Monday, January 20, 2014

Why is there a Black Encore Channel?

As I was tooling through a friend's satellite tv guide, I was amazed at all of the offerings.  I also kept hearing the song 57 Channels and Nothing On. I gave up television in 2008, just as all of the major networks save FOX were in the beginning throes of their obamagasm.  I gave up television and haven't looked back.
But as I was flipping through the 700 channels my friend has, I saw that there is a Black Entertainment Channel, and also something called Black Encore.
At the risk of bringing out the race card, why is that?  I don't see a White entertainment channel, or even a white encore channel.  If we are supposed to be past all of the racial hatred, why do these things exist?  And for that matter, why is it the only person being charged with a hate crime in that horrid knock out game is a white person?
Granted, sucker punching anyone for any reason is awful.  I do not think that skin color should be a factor in any sort of viscous attack when it comes to punishing the perpetrator.  The media has been suspiciously quite about this, to the point of ignoring it completely.  If I didn't know better, I would think the knock out game had something to do with Benghazi.
While the internet is great for covering these horrible attacks, I have noticed crickets coming from the current administration.  That is until Conrad Barrett allegedly struck an elderly black man in attempt to knock him out with one punch.  Now it is a 'hate crime.'  There have been over 30 documented convictions of black on white violence involving the same circumstances, and yet not one of those black criminals was charged with a federal hate crime.
Why is that?  I hate to sound cynical.  I would hate to believe that the only reason Eric Holder and company have decided to charge someone with federal crimes in this is because he is white.  I cannot imagine any other factor, though.  If I were wrong, wouldn't there be a slew of hate crimes flying over all of these filmed crimes.  It can't be that hard to find these idiots.  Many of them are so ignorant and feral that they film their assaults and then post them on the internet.
I'm not Columbo or anything, but it seems to me that any of these animals could be tracked down by finding the source from these filmed assaults.  Of course, that would open up a race conversation that the current administration doesn't want to have.  I guess none of these victims look like the son Obama would have had.  It is way past time for b.o. and company to go.  Holder is just another symptom in the rotting carcass of the current administration.  Have you ever heard the expression " a fish rots from the head?'  Well here is proof of it.
Don't accept the double standards being forced on us.  Hate is hate, and until Reverends BabyDaddy and Sharpton step forward and condemn this, they are simply race baitors.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

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