Monday, April 9, 2012

I Won't Vote for Romney, and You Can't Make Me

I don't care for the giant push to make Mitt Romney the nominee for President of the United States of America. I don't care if he thinks it is his turn, or if the establishment in the Republican National Committee thinks it is his turn.  I don't care that he has been running for office for the last five years, I don't want Romney on the ticket.  Mitt Romney on the ticket guarantees four more years of B.O.  The msm who is soooo in love with Mitt right now, will turn on him like rabid pitbulls toward a guy in a meat suit.  The very media that tells me he is the most electable-for now- will run expose after expose on him. They will talk about the dog in a crate on his roof. They will talk about the illegals he had working on his property. They will highlight the ten thousand dollar bet he so casually made with Rick Perry. He cannot win.
Mitt Romney depresses the base, the core constituents who do the grunt work. These are the people who ring the doorbells. These are the people who put the signs in their yards. These are the people who make or break your efforts.  You cannot just count on the conservative base to blindly follow where they are lead. We did that before with Dole and McCain. We are tired of being taken for granted, only feted when you need some grunt work or a donation.
I like Speaker Gingrich, even forgiving him for that idiot piece he did with Nancy Pelosi about global warming. He said he was wrong, he was, so I can move on.  I don't care if Fox News or any of the others tell me that Romney has it sewn up. I don't like him.He is a distinction without a difference from the lousy piece of work we have in there now.
I really respect Barbara Bush.  She is an amazing lady, and by far, one of the best-if not the best first lady we have had in the last thirty years. She endorsed Romney.  In fact, the list of those endorsing Romney grows every day, usually those who would like the process to stop, and Romney crowned the winner. I don't think I am the only one.  When I speak with other conservatives, I hear the same irritation in their voices.  If I could give one message to the RNC it would be this: stop taking conservatives for granted.  We will do the grunt work, but we want to be recognized and valued.  We are tired of holding our nose and voting for whoever it is that you think we should accept.  Those days are over, if you aren't careful, there could be a third party before you know it.  The tea Party isn't going away, get used to us.  You'll thank me later.

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