Get ready to use a made up word and call me homophobic. I am old enough to remember when the idea of two homosexuals having access to children was a bad idea.
I’m old enough to remember when the culture war hadn’t been forfeited. When the Moral Majority wasn’t a punchline, when people weren’t afraid to say that homosexuality is wrong.
In studies, Columbia in 2002 and Medical Journal in 1993 that interviewed homosexuals and found that over 71% of them had been sexually abused as a child. They were most definitely NOT born that way.
But if you point out the obvious- if nature ( a different word for God) had created this mistake, how in the name of science would they reproduce?
The answer in a word is wouldn’t. So how does homosexuality promulgate? Abuse is a leading cause. Children that are sexually abused are 4 times more likely to decide that they are homosexual. Just as Vice President Dan Quayle was hammered for stating the obvious that the sitcom Murphy Brown was promoting single parenthood I expect to take crap for telling the truth.
You never see homosexuals portrayed as jerks. That’s one sign that they cannot be mocked. They are a protected group in modern culture.
It’s time to reclaim decency. Don’t ask Don’t tell policy was supposed to be the policy that would satisfy the homosexual lobby. Of course it wasn’t. They don’t want the same rights, they want extra.
They want to force us to say that they are normal. Orwell spoke of similar action in 1984..Dystopian is forced on us as normal.
Take back our culture.Fight to protect our values. Don’t slide down this slippery slope. Think about it. You’ll thank me later.