Thursday, July 11, 2019

Jamie Zywicki the Roofing Guy @ 260-234-7256 now 260-706-3728

I hired this person back in November, and paid him a partial amount for the roof he has never put on my house.  Don't make the mistake that I made.  Save yourselves.
First, he needed the deposit to buy the material for the roof. Now we're into December.
NEXT, he's buying a house but it's been repossessed and he cannot access the garage where all of the supplies he claims to have purchased for the roof.
NOW- sends the same text- ETA 20 Minutes.  Trust me, that is a lie.
Once I get him into small claims, I hope that he is also arrested for fraud, because that's what this is. Save yourself!  You'll thank me later!

The updated information that I found for him on duckduckgo  is Jamie Zywicki Remodeling Construction Services. 134 Berkshire Dr. Decatur, IN 46733-2511 (260) 706-3728. 134 Berkshire Dr, Decatur, IN 46733-2511 (260) 706-3728. Accreditation This business is not ...

Good luck ! 


Sky said...

My airbnb was rented for Jamie and his crew. There was a leak prior to them checking in and he presented himself as a licensed contractor who could fix it. Long story short he took a $1000 from me, never completed the work and stole items from my house. They also brought a dog in the house (against house rules). This is in line with what others are saying. He continued to communicate and say that he would should up, we would drive to meet him, and he would stop responding only to do the same thing the very next day.

Sky said...

My airbnb was rented for Jamie and his crew. There was a leak prior to them checking in and he presented himself as a licensed contractor who could fix it. Long story short he took a $1000 from me, never completed the work and stole items from my house. They also brought a dog in the house (against house rules). This is in line with what others are saying. He continued to communicate and say that he would should up, we would drive to meet him, and he would stop responding only to do the same thing the very next day.

Unknown said...

He just took me for $1,000 on a plumbing remodel in my house. Same scenario. Reported to BBB and will file in small claims court but hard to get blood from a turnip. Did you have any luck or do have an address for him as I don’t.

Milissa said...

the last address that I have for him is 134 Drive Berkshire Dr, Decature, IN 46733. 260-706-3728. At some point, he needs to have criminal charges filed. Good luck!