I read yesterday with more than a little disgust that GM is not going to be producing any more of that VOLT crap until they get rid of some of what they have in stock. So that means, until the government starts buying them with the left hand and hiding it from us with the right hand, another one of B.O.'s brilliant plans is a big fat zilch.
How many does that make now? There was Solyndra. I recall B.O. making a big splashy news conference about the wonders of solar energy and the folks who were making it happen there.(FYI when B.O. shows up with his sleeves strategically rolled up one quarter, no tie, drops the 'g' from words, and than throws around the word 'folks', batten the hatches 'cuz he is campaignin'!) Then what happened? That's right, we wasted a half a billion dollars on a company that bought lots of cool gadgets and went belly up.
And then there was Light Squared. They did what Solyndra did, but with half the money. I guess when you only lose a quarter of a billion tax dollars, you seem like the hero.
And now we have B.O. making another "just folks" stop by the GM Volt plant that you and I own, and he is telling us that in five years (God forbid) when he quits, he is going to buy one himself. I guess his bunch of brown shirts was too busy goose stepping on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to give him the heads up on how crappily the Volt is selling.
I would be laughing if I hadn't already spent about $256,000 per on each of the little flame balls already produced.
And now, B.O. is trying to move a little right and say he wants an "all of the above" approach to energy policy. Poop. He has closed off most of the places where the oil is. He has said no to the 'Keystone Pipeline'. He has said no to drilling permits for American companies, but ironically has allowed other countries to start drilling.He has said no to more refineries. He is doubling down on his green energy myth and no amount of common sense seems to dissuade him.
B.O. stinks. Remember that in November. You'll thank me later.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Trayvon Martin:Newest Poster Child for the Left
I don't know all the facts surrounding the shooting of Trayvon Martin. Unfortunately, the MSM is more than happy to try and tell me what I should think about it, though. I have heard countless calls for the arrest of Mr. Zimmerman, if this weren't an election year with B.O. desperately trying to maintain his cushy digs, I have no doubt that he would be calling for Eric Holder to stop transferring witnesses in his Fast and Furious debacle, and have them take a politically necessary look into what appears to be self defense.
While I have no idea what drives Mr. Zimmerman to follow people that he deems suspicious, I was more curious when I found out that the drive by media was neglecting to mention the wounds that Mr. Zimmerman received. If the guy he was following didn't give him those wounds, who did? If he did give him those wounds, why?
I saw a liberal posing with a hooded sweatshirt in solidarity with the boy who was killed. If it turns out that he was shot in self defense, will they beat someone up in solidarity as well? Maybe, B.O. will also begin sporting a hooded sweatshirt. I know that he cares, he took the time to mention this child over the weekend, saying that if he had a son, he might look like Trayvon Martin. In my opinion, if B.O. had another child, it too would look the Yeti that he calls his wife.
Before I go into a rant about the bone deep lack of attractiveness in the Soetero/Obama family, let me draw a parallel. Does anyone remember Rodney King? He was the drugged up loser that attacked over six policemen when they pulled him over. Now the msm went to great pains to edit the tape of the confrontation between Mr. King and the police. They removed the entire part of him choking, hitting and kicking the police. This is the tape that they released to the general public. Of course, the jury saw the entire unedited version and found the police not guilty. The people in Los Angelos lost their minds. Their righteous indignation over this theoretical injustice compelled many of them to leave their homes and go steal a new television and other valuables. It also drove them to hurt completely innocent people and set their own neighborhoods on fire. How smart is that?
So before you get your panties in a bunch, consider that the msm has a history of lying if they think that it will give them a nice juicy ratings bump. They are no longer happy reporting the news, they also want to create and dictate the conversation. Don't trust the media or their agenda. You'll thank me later.
While I have no idea what drives Mr. Zimmerman to follow people that he deems suspicious, I was more curious when I found out that the drive by media was neglecting to mention the wounds that Mr. Zimmerman received. If the guy he was following didn't give him those wounds, who did? If he did give him those wounds, why?
