Monday, June 24, 2013

Online Losers-or A View From Your Mom's Basement

I spend a fair amount of time relaxing by reading online articles and the comments that come after them. I have been known to comment on a piece or five, especially when something incredibly stupid is said.  I have even been drawn into little comment spats, it's a great way to feel better about yourself.  If I couldn't out debate some liberal loser, I would probably have stopped writing this ages ago.  The loser in question that I have been laughing at this week goes by the name Shelley. Now Shelley might be a female, might be male.  I cannot promise human, more likely liberal.
I had posted that I am able to eat for about $1.50 a day and because Shelley clearly went to school in a failing district, this person wasn't able to do the math.  In one of those annoying habits that people think help them win a debate, this person simply posted the same regurgitated talking points over and over. Pathetic comes to mind. So Shelley- here you go, I will explain how it is possible to eat for $1.50 a day.
I buy generic and store brands most of the time, so the cereal that I buy costs $1.99 for about 12 servings.  The almond milk that I drink costs $2.39 for 8 servings. I just had breakfast for $.48
Lunch is hit or miss with me, I usually grab a container of yogurt and a piece of fruit.  The yogurt is the store brand, I but them for $.38.  The fruit usually sets me back about  $.11. I have just spent another $.49 for lunch.  I hope that I haven't lost the logically challenged-like this Shelley- but so far I have spent $.97 to eat for the day.
I work long hours, I have said that many many times.  I am not complaining,(most of the time) I am just putting it out there to explain my life. I am thankful that I have work, especially in B.O.'s economy.  I know a lot of people who are sinking further and further.  But on Sundays, I like to relax by cleaning and cooking.  I also enjoy working in my yard.  I know, I know, I used to be cool.  But I enjoy it, it relaxes me, hush.
On Sundays, quite often I will fix something that I can eat all week.  My Mother has said that she couldn't eat the same thing over and over, but since I just pick the first thing on top in the freezer, it really doesn't matter what I am eating, I'm hungry.  I do all of the shopping for my house, there isn't anything there that I don't like.  But back to Sundays.  Most of them will find me at some point making a huge pot of soup, or some sort of dish that I will eat for the majority of the week.
This past Sunday found me in the kitchen making vegetable soup.  I use a lot of the vegetables that I grow myself and have put up.  So- I added corn, green beans, carrots, celery, and potatoes.  I didn't grow the celery.  To this I added tomatoes, (homegrown) and acorn squash.  I used the largest pot in my house and it'll be supper for at least 8 days. The celery cost me $.14.  I did add salt and pepper, so I am thinking all together, I have soup to eat for an evening meal for at least a week at $.38 a bowl.  So-$1.35 a day to eat and I'm not starving by any means. It can be done, and it's not gruel either.  I don't live on a farm, far from it. Try to grow a garden if you can, even container gardens are better than nothing when you're pressed for space.  And avoid this idiot, Shelley- you'll thank me later.

Monday, June 17, 2013

If Liberals Are So Worried About Child Safety, Why AreThey Pro- Abortion?

I have watched, with mounting nausea, as B.O. surrounds himself with children.  Hitler used the same tactic, you can google pictures that look remarkably similar to the ones that b.o. uses to try and advance his agenda.  I don't buy it.
I think that having  a gun is a much better deterrent than soiling myself, using a "rape whistle" or any of the other stupid,    idiotic,  asinine ideas to come out of the current administration.  I don't think that a person who is hell bent on hurting me or my children will be stopped by me blowing a whistle.  I do think that they would be stopped by me blowing a hole in them.  I'm okay with that.
A group of parents got a free ride (free in that you and I are paying for it) on Air Force One if they were willing to stand on the bodies of their murdered children and moan for gun control.  I am truly sorry for the loss that these people have suffered.  I understand that the need to do something, to be be able to blame someone for this tragedy is overwhelming. But trying to take away my guns, my freedom, my second amendment rights, is not the answer.  Every one of the latest tragedies that have been ginned up by the msm have one common denominator: a crazy person.
Mental health issues have been the deciding factor in Gabriel Giffords being shot, in the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting, and also in the Sandy Hook tragedy.  It wasn't a high capacity clip that killed these people, it was a crazy, insane whackjob with a gun.  Blame the people who should have seen them coming apart at the seams.  Blame the stupidity of having guns around a person who has proven mental issues.  Blame the A.C.L.U.  for making it harder to put insane people in an institution.  But leave my guns alone.  I may be the person to stop the next rampage.  Or it could be someone like me, a person with a concealed carry permit who has the ability, and the will to stop a crazy person with a gun by using their own weapon.
But back to B.O.- he is very, very worried about "the children."  He is afraid for their safety.  He must be, he surrounds himself with "the children" every time he needs another photo op.  So why is he pro-abortion?
B.O. has absolutely no problem with a baby being partially born, and then having a needle inserted into his or her brain. and killed.  He would hate for one of his daughters to be burdened with an unwanted child.  He actually said that.  Of course, having seen how much those two look like their mother, the only way there will be any sort of pregnancy, planned or unplanned, will be with a large bottle of an alcoholic beverage. And a dark room.
So what age is it that a child deserves to be protected from death?  Is it one month? Six?  Because it certainly isn't while they are being born, that's for sure.  According to B.O., they are still a burden at this point.  Maybe it's when they are cute and can pose for pictures.  Yep, I bet that's it.
Think about when a child should be kept safe.  Think about when it becomes murder.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, June 10, 2013

