Wednesday, November 25, 2020

There Won't be Another Fair Election PG LANGUAGE

 Do you remember the year 2000 when George W. Bush was finally declared the winner in Florida after ages of tumultuous wondering?  There were idiots that actually thought that Slick Willie would get to just stay in office until we had a winner.

Then in 2004, Kerry (or Herman Munster as he's known in my family) tried the exact same thing. only that time it was Ohio.  

Well, you can say that the left has perfected it, because we are all being told that after a fake election, a bunch of phonier "recounts" and more nonsense, that Biden-Joe Biden who has used his office since he was 29 years old as a separate source of income-is going to be in charge of the Republic. The msm is jubilant.  Finally! Finally they have found a way to steal an election without having to involve a third party ( 1992) and if you think that there will ever be another honest election, then you are a fool.

We can wrap it up, start telling out children about when it didn't suck. We'll sound like our great grand parents telling us that candy bars used to be a nickel. In other words, we're still fucked.  Old Joe (and yes I know that was a euphemism for venereal disease) can start selling us out to the highest bidder ( he probably started taking bids back in July) and go on about the business of undoing every good thing in the United States of America.

The DJIA is DOWN 214.12% as I write this.  The msm is no doubt trying to find a way to tie this to President Trump. Until they can do that, it will go unreported, thankyouverymuch.  In addition, the techdics are quite proud of keeping the information about OldJoe and his crackhead kid out of the social media spotlight.  I wonder what the pay for that is?

So where does this leave us? Without a paddle in a creek that the EPA would only allow with a democratic leader, that's where.  I wish that I had some ray of sunshine for you.  I have nothing. 

The left was able to magically crap out votes in Georgia, Arizona, Virginia and Pennsylvania.  They quit that nonsense of relying on one state, they went for the scatter and splatter approach.  The people whose job it is to monitor the elections were not allowed to monitor.  When they had counted all of the real votes, they called it a night, went home and printed what they needed to put them over the top and then "found" them the next few days.

I've been looking at Belize or Bermuda, seriously. This isn't a free country anymore, we get what they want us to have and that's all. If they can ruin General Flynn's life-imagine what they can do to us peons. 

-Get ready for $4 gasoline again.                                                                                                                      -Get ready for the Iran nuclear deal to give them a bomb in less than 3 years                                                -Get ready for the cost of everything to skyrocket again                                                                                  -Get ready for all of the good paying jobs to go back to Mexico and beyond

We're screwed. Thanks again to the retards that voted for him and the retards that helped him steal this election. Fuck you. Think about it. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The link to buy The Beane Brothers by Milissa Baker Jacobs and illustrated by Jacob Bacharach

 <div style="border:1px solid #000000; width:118px; height:238px; background-color:#ffffff; text-align:center; font-family:Verdana;"><div style="margin-top:10px;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Book cover image" style="width:79px; border:1px solid #000000;" /></a></div><div style="margin:10px 0;"><p style="font-size:9.8px; margin:0 0 2px 0;"><a href="">The Beane Brothers</a></p><p style="font-size:9.8px; margin:2px 0 4px 0;">Milissa M. Baker ...</p><p style="margin:4px 0 0 0; font-weight:bold; font-size:11px;">$6.50</p></div><div style="margin-bottom:10px;"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Buy Now button" style="width:60px; border:none;" /></a></div></div>

<a href=""><img src="" alt=" Buy Now style 1 button" style="width:200px; height:50px; border:none;" /></a>

Friday, November 13, 2020

My Retarded Extended Family

 2020 has been a crap year.  I don't know anyone that can say it's been good, (except for the masterminds that put the biden stolen election attempt together) of course. A few months ago, I decided that I would contact all of my brothers, sisters, their children, and some other extended family and take us on a cruise.

It wasn't going to be a long one, just five days, because I love my family, but let's not get crazy, you know? Well, first I have one that doesn't want to go if she has to share a room with anyone.  Seriously. So then I switch things around so that she has a companion that she is happy sharing a room with. I wish I was making this up.

Next, I have another one whose husband isn't able to be anywhere that he can't see the land. Again, not making this up. 

Next, I have one whose child's birthday is in the middle of the cruise, can we pick another day so that she can have a birthday party with her entire family?  I guess that's the family that isn't on this cruise, because what child would rather go to have a backyard cookout vs a giant floating resort of fun?

Finally, I have the professional scared one, who is afraid that the HongKong Fluey (HKF) may be present on this ship that is sterilized from top to bottom and so he doesn't want to go, and none of my logic is going to persuade him, because fear doesn't care about logic.  The .0003791% odds of getting a virus that you will survive isn't worth the idea of spending four days with your extended family and having fun and making memories.

So after today, when the frightened one sends me a link that of the 328, 964 passengers on cruise ships, 1 person has tested positive to a virus that you will survive 99.999378821% of the time, I said uncle. I canceled the attempt to get everyone together to have fun, make memories and enjoy ourselves.  