I saw a liberal posing with a hooded sweatshirt in solidarity with the boy who was killed. If it turns out that he was shot in self defense, will they beat someone up in solidarity as well? Maybe, B.O. will also begin sporting a hooded sweatshirt. I know that he cares, he took the time to mention this child over the weekend, saying that if he had a son, he might look like Trayvon Martin. In my opinion, if B.O. had another child, it too would look the Yeti that he calls his wife.
Before I go into a rant about the bone deep lack of attractiveness in the Soetero/Obama family, let me draw a parallel. Does anyone remember Rodney King? He was the drugged up loser that attacked over six policemen when they pulled him over. Now the msm went to great pains to edit the tape of the confrontation between Mr. King and the police. They removed the entire part of him choking, hitting and kicking the police. This is the tape that they released to the general public. Of course, the jury saw the entire unedited version and found the police not guilty. The people in Los Angelos lost their minds. Their righteous indignation over this theoretical injustice compelled many of them to leave their homes and go steal a new television and other valuables. It also drove them to hurt completely innocent people and set their own neighborhoods on fire. How smart is that?
So before you get your panties in a bunch, consider that the msm has a history of lying if they think that it will give them a nice juicy ratings bump. They are no longer happy reporting the news, they also want to create and dictate the conversation. Don't trust the media or their agenda. You'll thank me later.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Dear Mr. Obama Here are Some Small Business Frustrations
Dear Mr. Obama,
I would like to hire someone to work part time in my store. I would like to take a whole day off during the week, but I would be happy to take a half day off. The way it is now, I work somewhere between 65 and 80 hours a week. I'm not hiring anyone right now, though. I'll keep working 14 hours a day because I don't know what will happen regarding Obamacare.
If I hire someone to give me a break, what will I have to do about their insurance? Will I have to provide it? Will I have to provide other things like birth control if I do? Also, what happens if I expand my store? Not having mastered being in two places at one time, I would have to hire people full time, and then what is my Obamacare liability?
I want to expand, I think that I could do well in some of the small towns that are close by. But.......
But I don't know what kind of insurance that would cause me to buy.
But I don't know if it will cost me more than I would make with another store because of that.
But I don't know if it will be worth the aggravation and the extra paper work.
I just don't think that the aggravation would be worth it. I would like to expand, giving myself and others a better life. The biggest reason that I am not doing that is sitting there like a 500 lb guerrilla in the room.
Is it any wonder that real unemployment is sitting at 26%?? I am talking about the people who are out of unemployment after two years, out of options and working anything they can to keep their families in their homes with food to eat and the lights on.
I don't want more tax credits and flim flam, Mr. Obama. I want to be able to hire one person, maybe two and have a whole day off. Can you think about that while you and the fam are enjoying the next vacation? You'll thank me later.
I would like to hire someone to work part time in my store. I would like to take a whole day off during the week, but I would be happy to take a half day off. The way it is now, I work somewhere between 65 and 80 hours a week. I'm not hiring anyone right now, though. I'll keep working 14 hours a day because I don't know what will happen regarding Obamacare.
If I hire someone to give me a break, what will I have to do about their insurance? Will I have to provide it? Will I have to provide other things like birth control if I do? Also, what happens if I expand my store? Not having mastered being in two places at one time, I would have to hire people full time, and then what is my Obamacare liability?
I want to expand, I think that I could do well in some of the small towns that are close by. But.......
But I don't know what kind of insurance that would cause me to buy.
But I don't know if it will cost me more than I would make with another store because of that.
But I don't know if it will be worth the aggravation and the extra paper work.
I just don't think that the aggravation would be worth it. I would like to expand, giving myself and others a better life. The biggest reason that I am not doing that is sitting there like a 500 lb guerrilla in the room.
