahead.
I hope we all have a blessed Holiday. Remember that it is Jesus's birthday ( and yes, I know He was more than likely born in the Spring, but we are celebrating His birth, get over it) and enjoy your families and loved ones.
They will still love you, even if you didn't slap someone out of the way of the latest new video game on sale. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Recently Joy Behar worried that 'Black Friday' sales were racist. She should try cognitive thought. It's all the rage these days.
To educate the ignorant Ms. Behar- there is a term for being financially solvent. "In the black" has come to mean that an entity is out of the red and into solvency. Black Friday sales mean that a store is going to be in the profitable category. For those of us who actually work and produce things (besides hot air and asinine comments) this is a very big deal.
Does it hurt to take five minutes and research something? Surely even her phone can google something, can't it?
One thing that I do think can be curbed is the urge to be open on Thanksgiving night to jump start the sales. I understand how retail works. For ten years I was mandated to work on every Holiday except Christmas. Now that I call the shots, I won't do it. If you need something desperately on a Sunday or Holiday, give me a call. I will open for five minutes while you make your purchase. But I won't open for the day. That's crazy talk.
In the current economy everyone has to do whatever they can to make it. Five summers past the 'recovery' still finds many people hurting. I understand that. But it isn't that much of a stretch to do the right thing for families and close down on Holidays, is it?
When I was younger, we had to plan a head for Holidays. Everyone knew that the only thing open on Christmas day was the convenience store gas station. If you needed marshmallows, your only choice was to borrow or pay three bucks for them. You learned to think ahead.
I hope we all have a blessed Holiday. Remember that it is Jesus's birthday ( and yes, I know He was more than likely born in the Spring, but we are celebrating His birth, get over it) and enjoy your families and loved ones.
They will still love you, even if you didn't slap someone out of the way of the latest new video game on sale. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Don't Screw This Up GOP
Did you vote? If you didn't, shame on you! You have no business fussing if you can't be bothered to vote. You did? Good on you! You may have been part of the shellacking that was administered to B.O. and company. Minority Leader Harry Reid has a lovely ring to it, doesn't it?
So does Speaker Gowdy, but one thing at a time.
The will of the people doesn't seem to be a big priority for the current administration, does it? He is woefully lacking in knowledge about the U S Justice system. Odd, since he and the Mrs. supposedly went to law school. Of course, she voluntarily gave up her license to avoid the stink, and he can't really explain why someone would pay all of that ,money for an education and then never use it.
I have a lot of things that I would like to see accomplished. Here is the shortlist:
So does Speaker Gowdy, but one thing at a time.
The will of the people doesn't seem to be a big priority for the current administration, does it? He is woefully lacking in knowledge about the U S Justice system. Odd, since he and the Mrs. supposedly went to law school. Of course, she voluntarily gave up her license to avoid the stink, and he can't really explain why someone would pay all of that ,money for an education and then never use it.
I have a lot of things that I would like to see accomplished. Here is the shortlist:
- Defund the immigration department that would keep those 5 million illegal aliens here.
- Defund Obamacare, piece by piece. Start with the medical device tax.
- Remove the tanning tax
- Secure our borders by building the wall to keep the illegals out.
- revoke the 18th Amendment that the idiot judge used as the basis for anchor babies. If there are any former slaves from the 1800's still affected by this, deal with them on a case by case basis
- Get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi 7.Remove the Department of Education-save us a ton of money 8.Impeach, impeach impeach I expect them to get things done, and start undoing the damage of the last 6 years. I am proud of them for managing what they did in the last four years, at least as far as stopping the worst of B.O. jack assery. But now I want results, not more politics as usual. No more across the aisle, bipartisan screwing around. Open things up to allow the democrats to get on board, but if they want to just throw sand in the works, why former Majority Leader Reid mapped out the way to skip things and use the nuclear option, didn't he?
It's not being overly dramatic to state that the fate of our Republic rests on the new congress getting things done. We had a lot of work undoing the for long years that Carter messed things up, and now, we don't have a President Reagan to lead the fight. Pray for our new leaders. They need all of the help that they can get. You'll thank me later.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Wasting My Time
I have a small retail business, I am sure that I have mentioned it a few times. From time to time, I have to vent about the mindless jack assery from people. Today is one of those days. On occasion I advertise some of the things I have for sale in my store online.
I recently came to have a ton of baby items for sale. I have a double stroller, a regular stroller and baby swing and some other things for sale. They are very fairly priced. Last week a woman asked about the double stroller. She is in dire need of one and wanted to know if I would set it back for her until today. I said I would. Well of course, she waited until the last moment to call and tell me her sob story. Money is tight. sob. They have too many bills this month.sob. Could I possible take less for the stroller??? I have a one word answer in those situations. No.
And that deposit? Forget about it.
I am a huge lover of a bargain, believe me. But to try and weasel like that is unacceptable. I told two people last week that it was sold, hopefully one of them still needs a stroller. Keep your word people.
I have been through hard times. I married an idiot and live in a town that is more crooked than a jigsaw puzzle. I understand hard times. I don't understand begging. You can go through life on your feet or your knees. The view is much better on your feet.
Which isn't to say that I don't have compassion for those in genuine need. I do. I believe that we all the obligation to help those who are less fortunate. But if you think that your sob story is the ticket to free stuff, you would be wrong. Offer to make payments. Offer to do something besides work out your sad story and flex your palm.
Now that Christmas is almost here, I know the deluge of begging/sob stories will be endless. Let me make it easier for you. If you smoke, don't come begging from me. If you can afford five bucks a day for your habit, you don't need my charity. If you have cable, ditto. I'm not trying to be a hard ass, but the world is full of choices. Some are easy, some wait a while before they bite you in the butt.
Too many people get in the reflexive position of begging. Stop. I'll help you if you really need it, but don't take advantage of it. Think about it. You'll thank me later
I recently came to have a ton of baby items for sale. I have a double stroller, a regular stroller and baby swing and some other things for sale. They are very fairly priced. Last week a woman asked about the double stroller. She is in dire need of one and wanted to know if I would set it back for her until today. I said I would. Well of course, she waited until the last moment to call and tell me her sob story. Money is tight. sob. They have too many bills this month.sob. Could I possible take less for the stroller??? I have a one word answer in those situations. No.
And that deposit? Forget about it.
I am a huge lover of a bargain, believe me. But to try and weasel like that is unacceptable. I told two people last week that it was sold, hopefully one of them still needs a stroller. Keep your word people.
I have been through hard times. I married an idiot and live in a town that is more crooked than a jigsaw puzzle. I understand hard times. I don't understand begging. You can go through life on your feet or your knees. The view is much better on your feet.
Which isn't to say that I don't have compassion for those in genuine need. I do. I believe that we all the obligation to help those who are less fortunate. But if you think that your sob story is the ticket to free stuff, you would be wrong. Offer to make payments. Offer to do something besides work out your sad story and flex your palm.
Now that Christmas is almost here, I know the deluge of begging/sob stories will be endless. Let me make it easier for you. If you smoke, don't come begging from me. If you can afford five bucks a day for your habit, you don't need my charity. If you have cable, ditto. I'm not trying to be a hard ass, but the world is full of choices. Some are easy, some wait a while before they bite you in the butt.
Too many people get in the reflexive position of begging. Stop. I'll help you if you really need it, but don't take advantage of it. Think about it. You'll thank me later
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