I didn't realize that it would be so hard to talk people into having a great time.  If you have a normal family, be thankful.  Trust me, not everyone does.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Biden's Fraudulent Lead is Still There

 I need for someone to explain the voting process to me.  I've gone to school, I did reasonably well there.  I have taken the required Civics, American History, and other classes needed to understand how our Republic is supposed to work.  

At no time was I ever told about extended voting days, mail in ballots found in fields, multiple ballots (except in the case of JFK's defeat of Nixon) or any of the other things that are going on as we speak.  These people "counting" the ballots are taking them home with them.  They gave Republicans invalid markers so that their ballots would not be counted. They dumped ballots in fields, in trash cans, in dumpsters.  

Why do I know that it's fraud?  Not one single recovered ballot was for Biden.  Not one single ballot that was thrown in the trash was for Biden.  When we went to sleep, the President was comfortably in the lead.  When we woke up, the counters had taken the votes with them ((WTF)) and when they brought them back, Biden was skyrocketing ahead.

Court orders are ignored and these ballots are being counted behind closed doors.  Do you know who does that? Dictators do that. 

I'm young enough to remember when they tried to steal the election from George W. Bush.  They had counted on Florida being the magic kingdom (no pun intended) and set up a plan to try and steal the election there.  It took the SCOTUS, but their plan failed.  You know it was their plan, because even though later, it was revealed that President Bush had won by 4,238 votes, the msm never ever said a word. They were happy to give the impression that it was "stolen" and not legitimate.

Fast forward four years and they tried the same crap in Ohio with Theresa Heinz's husband.  The guy that had happily told a lifetime of lives about his experiences in Vietnam was suddenly confronted with the truth, and he still tried to pull off the hanging chad nonsense in Ohio.  He lost also.

After that, the DNC got smarter.  They made certain that the guy the Republicans nominated didn't have a pig's chance at a Lū'au.  So we had 8 years of the guy who felt it was his turn. First, McCain-the traitor turned senator.  The only thing Maverick in him was that maverick sounded better than rino.  He left his first crippled wife for the wealthier one, and then hoped the world would never look too close.  After he was soundly rejected, the most un-dynamic person in the world Mitt Romney declared it was his turn and the DNC was only too happy to allow it.

Four years later, the msm was already talking about a rematch of Bush v Clinton except with Jeb! and Bill's wife.  That was soundly turned on its ear when President Trump rode down the escalator and announced he was running.  Jeb! never had a chance.  For that matter, neither did Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit, even though they did try.

And four years later, after all of the brawling, debates, and conversation they came up with Biden-the guy that had been in politics for 47 years with one accomplishment: getting black men put in jail for longer sentences.  

The information that he was helping his son get payoffs from China, Russia, and the Ukraine while in office (10% for the Big Guy) was not covered by the US media.  It was censored by big tech it one of the most Orwellian schemes I have ever seen.  Big Brother is alive and well.

Now, the msm is almost dripping with anticipation at the idea that the guy that was unable to get 500 people at a rally is someone leading over the President that can have 15,000 in a spontaneous rally set up in 4 hours.

I'm calling bullshit.

This is the scariest thing that I have ever seen, and part of the fear comes from the people who say, "well, we'll get them in four years."

Do they not understand that if this election is successfully stolen, it won't happen in four years.  We will never have another free election again.  We will be given the illusion of choices, but the choice will have already been made and we'll think that we had a part in it.

Our freedom is literally gasping for air and people are standing around with their thumbs in their butts, pontificating.  Words are not going to get it this time.  We need to stand on our feet instead of cowering on our knees. 

The left has shown that they like to destroy things. The only option the right has is to exercise the power that they have. Small businesses can start closing for a day in protest. Conservatives can begin to call in sick. 

We're not ignorant like the left, we don't need to destroy things.  But we do need to start showing the strength of our numbers.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Banana Republic

 If there is one thing that you can count on the left to do, it's cheat.  What you cannot expect from them is common sense.  At this point in time, we're being told that an old crooked, cheating man that had to stop campaigning by noon most days, who has been discovered to be involved in money laundering through his son's "company" (10% for the big guy) and had been paid off by China and a host of other countries is winning the election.

I'm calling bullshit.

Biden didn't know what he was running for half of the time.  He forgot who he was, where he was, and who he was with.  There was active censorship on the information that he was laundering money with his heroin using son Hunter.

All of this information dropped in October, but the msm yawned.  Facebook actively removed it and Twitter tagged it as false every time someone had the temerity to post the truth.  Platforms my ass.

The most obvious thing that hs come from this election is that Facebook and Twitter can no longer be treated as neutral platforms.  They must be considered publishers, with their thumbs heavily on the scale for the left.

The saddest thing for me is that the Left has worked so hard to force a person in as leader when he has been so obviously rejected.  Look at his rallies with 250 people. Look at President Trump's rallies with 25,000 people.  

If the left tries to force this pedophile onto the American People, we are duty bound to reject it, and fight for our God given right to choose our leaders. We may be a few short days from becoming a Banana Republic, and if God Forbid that happens, we'll all have to decide if we take it on our knees, or stand up on our feet and say Bullshit.  

What happens after that may be dangerous times indeed.  Be safe.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.