Is it any wonder that real unemployment is sitting at 26%?? I am talking about the people who are out of unemployment after two years, out of options and working anything they can to keep their families in their homes with food to eat and the lights on.
I don't want more tax credits and flim flam, Mr. Obama. I want to be able to hire one person, maybe two and have a whole day off. Can you think about that while you and the fam are enjoying the next vacation? You'll thank me later.
Monday, April 9, 2012
I Won't Vote for Romney, and You Can't Make Me
I don't care for the giant push to make Mitt Romney the nominee for President of the United States of America. I don't care if he thinks it is his turn, or if the establishment in the Republican National Committee thinks it is his turn. I don't care that he has been running for office for the last five years, I don't want Romney on the ticket. Mitt Romney on the ticket guarantees four more years of B.O. The msm who is soooo in love with Mitt right now, will turn on him like rabid pitbulls toward a guy in a meat suit. The very media that tells me he is the most electable-for now- will run expose after expose on him. They will talk about the dog in a crate on his roof. They will talk about the illegals he had working on his property. They will highlight the ten thousand dollar bet he so casually made with Rick Perry. He cannot win.
Mitt Romney depresses the base, the core constituents who do the grunt work. These are the people who ring the doorbells. These are the people who put the signs in their yards. These are the people who make or break your efforts. You cannot just count on the conservative base to blindly follow where they are lead. We did that before with Dole and McCain. We are tired of being taken for granted, only feted when you need some grunt work or a donation.
I like Speaker Gingrich, even forgiving him for that idiot piece he did with Nancy Pelosi about global warming. He said he was wrong, he was, so I can move on. I don't care if Fox News or any of the others tell me that Romney has it sewn up. I don't like him.He is a distinction without a difference from the lousy piece of work we have in there now.
I really respect Barbara Bush. She is an amazing lady, and by far, one of the best-if not the best first lady we have had in the last thirty years. She endorsed Romney. In fact, the list of those endorsing Romney grows every day, usually those who would like the process to stop, and Romney crowned the winner. I don't think I am the only one. When I speak with other conservatives, I hear the same irritation in their voices. If I could give one message to the RNC it would be this: stop taking conservatives for granted. We will do the grunt work, but we want to be recognized and valued. We are tired of holding our nose and voting for whoever it is that you think we should accept. Those days are over, if you aren't careful, there could be a third party before you know it. The tea Party isn't going away, get used to us. You'll thank me later.
Mitt Romney depresses the base, the core constituents who do the grunt work. These are the people who ring the doorbells. These are the people who put the signs in their yards. These are the people who make or break your efforts. You cannot just count on the conservative base to blindly follow where they are lead. We did that before with Dole and McCain. We are tired of being taken for granted, only feted when you need some grunt work or a donation.
I like Speaker Gingrich, even forgiving him for that idiot piece he did with Nancy Pelosi about global warming. He said he was wrong, he was, so I can move on. I don't care if Fox News or any of the others tell me that Romney has it sewn up. I don't like him.He is a distinction without a difference from the lousy piece of work we have in there now.
I really respect Barbara Bush. She is an amazing lady, and by far, one of the best-if not the best first lady we have had in the last thirty years. She endorsed Romney. In fact, the list of those endorsing Romney grows every day, usually those who would like the process to stop, and Romney crowned the winner. I don't think I am the only one. When I speak with other conservatives, I hear the same irritation in their voices. If I could give one message to the RNC it would be this: stop taking conservatives for granted. We will do the grunt work, but we want to be recognized and valued. We are tired of holding our nose and voting for whoever it is that you think we should accept. Those days are over, if you aren't careful, there could be a third party before you know it. The tea Party isn't going away, get used to us. You'll thank me later.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Nobel Peace Prize = Not Worth Diddly Squat
When the man who sat on a committee who decided to appropriate funds to create a network that would help the military stay in contact with each other took credit for inventing the internet, I laughed at him. I kept laughing as his defenders tried to walk back the statement and say he never in fact, used those words. I saw him say it. Twice.
