Thursday, November 5, 2020

Banana Republic

 If there is one thing that you can count on the left to do, it's cheat.  What you cannot expect from them is common sense.  At this point in time, we're being told that an old crooked, cheating man that had to stop campaigning by noon most days, who has been discovered to be involved in money laundering through his son's "company" (10% for the big guy) and had been paid off by China and a host of other countries is winning the election.

I'm calling bullshit.

Biden didn't know what he was running for half of the time.  He forgot who he was, where he was, and who he was with.  There was active censorship on the information that he was laundering money with his heroin using son Hunter.

All of this information dropped in October, but the msm yawned.  Facebook actively removed it and Twitter tagged it as false every time someone had the temerity to post the truth.  Platforms my ass.

The most obvious thing that hs come from this election is that Facebook and Twitter can no longer be treated as neutral platforms.  They must be considered publishers, with their thumbs heavily on the scale for the left.

The saddest thing for me is that the Left has worked so hard to force a person in as leader when he has been so obviously rejected.  Look at his rallies with 250 people. Look at President Trump's rallies with 25,000 people.  

If the left tries to force this pedophile onto the American People, we are duty bound to reject it, and fight for our God given right to choose our leaders. We may be a few short days from becoming a Banana Republic, and if God Forbid that happens, we'll all have to decide if we take it on our knees, or stand up on our feet and say Bullshit.  

What happens after that may be dangerous times indeed.  Be safe.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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