Thursday, June 28, 2012

And Your Taxes Just Went Up 800 Billion Dollars

I watched with horror as the Supreme Court of the United States upheld Obamacare as a tax and there fore it is constitutional.  It is curious to not that the whole time B.O. was lubricating us, he was softly whispering in our ear that this was NOT a tax.
And now, it turns out that his paid thugs-that is to say-his lawyers argued that this WAS a tax. On that argument, 5 morons agreed to let Obamacare or as I grew up calling it-socialized medicine be the new law of the land. The decision was made at about 10 am. Within forty five minutes, I had received an email from my doctors' offices that they will be closing at the end of this year. In a word, I'm screwed. Good job, B.O.
The only hope we have is that his entire group is voted out this November. It's our only chance.
And now, as I type, B.O. is trying to tell me that this is a great idea. Bullshit. He is leaving out the part that this is a tax, and a huge one. If you voted for this guy, thanks. You just made my life a lot worse.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Disability-B.O.'s Newest Cash Crop

I read an alarming statistic last week.  The number of individuals who are applying for-and receiving-disability has jumped by almost one quarter.  Are we suddenly inundated with folks who are losing a limb, or being struck blind? Well, no.  What we have is a HUGE amount of people who have run out of every other means of supporting themselves.  They have been unemployed for too long or perhaps they have decided it's more fun to sit on their computer and surf instead of going to work every day.
I know maybe seven people who are "disabled" and yet, they are surprisingly spry.  One used to be a stripper-yep- and then the act of going to work everyday was so stressful that she needed medication.  From that medication she needed to be subsidized.  Now she is paid almost eight hundred a month to go shopping, get up at noon, and run all over the place.  She has also turned disability into a family business.  Her first child needs SSI because he has some sort of A.D.D.  Her step son has A.D.H.D. now and some sort of problem from the Ritalin he took.  Her latest husband has a bad back, a bad heart, and some sort of exotic bone problem.  We have been paying her to have children- we subsidized the last two that she had.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there is nothing wrong with her.  She seems perfectly able to ride or drive in a vehicle for upwards of five hours every day.  She is able to use her computer for at least 12 hours every day.  While she has embraced carbohydrates and probably can't be paid to take her clothes off anymore, she still seems able to say, " Welcome to Walmart-do you need a cart?"  Maybe the thought of her children being hungry doesn't stress her out enough.  It would me.
I know another person who was very disabled until the check started. Now, it's a miracle! The very medicine that used to be provided for free thanks to you and me and cost upwards of eight hundred dollars a month is no longer necessary now that he only gets $1900 a month. Thanks be to God, right?
I have no problem helping someone who genuinely needs it. I stood behind a gentleman in a self checkout as he was buying a cake and some candy.  The snarky comments were flying all around, and he turned toward me and said, "Today's my daughter's birthday. I've been out of work for over a year, and if all she asked for is cake and candy- then by God! she is going to have it."  I offered to buy a barbie doll for her, but he said no thank you.  I hope things turn around for him, I expect they will by the first of the year.  I hope he makes it that long.  I hope that we all do.
So the next time you see someone who is "disabled" ask yourself this- How much is that costing me?  You'll thank me later.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Another Angry Lesbian Writes me Off

I have a wide variety of people that I speak to every day. I don't necessarily consider them friends, but they are people that I enjoy speaking to on a semi-regular basis.  If I only spoke to people who agreed with the way that I think, I would end up like those angry liberals who couldn't understand George W. Bush being elected when no one they knew voted for him.
But back to the angry lesbian-she is a friend of a brother of a friend of mine. We have shared a meal, not much else.  I knew she is a lesbian, her mannish girlfriend was a big indication. She had "married" someone the year before, I guess that didn't work out.
I had posted an opinion on Facebook, denigrating B.O.'s evolving opinion to court the homosexual vote.  From every statistic that I can find, homosexuals account for 1.7% of the population.  That doesn't sound like much to get worked up over, other than they have the approval of every left wing celebrity on the planet.  While they scream, bellow, and demand to be recognized and treated well, they curse, denigrate, and attempt to ridicule anyone who doesn't agree with them. High school and college age children are more open to homosexuality, I suppose all that liberal indoctrination in public schools must be paying off.
Of course-B.O.'s "evolution" toward the acceptance of homosexuality may well have something to do with his repeated fundraisers in Hollywood and his desperate need for all of the liberal deep pockets.  I suspect that this "evolution" is one more pandering toward the super liberal out of touch big money bundlers that B.O. caters to. Ironically, Mitt-for-brains raised more money than B.O. did last month.I guess even people who are tepid about him are less tepid at the thought of the destruction of our country's moral fabric.
My post pointed out that if B.O. wants to go after an obscure group for publicity, why not go chasing for the vote of the child molester?  That group is estimated to be 1-5% of the population, and since progressives are trying to re-brand them as 'minor attracted' I am certain that very soon we will be getting a barrage of "studies" that tell us these 'minor attracted' isn't a choice- they are born that way.
Why stop there? As I pointed out, those states that currently allow homosexual 'marriages' could go further.  I love my dog, she has never been unfaithful. Not counting that she will leave my side in a flash for someone with potato chips-but we are working on that.  Why not allow me to 'marry' her, and thus protect my assets for her in the event of my death?
If a homosexual couple want to make sure that their partner has rights in the event of death they have this really cool device: a will.  You can leave all of your stuff to whoever, or whatever you want to.  If you are that worried about your partner having access to you in an emergency, then go to the hospital and fill out the paper work giving a directive to the hospital allowing that person to make those decisions for you.  It's called planning.
Try doing that instead of forcing me to view homosexual couple after couple flout their lifestyle choices.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Would you Rent to These People?

