Friday, February 5, 2021

Digital Pitchforks!

 If you've taken a casual glance over my posts you may have picked up the theme that I'm not a fan of big government or big brother. I don't trust the msm-I haven't since Dan Rather tried an end-around to steal an election.

I used to use Facebook, it was cool catching up with all of my high school friends (mostly) and the recipes are all over the place. There were great conversations about politics and then open exchanges of ideas that made the world seem so small. I could debate someone from Bangladesh! How cool is that?

And then... there was President Trump who gamed them, much like the day traders just shoved it up the tuchuses of the hedge fund managers that were shorting GamesStop. He didn't spend 1/3 of what Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit spent and he easily won an election and made the left crap their collective pants.

And worse! He started doing what he said he was going to do! In spite of having to deal with a useless Paul Ryan as Speaker and an equally obtuse Mitch McConnell, President Trump set the world on fire with promises kept.  Add to that maelstrom the shrewish bleats for impeachment 2 minutes after he was elected, and you see the uphill battle that he succeeded at for four years.

But then something changed.  The left gathered their wagons and their social media overlords and was determined not to have the People have another say in their own lives. All of the swamp draining was making them nervous, we'd already discovered that they really really didn't work for us. They jobbed us, but that's different, isn't it?

So even though President Trump spent four years with zero help from either chamber (until they were forced to be Patriotic) looking at you Graham and McConnell- and he built the best economy that we've had in decades. A real economy, not a msm gee, isn't this great? economy.

He recognized Israeli rights in Jerusalem, he began using our own natural resources for us, he made the loafers in Europe pay their fair share of keeping themselves safe. It was a great time.

But somehow, the guy that couldn't pay 1000 people to attend a rally of his won after everyone quit paying attention and they found "massive" votes for the Thief in Chief©. If you believe that Thief in Chief© won this, I have a bridge to sell you. Cheap. 

So now we hunker down and ride out his wave of EOs that carry the legal weight of a kleenex in four years when he's long gone. I want to sell out and move to Bolivia. But I'm going to wait a bit and see how bad he phucks it up. Hang in there. You'll thank me later.

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