We Cannot Afford Obama

Do you know how you have won an argument with an Obama supporter? The moment they squeal- "Bush did it too!"
Obama is an unmitigated disaster. He doesn't understand how economics works, because he has never, ever held a job that required him to produce something besides hot air.  He doesn't understand how insurance works because he has never had to understand the economics of how insurance pays for things and still provides a profit.
He doesn't understand how energy costs affect the economy because he has never had to worry about how he was going to pay for the gasoline he uses.  He has been coddled, pampered, and generally on the government teat his entire life.  At least, his entire life that is on the public record, there is so very much about Obama that we don't know, and we do not have any advocates in the media who are willing to find out for us.
How did he get into a country that was denied to citizens of the United States? How did he do in school? Why has he (and his wife) surrendered their licenses to practice law?  Why hasn't anyone in the media looked into the hard proof That Sheriff Arpaio provides about the falsification of not only Obama's birth certificate, but also his selective service card? But enough of the great mysteries in life.
Obamacare, or The Patient Affordability Care Act that was rammed without lubricate has caused the cost of insurance and care to rise over 15%.  My premiums alone, have gone up almost 20% and I was told that it would be all things to all people.  I guess, they were full of crap, huh?
We cannot afford Obamacare.  We cannot afford to keep borrowing for his out of control spending habits.  He doesn't want to understand that broke means that you have no more money to spend. Broke means that you do without things, not find more crap to buy.
If the msm was legitimate, they would be screaming this from the rooftops.  Instead, they flood us with the latest Idol winner, the latest blather from the latest pretend celebrity.  On rare occasions, they slip up and tell us what is happening in the world, but then they quickly retreat to the electronic pablum that so many low-information voters have come to rely on.
B.O. stinks. He has no plan to fix anything, he has no ideas that do not include the words "tax the middle class and the wealthy." He doesn't get it.
Years ago, when the msm yawned over the murdered border patrol agent and others who have been murdered from B.O.'s gun running scheme, they showed their true colors. It doesn't matter what B.O. does, they approve. If they can't approve, much like Benghazi, they simply ignore the facts. Contact your elected officials and demand that they keep the pressure on b.o. to follow the Constitution or resign.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Baseline Budgeting is a Big Fat Lie

I admire Paul Ryan. I think he would have been an awesome President, much better than the two who were running, or the one who managed to get 104% of the vote in Cuyahoga County. I have admired his budgets, while wondering why Harry Reid cannot be impeached for failing to bring any budget up in the last six years or so.
His budget that brings us to solvency is great, as a start. But why does it take ten years to do it?  Are you seriously thinking that D.C could follow any budget for ten whole years?  They'll screw it up in two, tops.  Why not get the job done now?  If we had a leader with the testicular fortitude to create a budget that balanced out in five years, I would support that whole heartedly. Think about all of the ridiculous waste you hear about every day. Obamacare would be the first thing on the chopping block. He lied about every aspect of it, and morons and the msm allow him to keep repeating those lies without calling him on it.
Every year, there are reports of all of the government waste.  How about if we start there?  Next, eliminate every dime of foreign aid to places that do not like us.  After that, tell the handful that we are still helping to get ready, because in five years, the gravy train stops.
Eliminate the black hole of money that we waste on the USPS. Privatize the group, I bet it could actually make a profit it they knew that the government teat was no longer going to cushion them.
Bring our troops home, park them on our borders.  If we stopped propping up governments that don't want us there, we might save a trillion or two. Bring every military person out of Germany. Why do you think they are so well off? Because much like Joe Biden charging the secret service detail rent for staying in the house next to him and keeping him safe, Germany charges us to stay there and keep them safe.  Let them know that they are on their own, but if something pops off, be prepared to go in, clean up the problem, and then come home. Simple, huh?
Do the same with every base we have in every country that we support through this military welfare.  The only exception that I would make would be for Israel.  In spite of B.O. they have stood beside us through thick and thin.
De solve the Department of Education. It is useless, and only a clearing house for union graft and stupidity. Thank you Jimmy Carter.
Allow a line by line analysis of the pork in the budget. Remove it.  I know that Harry Reid and many Republicans as well, will have a problem with the stoppage of the gravy train, but our Government is too big, too expensive, too intrusive.
Instead of budgeting so that an increase is factored in, like baseline budgets do, cut programs. Budget so that there are no increases. Budget so that there are decreases. Budget like it was your own money.  You'll thank me later.