But here we have the rubber hitting the road, so to speak, and the truth of this horrendous socialized boondoggle is finally soaking in to people. If you used to pay $142 dollars for your individual insurance policy per month, you are about to start paying $282.56 per month if you are a man and $230.84 if you are female. Of course these are averages, many people will be dropped and forced into the exchanges where you can "shop" around to find the plan that hurts your tukas the least.
Still can't afford it? Well that's too bad. The tax credits that were supposed to help people pay for the socialized helping of gruel have been going out like party favors to those poor souls in the unions who are struggling to make ends meet with their $38 an hour jobs. Yeah, they have it rough.
One of the prime hunks of idiocy in this craptacular piece of legislation is the get out of jail free card for employers. Full time is now classified as more than 30 hours per week. What kind of amateur* political newbie, with less than six months of experience, wouldn't see that employers would simply cut hours to less than 30?
It's not the fault of the businesses either. They are there specifically to make money, that's what they do, and if obamacare is going to cost them money (and boy is it!) then they would be stupid not to do what they had to do to avoid those costs. B.O. and his cronies never took a second to consider their repercussions with this monstrosity. More scary is the thought that they did. Could you sleep at night if you thought that b.o. was doing this on purpose, that this was all part of a plan- say spelled out in Rules for Radicals? Me neither. I average about five hours a night now.
And while the folks over at Yahoo have helpfully run a new pro-obamacare piece every day for the last six weeks, most people are looking at their dwindling paychecks and wondering how they can get out of this hot mess. How in the world are they going to find another part time job to supplement the one they have now? And how in the world are they going to coordinate the hours so that nothing overlaps? And finally, with real unemployment sitting at 20% where is this magic new job going to come from, anyway?
While b.o. is jetting around Africa with his wife, two daughters, mother in law, niece, nephew and assorted toadies for thirty days,(man was it smart of him to exclude himself from his sequester) the rest of us are looking at the mess he has made of our lives and wondering how to fix it. The price of groceries has risen 28% more than the average person's take home pay. Beef is becoming a luxury, and the need for food stamps has also skyrocketed. Hard working people are being forced to ask for government assistance in record numbers just to make sure that they and their children don't have to go to bed hungry. Pathetic.
The price of a gallon of gasoline has almost tripled under b.o.'s tenure. His "war" on coal has caused electricity prices to sky rocket, and while he has no problem using Air Force 1 as his own private taxi service, along with Marine 1 to haul his dogs to Martha's Vineyard for his third of nine get- aways. He has sent those children to Mexico on Spring break, he's sent the yeti to Aspen for skiing, he has taken more vacations this year alone, than most people have taken in the last five years. But then, he's excluded from obamacare, isn't he? He (and his cohorts) have wisely excluded themselves from this hot mess.
We're screwed. Our only hope is that Boehner grows a pair of testicles and forces b.o. to back off the implementation of socialized medicine for at least another year. And when your only hope is testicular fortitude from the current Speaker of the House, you really have no hope.
Pray for our Republic. You'll thank me later. God help us all.
*slick willie's description of b.o.
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