Monday, June 4, 2012

Groceries, Unemployment, and Other Cooked Numbers

According to the White House, the number of people who are on unemployed went down a few weeks ago.  Since I have several people approach me every week who are looking for work, I was curious about that number they floated, so I dug deeper.  In the formula that they use- the formula started under everyone's favorite disbarred President- once a person has run out of unemployment benefits, they aren't considered unemployed any more. How does that make sense?
They aren't working, they aren't able to provide for their families, but they aren't unemployed? Okay. Talk about phony numbers- it would be the same as someone with cancer dying of a heart attack from the stress- but not considered a cancer victim.  Sure, it wasn't the cancer that killed them, but they surely aren't on this side of the turf, now are they?
 Another concern that I have is the number of people who are applying for and receiving disability.  I have received disability, I understand that there are times when a person cannot work. When I was having five or six seizures a week, I couldn't even live alone, much less hold down a job.  The instant I was able to work, I stopped receiving the benefits. Why? because I would rather earn what I get, rather than have the government give it to me.  I understand that I earned the money by paying into the system, but it still felt better to me to earn a check and not have one sent to me.
I know of nine people who receive disability pay from the government. If I know nine, I bet everyone knows nine.  Of those nine people who receive this money, six of them seem okay to work. That is to say, they can drive, they can use their computers for 14 hours a day, they can buy and cook food, and they can reproduce. When I asked one of them why she is disabled, she told me that when she worked, the stress caused her to have insomnia, and an upset stomach that was almost an ulcer. She was a stripper! I would think the stress of those four children going hungry would be quite an incentive to dragging myself into those pasties every night.
Another person who is trying to latch onto the government teet because of his supposed bad back would like to buy a motor cycle when he gets his disability.  How does that work?  So he can't get up and work at a job that requires him to lift more than 10 pounds at a time, but he can ride a motorcycle? Hooey. He is able to walk dogs, he is able to shop.  He seems more than capable of saying-"Hi, would you need a cart?"
 Ask your elected officials why this is.  Someone has to have the answer to this, and why disability is the new gift that keeps on giving.  You'll thank me later.

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