Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The MSM Crapping Their Collective Pants That President Trump Beat Their Girl

Wow, even FNC is gunning for our President.  I expect it has a lot to do with Mr. Grabby Hands being forced out, but I guess those Murdoch boys got tired of winning.  Most times it takes two generations for a business to go under, they are quite the over achievers.
I was a faithful FNC viewer. I liked the lineup with a few exceptions.  Allen Colms always made me want to knock his smug grin off with a cast iron frying pan, and Meghan Kelly gave birth to the term presstitute as far as I am concerned.
President Trump is getting things done in spite of two colossal mistakes Mike Pence instead of Speaker Gingrich and vice President Gingrich would have helped to contain that situation.  Pence is still a career politician in every word, in every action.  He almost made me sit the election out.
I have been watching the daily circus of Maxine Waters. She always makes me miss James Brown.  I think it's because she has his old wig.  He monotonous calls for impeachment are growing old.  She didn't have a reason, so she just yammered until the reporters faded away with their sound bytes. She is an embarrassment to the United States, especially any fool that voted for her.  While she is screeching for an investigation into the fictitious Russian ties, how about they throw a few investigators at the sweet deal Mad Maxine gave her husband's bankrupt bank, and then the folks that hired him?
And if Jim Acosta has one more petulant meltdown over the inclusion of online reporters, the different press room, or the color of the carpeting, I hope that Sean Spicer's final job as Press Secretary is to smack him with a wet towel until he cries like the five year old he sounds like.
President Trump won. He beat Jeb! and more importantly, he beat your girl.  You remember her right?

Do your job, media. If you don't, that internet thing I keep hearing about will replace you. (It's where I get my news, and so do most people that want the whole story minus the opinion and slant) Get cracking.  You'll thank me later.

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