At the risk of saying neener neener, I told you that Obamacare wasn't going to work. I told you that the laws of economics would not support the idiotic way that obama's socialized medicine scheme was set up. I told you that the only people who would be interested in signing up would be people so desperate for insurance that anything that was served up would be good enough for them. So, I feel as though I have earned this: Neener. Neener.
That being over now, let's go about fixing this hot mess. First thing-scrap it. Second thing-run Nancy Pelosi out of town on a rail. It can be an organic rail from a self sustaining forest, but run her out on a rail, none the less. She is an idiot.
Send Harry Reid with her. He is equally culpable, the three of them, Reid, Pelosi, and Obama have done more damage to our economy and our American way of life than nay host of war despots. Think about this: When Hitler was massacring Jews, Catholics, and just about any non German he could lay his hands on, it caused the United States to raise up and stop it. Grant it, it took the Japanese to forcefully get us involved, but eventually the United States of America stopped the greatest menace to the world in a millennium
Fats forward to obama, and please, for those who are easily offended, I am not comparing obama to Hitler.
I'll leave that to the rabid moon bats who put mustachios on pictures of President Bush at every opportunity. No Hitler was rather successful in keeping his promises to the Germans. He gave them a better standard of life, he organized their trains, their economy, the things that they needed and didn't get after the end of World War One. He was a psychotic mass murderer, but he kept the trains running on time.
Obama cannot even do that. He told me with a straight face that I was going to love obamacare. It was going to be so fantastic that I would cheerfully thank him every day. The air would be a little sweeter, the sun would be a little brighter, the birds would sing a happy song in the trees. He loved that the msm stopped servicing him just long enough to coin the phrase obamacare. All was right in his world.
And then, as early as 2010, he knew that obamacare wasn't going to work. First, the GOP took the house in a slamming condemnation of all of his plans. He didn't listen. He goose stepped forward, ignoring the laws when he could, out right circumventing them when he had to.
Obamacare rolled out to breathless wonder. It lay on the floor like a misbegotten dog turd. Suddenly, people saw that the wonder they had been promised was an over priced, over sold stinky dog turd. Well well well.
Neener, neener. I told you so. I sold insurance long enough to know that the system wouldn't work. You can never add a lot of sick, older people to a system and expect the prices to go down, Not gonna happen, and you would have to be an idiot to think that it would be anything but a failure.
So now we have people who are having their individual insurance policies cancelled or the premiums raised to astronomical heights. The deductibles are also out of reach for many people, they might as well have no insurance. Neener neener. Many of these people bought the lies, drank the koolaid, took it up their policy.
You cannot allow these people to keep the policies that they like, if you do, the insurance companies will go belly up because they wrote their policies believing that they would have to cover everything from eczema to hangnails.
You cannot not let these people keep those policies, it makes an election nightmare for your fellow hustlers who sold the same lie that you did. Neener neener.
Please keep in mind that all of the angst we are witnessing is the policies of people who insure themselves. We haven't see the tsunami of cancellations from companies who will not or cannot provide insurance to Sandra Fluke and others who want their employer to make their sexual lives as easy as possible. Neener, neener.
If your no frills insurance (that was substandard until it wasn't) has been cancelled and you are looking at a Sophie's choice of premiums you cannot afford or deductibles you'll never meet, think about voting against the people who did this to you in 2014. Take the gavel away from that ball of excitement, Harry Reid. You'll thank me later.
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