Do you remember when the consensus was that Clinton had only lied about sex, so that wasn't perjury perjury, it was only fibbing? I do too. My how times have changed.
Shellie Zimmerman was charged and convicted of perjury in the matter of the bail that was set after her husband, George, was falsely arrested for saving his own life.
Clinton was in the middle of being the first sitting president of the United States of America to be sued for sexual harassment. He lied about everything in his deposition from start to finish. He lied about exposing himself. He lied about what he said, and when he said it. But the lie that landed him in the history books was the one about Ms. Lewinsky. He did have sex with that woman. He did tell people to lie, and all the finger wagging and wasted bomb strikes in the world couldn't change that. The media-at the time so far up his hiney that they could give him a clean bill of health on his prostate-immediately went into overdrive. They told us that lies about sex don't count. They told us that everyone in Europe thought we were just being silly. They told us that it was no big deal that he lied, as it was a teeny, tiny sex lie, and everyone knows that those don't really count.
Fast forward to Mrs. Zimmerman. When bail was being set for her husband's witch hunt arrest- she didn't give the judge any more information than what he asked for. ( I think they call that not incriminating yourself) The Zimmerman's had accrued a sizable amount of donations from other people who felt that the stand your ground law in Florida covered the case and that George Zimmerman was being sacrificed on the alter of the msm's anti gun campaign.
Mrs. Zimmerman didn't inform the judge of these donations and now she is being strung up as a scofflaw of the highest order. Luckily, she was able to plead to lesser charges and will still be able to get her license in nursing. Why was she charged at all? If lies about sex aren't perjury perjury, then why are lies about money?
I don't suppose that it has anything to do with the agenda of the msm do you? I mean, they had tried and convicted her husband for the serious crime of not allowing himself to be beaten to death by a drugged up gangsta wannabe- how could they not want to see someone pay after those fools in Florida let him get away with defending himself?
I write about this all of the time, but please-don't let the media color your judgements. Look at all of the facts before you make up your mind about things, and don't even consider making a decision until you have double checked what the main stream media has assured you is the truth. You'll thank me later.
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