I have a rental unit that I offer.  It is a two bedroom townhouse with one bath, a full basement and a dining room.  It's a nice place and I am happy with it.  The first people that I rented it to were an eye opening experience.  At least they didn't try to bargain with me by asking what the lowest price I would take for the unit would be.  They also earned a few points for at least wearing shoes when they came to see it, and not bringing 17 people with them. ( I wish I was making those two things up)
I currently have a couple in the unit that are everything that my first adventure into tenants were not.  They don't have three hysterically barking dogs.Three constantly barking, at all hours of the day and night-o look! a squirrel- dogs.  They understand the vagaries of a vacuum cleaner, and they use one. I know- I've heard it.  Finally, they haven't become the third cheek of my behind.  At the risk of sounding snobby, I am not looking for my new best friend.  I am looking for  responsible adults who can budget their money in such a way as to pay me the rent in the first four days of the month.  Someone who won't trash my place, or use it as a meth lab.
Doesn't sound complicated does it?  Silly rabbit, I showed the apartment to thirteen different people before I found the ones that didn't give me the willies or hives.  They seem to be normal, sane people with fiscal responsibility.  Yay!
But before I got off point, I was talking about the people who wanted to see the apartment that I rent.  One woman needed a two bedroom because she was expecting a child.  I have no problem with that, but I did have a problem with the parole officer telling me she couldn't rent it because it was too close to playgrounds.  Say it with me: eeeeewwww
Another couple wanted their out of work son to live in the other bedroom, and have his three children stay with them every weekend.
One lady had three daughters and four grandchildren, all of whom she wanted to stay there.
Another couple had three children and wanted to use the basement as a bedroom.
My favorite person who had no chance of renting from me was the guy who wanted to know if his two girlfriends could also live there. While I admire his sheer chutzpah and salesmanship, he had zero chance.
Please don't think that I am complaining, I love the life that I have almost half the time.  I do wonder about people and the people that raised them.  Were they raised by wolves? A pack of wild dogs? Who knows?  If you've never shown up to rent an apartment with a dozen pals, worn shoes while you did it, and don't have a parole officer who has to determine your proximity to playgrounds you should feel very good about yourself.  You can thank me later.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Groceries, Unemployment, and Other Cooked Numbers

According to the White House, the number of people who are on unemployed went down a few weeks ago.  Since I have several people approach me every week who are looking for work, I was curious about that number they floated, so I dug deeper.  In the formula that they use- the formula started under everyone's favorite disbarred President- once a person has run out of unemployment benefits, they aren't considered unemployed any more. How does that make sense?
They aren't working, they aren't able to provide for their families, but they aren't unemployed? Okay. Talk about phony numbers- it would be the same as someone with cancer dying of a heart attack from the stress- but not considered a cancer victim.  Sure, it wasn't the cancer that killed them, but they surely aren't on this side of the turf, now are they?
 Another concern that I have is the number of people who are applying for and receiving disability.  I have received disability, I understand that there are times when a person cannot work. When I was having five or six seizures a week, I couldn't even live alone, much less hold down a job.  The instant I was able to work, I stopped receiving the benefits. Why? because I would rather earn what I get, rather than have the government give it to me.  I understand that I earned the money by paying into the system, but it still felt better to me to earn a check and not have one sent to me.
I know of nine people who receive disability pay from the government. If I know nine, I bet everyone knows nine.  Of those nine people who receive this money, six of them seem okay to work. That is to say, they can drive, they can use their computers for 14 hours a day, they can buy and cook food, and they can reproduce. When I asked one of them why she is disabled, she told me that when she worked, the stress caused her to have insomnia, and an upset stomach that was almost an ulcer. She was a stripper! I would think the stress of those four children going hungry would be quite an incentive to dragging myself into those pasties every night.
Another person who is trying to latch onto the government teet because of his supposed bad back would like to buy a motor cycle when he gets his disability.  How does that work?  So he can't get up and work at a job that requires him to lift more than 10 pounds at a time, but he can ride a motorcycle? Hooey. He is able to walk dogs, he is able to shop.  He seems more than capable of saying-"Hi, would you need a cart?"
 Ask your elected officials why this is.  Someone has to have the answer to this, and why disability is the new gift that keeps on giving.  You'll thank me later.