Saturday, July 31, 2021

Batcrap Crazy or my new Cyber Stalker Nickolaus A. Pacione


    Creative Writer at Kobo
    Publisher, author, freelance writer and editor at PrintToPress

    Some time ago I began writing.  I was probably 4 or 5, bless my sister Shawna and Momma for patiently listening to those stories. By the Fifth grade Mrs. Marable had given me enough encouragement that I plowed ahead with them.  So from the many things that I have written, I most enjoy a bunch of children's stories-the Beane Brothers.  I had offered them to an editor that I know, and he enjoyed them enough to give me some solid advice.  He told me to self-publish.  He said that I had the personality to be able to promote these myself and I have.  My great friend from high school allowed me the use of her son to illustrate these and I have been happy with their success.                                                                       Unfortunately, I chose a bad self publishing company the first time, and they not only published the illustrations in black and white, they brought into my world this "writer" Nickolaus A. Paccione.  Nick is not sane in the sense that you or I think of it.  Instead, he complains about the length of my children's books or their price.  In reality, he is upset because the stories that I produce outsell his by 7000 to 1.     Such is life.  I had heard from several other writers (real writers, not Nick) that he has the habit of obsessing over one author and then stalking them constantly.  It's my turn.  I could block him, that's what all of the others have done, but what's the fun in that? He obviously needs some type of psychiatric care, and if my constant telling him that in some way prompts him to seek professional help-then all of his batshit crazy stalkings will have been worth it.                                     

    What he does for his "book" is to collect quite a few short stories that have been written by actual writers (Poe, Christie, etc) that are in the public domain and free for him to use.  Then, buried inside this redundant book of readable, enjoyable, good stories are the gems that he has written. They are gems.  One critic said, " crapping out a packet of razor blades is more enjoyable than trying to wade through one of his short stories." That's my personal favorite.               Should you have time to kill, you can look him up for yourself, but remember that I warned you.  When I posted his picture on my FB page, he actually complained that it was copyrighted.  From where I have no idea, so I'll add it to this.  I'm also adding his resumé, which has brought more than a little laughter to the people I know and are familiar with this situation.  In addition to listing the many, many self publishing companies that he has used, he lists that he has one trait that I care about he is a bagel maker! I love bagels, and my countless appeals for a doz with everything have so far gone unheeded.  Cross your fingers. And cross the street if you see this guy coming, he has fixated on me for now, but you never know what shiny object will catch his fancy next.  You'll thank me later.   
    Proprietor at Lake Fossil Press

    self employed/owner at Disabled
    Sole proprietorship at Nickolaus Pacione
    Former Content Creator at Booktango
    Former Author at
    Former Contributor/Writer at Hadrosaur Productions
    Former Baker at Bagel Street Cafe
    Studied Small Press Publishing at Arkham House Publishers Inc.

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