Then I watched this same piece of work fuss at me about "global warming." He flew in on his private jet to fuss at me. He lived in a home that consumed more energy that most small towns, but I had to buy a toilet that takes three flushes to do the job. Global warming is about as real as "carbon credits." Read an excellent book: Global Warming and Other Eco Myths. In plain language it debunks every craptacular theory that the control freaks from the green movement have tried to throw at you.
Also, I cannot say the phrase 'crazed sex poodle' without giggling my head off. Seems that he was taking notes while his boss was diddling the help and suborning perjury. Figures.
Finally, I skimmed his movie/ propaganda piece. I shook my head when he was awarded a Nobel Prize. I figured that it was more of the Left trying to tell me what I should be doing, while they had no intention of following those rules for themselves. More of that 'do as I say, not as I do' stuff for which they are so famous .
But today I have been reading about an amazing woman. Her name was Irena Sendler. During World War II this amazing lady joined forces with 20 plus other people and while working as a plumber/helper she would hide babies in the bottom of her tool box and smuggle them out to freedom. She would drug older children and put them in bags with trash to get them out of the concentration camps.
These children were then passed on to others in the resistance movement and to safety. She kept meticulous records of these children hidden in jars and buried in the yard. Even though the Nazis found out and beat her so severely that her arms and legs were all broken and she suffered two concussions-when she was able, she continued saving the lives of these children.
Her name was Irena Sendler and she helped to reunite the children with the parents that survived the gas chambers. This amazing woman, quite possible the bravest soul I have ever read about brings tears to my eyes as I try to imagine the courage that she must have had. This living saint was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and lost to a man who gave a slide show about pseudo science that is now being investigated for fraud, as most of the "research" used to fabricate these lies was fraudulent. Ask yourself if a Nobel Prize is anything more than a glorified gold star that is awarded to the most liberal idiot that can be found to spout their agenda. You'll thank me later.
Then I watched this same piece of work fuss at me about "global warming." He flew in on his private jet to fuss at me. He lived in a home that consumed more energy that most small towns, but I had to buy a toilet that takes three flushes to do the job. Global warming is about as real as "carbon credits." Read an excellent book: Global Warming and Other Eco Myths. In plain language it debunks every craptacular theory that the control freaks from the green movement have tried to throw at you.
Also, I cannot say the phrase 'crazed sex poodle' without giggling my head off. Seems that he was taking notes while his boss was diddling the help and suborning perjury. Figures.
Finally, I skimmed his movie/ propaganda piece. I shook my head when he was awarded a Nobel Prize. I figured that it was more of the Left trying to tell me what I should be doing, while they had no intention of following those rules for themselves. More of that 'do as I say, not as I do' stuff for which they are so famous .
But today I have been reading about an amazing woman. Her name was Irena Sendler. During World War II this amazing lady joined forces with 20 plus other people and while working as a plumber/helper she would hide babies in the bottom of her tool box and smuggle them out to freedom. She would drug older children and put them in bags with trash to get them out of the concentration camps.
These children were then passed on to others in the resistance movement and to safety. She kept meticulous records of these children hidden in jars and buried in the yard. Even though the Nazis found out and beat her so severely that her arms and legs were all broken and she suffered two concussions-when she was able, she continued saving the lives of these children.
Her name was Irena Sendler and she helped to reunite the children with the parents that survived the gas chambers. This amazing woman, quite possible the bravest soul I have ever read about brings tears to my eyes as I try to imagine the courage that she must have had. This living saint was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and lost to a man who gave a slide show about pseudo science that is now being investigated for fraud, as most of the "research" used to fabricate these lies was fraudulent. Ask yourself if a Nobel Prize is anything more than a glorified gold star that is awarded to the most liberal idiot that can be found to spout their agenda. You'll thank me later.
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