Wednesday, February 7, 2018

If You See Paris Harden- Tell Her About the Warrant

Small claims court last week was useless, my Deadbeat chose to ignore the hearing. The only good thing is the warrant.
I've served her at every place she's worked. She's a pro at this not paying thing. Earlier today I got to read snotty texts from her ex? baby daddy Perry Mason  Kyle. I'm not shy about looking for the deadbeats, even if it comes down to utilizing the best investigator in the area Baron Investigative. So because I'm not shy about searching, I had to endure an exchange of text messages from sperm donor for at least one of her children.
The majority of it was him trying to use big words interspersed with fbombs as he threatened, whined, and complained that JUST because he lived there with his family HE is not responsible for rent because she was the one that signed the lease. Can you believe they broke up???
So now I have a $6,000 judgement against her. From other sources I see she JUST got evicted again. She has a hearing for driving without a license again, it looks like she'll be arrested there. Dumb when you consider that all she had to do was pay me.
Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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